Tag Archives: priorities

Three Resolutions You Can Cross Off Your List Today

Three Resolutions You Can Cross Off Your List Today

Honestly, I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions anymore. What seems like a great idea on December 30th (when real life is on pause for a week) often loses its do-ability around the sixth of January.

Or sooner.

But I love the time of reflection and resolve that naturally occurs with the beginning of a new year.  As I think about what I want to do differently, it helps to focus on things that I can put into motion right away.  

Things I can put in place while life is slow that will change how we live when it speeds back up.


#1: Be More Hospitable

This one is always on my list. We’re social people, energized by connections with friends. But life gets going, the house gets “lived in” and too much time passes without bringing others into our home. There is one thing, however, that is guaranteed to light my fire, get the house clean, and ensure there’s a hot meal ready to serve.

A doorbell.

If I know the time when my doorbell will ring, things happen. Friends come over, we laugh, and I’m always glad I went through whatever it took to be willing to open my front door.

So what can do today that will make all this happen? Look at my calendar and pick up my phone. It takes five minutes to text (or even call!) two or three of those people we’ve been meaning to have over for dinner. Mark down some dates, and this resolution is well on its way to being met.

#2: Be a Fun Mom

I love it when my kids get crafty. I just don’t love it when their bursts of creativity happen in a moment when we don’t have time to unearth the stack of recycled paper or the package of popsicle sticks I know I stuffed somewhere.

Filling a kid-accessible shelf with scissors, markers, glue and duct tape means my kids know just where to go when inspiration strikes. (It also creates a home for those random items.)

An hour of fun-and-focused supply-gathering today means hours of spontaneous creativity can happen in the future.

#3: Feed My Family Home-Cooked Meals

Oh, the guilt that creeps into my Mommy Soul when life gets crazy and the drive thru starts to feel way too familiar. I’m passionate about eating together as a family every night, but sometimes gymnastics and baseball and church activities combine to make it almost impossible to spend any leisurely time in the kitchen.

I’ve found my own version of freezer cooking to be the solution that allows me to get home-cooked meals on the table in minutes. We aren’t casserole-a-holics around our house, but if I will take an hour or three to brown a jumbo pack of ground beef or bake two cookie-sheets full of chicken breasts, future meal-prep is significantly simpler. Once the meat has cooled, I bag it in meal-sized portions to freeze. This lets me skip the time-consuming and messy step of cooking the meat for most meals.

A few hours (or less) of work today, and my big, daunting resolutions seem significantly more realistic. What resolutions can you check off your list today?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

New Year’s Hope for a Weary Homeschool Mom


“I’m done!”  Have you ever been there? It’s the kind of “done” that makes everything more frustrating.  The dishes pile up. The laundry calls your name—and your husband’s needs become an annoyance rather than a precious priority.

Anyone?  Can I get a witness?

Well today, I am in the book of Galatians, chapter 6, verse 9. The reason why I decided to go back to this verse (we’ve gone over it a couple times before) is because I know how challenging the holidays can be for busy moms. There are so many things that weigh on us and so many things that we feel like we need to be doing. It seems like the holidays just ramp up stress for us.

If you feel “done” this New Year, you can find encouragement in God’s Word.

Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

I love Paul’s encouragement not to give up. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a tough week: unexpected things have happened: computer glitches, spilled milk on school assignments, siblings squabbling, and spilled coffee. Yesterday, I re-heated my tea three times before altogether forgetting about it in the microwave.

One thing after another seemed to go “wrong.” Feelings of insecurity and failure invade my New Year’s resolutions before I have even finished my list!  All these things, I must confess, eventually led me to questioning my sanity.  Sanity is a must-have for every busy mom, right? I looked in the mirror and this tired, overwhelmed face stared back at me.

Christmas vacation is almost over. I’m a homeschool mom, so no school bus is coming to take these kids off my hands, no nanny, no babysitter, it’s all me… 24/7. Sometimes I want to give up. After all, I ask myself, “what mom in her right mind chooses to be locked up all day with little people with no hope of reprieve in sight?” Who would be nutty enough to do that?


Here’s why: I am trying to “plant with the harvest in mind” like every mom who is raising her kids to love and follow Jesus Christ. When I am wiping juice off the wall, cleaning the toddler’s potty, or instructing the children for what feels like the millionth time on how to finish cleaning the kitchen rather than quitting after the dishwasher is loaded, I need to remember the WHY of all of it. At the end of the day, mothers are not “just” training and teaching their children. Moms are  investing in the next generation of doctors, legislators, lawyers, policemen, bank tellers, construction workers, missionaries, pastors, and mothers who will, by God’s grace, invest their lives in their children.

My own daughter is now a young mother herself.  Watching her with Noah reminds me of the value that raising a family holds. It’s wonderful to begin passing the baton to the next generation. It’s a reminder to me, and to you, that we are investing in our children because they are what is really going to matter at the end of our lives.  They’re worth it.

It goes by fast—don’t grow weary. Persevere, busy mom.

Plant with a harvest in mind.


Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Heidi St John Firmly Planted Family Devotional For All Ages

teach kids to write thank you notes

Encouraging Gratitude: Teaching Children to Write Thank You Notes

teach kids to write thank you notes

We all want our kids to be thankful – to freely show their gratitude to others.  Whether for a gift or a special outing or just for being a good friend, being thankful is not only polite, it’s good for you too.  Grateful people tend to be more satisfied with their lives and less likely to complain.  I don’t think there is a mama out there not interested in having kids like that!  Christmastime offers just the perfect opportunity to encourage thankfulness in your kids by teaching them to write thank you notes!

Personally, the thought of sitting down my squirming bunch of resistant writers is enough to put me off teaching writing of any sort.  However, with a little planning and creativity, teaching kids to write thank you notes can be a lot of fun – they won’t even know they’re learning!

Tips for Teaching Kids to Write Thank You Notes

Set Aside a Specific Time to Write

I don’t know about your kids, but my kids aren’t the type (sigh) to sit down and write on their own.  Even when it is part of English assignment, they can be reluctant.  Find a few hours, sometime before the New Year to sit down together with the purpose of writing out thank you notes.  Plan to sit with them and for those of you with reluctant writers, plan to be a human spell checker!

Gather Fun Materials

My kids may not like to write but they love, love, love to create.  By providing them with some fun supplies like a variety of blank note cards, return address labels, interesting pens or colored pencils, stamps and stickers, they will be more likely to enjoy letter writing.  Pssst…these items make great stocking stuffers too!

A Note About Honesty

What if the Land’s End wool sweater wasn’t a big hit with your trendy teen?  How can they be authentically thankful?  Try looking for the positive.   Instead of saying something that is untrue, “Thanks for the sweater.  I love it!”  Try thinking of something positive about the gift, like this:  “Thank you for the sweater.  I love the color!”

For the Pre-Writers

For kids who are too young to write, allow them to dictate their thanks for you to write for them.  Encourage them to be as prolific as they like.  Have them decorate the card and do their best to sign their names.

For the Early Writers

For kids who are able to write some but may have difficulty writing a complete note, search online for one of the many, fun fill-in-the-blank types of thank you notes.  They are something like a writing prompt that gets them going, teaching them the basics of letter writing and allowing them to enjoy the process.

For the Confident Writers

As your kids become more capable writers, their thank you notes can become more of a letter.  Older kids can write what they like about the gift or how they plan to use any monetary gifts.  They can also write briefly about what they have been doing lately and ask after the health and welfare of the person to whom they are writing.

A Few Creative Ideas for Homemade Thank You Cards

While I was writing this post, I took some time to search around Pinterest for some creative thank you note ideas.  Here are a few that even this craft-challenged mama can handle:

  • Have kids make their own cards by drawing a picture.
  • Take a photo of your child with their gift to attach to or include with their thank you  note.
  • Use colored ink pads to make a rainbow of finger prints across the front of the card.  Write ‘Thank You’ in each of the fingerprints.
  • Trace your kids’ hands and cut them out as a thank you round of applause.
  • Write ‘Thank You’ on a chalk board or with magnetic letters on a baking sheet and take a photo of your kids holding it to attach to or include in your thank you notes.
  • Create free e-cards from one of the many free online card sources on the web.
  • Create your own card on an online card site.

I hope you are encouraged to cultivate a little bit of thankfulness in your kids this season by helping them to create and write thank you notes for friends and family.  Not only will the recipients be blessed, your kids will have the pleasure of feeling more gratitude for their blessings, family bonds will be strengthened and good manners are being learned.

How have you encouraged your kids to write ‘thank you’ notes?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

The Best Things in Life … Aren’t Things

How are you handling the holiday season? I know it’s a crazy time of the year, it’s crazy for me too. I have been recovering from surgery and have been down for awhile. I have really appreciated your prayers!

I received a message the other day from a busy mom who is in the same boat as most of us. She wrote,

Dear Heidi,

We are not enjoying the Christmas season that much. My husband and I don’t have much money and the pressure of buying gifts is weighing heavy on our hearts.
Do you have any advice or encouragement?

I have a lot of thoughts on this particular subject, but I want to start off by saying I totally understand the frustration this mom is feeling. I grew up in the 80’s, and in the 80’s, Christmas was all about the gifts. Sometimes at our house, we couldn’t even see the tree because the gifts were so plentiful.

Often on Christmas morning, we would come into the living room to see Santa (aka Grandpa) literally filling the living room with gifts. There were seven children in my family, so to be fair there were a lot of us, with two sets of grandparents and my parents then all seven kids. My point is that we were used to getting a lot of gifts.

Great as a child—but as an adult it’s very guilt-inducing. As much as we loved getting all those gifts, as I grew into adulthood, it occurred to me that the things I treasured the most about Christmas had very little to do with the gifts we received.  I truly loved  the memories of my mom baking with us, going out to look at Christmas lights, cutting paper snowflakes with my sisters, playing in the snow outside, hot apple cider and playing music  with my family. Those were the things that really made an impact on me.

In result, my family has adopted a simpler approach toward Christmas. We do exchange a few gifts, but our focus is not on the gifts. It’s more about the memories than the money.

If you’re struggling under the burden of the holidays, stop and think about where that pressure is coming from.  It’s not coming from the Christ child. It’s coming from the culture.  Do not let the culture define Christmas for you.

Christmas is about a little baby who came to the world to bring us hope and salvation. You can show your children how much you love them by giving them your time and energy and letting them finish their long stories and by watching their plays. You want to help them to learn to give to others, rather than getting things for themselves.

Best of all, you can point your children to Jesus in the midst of all the cookie-baking and memory making.

When it’s all said and done, the best things in life aren’t things. 

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!


Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Heidi St John Firmly Planted Family Devotional For All Ages

5 Tips for Creating Family Christmas Memories

5 Ideas for Creating Family Christmas Memories

Some of my favorite Christmas memories are embedded in not one particular event, but a tradition. From as early as I can remember (and I’m told I was about 3 when one of the memories I have described to my mom took place) until my grandparents passed away, we had Christmas Eve dinner at my grandparents’ house.

The event included dozens of cousins, aunt and uncles, and even my great-grandmother and great aunt. It always started at 7 p.m. My grandmother was never ready – always still wearing her messy “cooking clothes” – and the gifts she was giving were never wrapped, just stacked up in her bedroom. My mom and my aunt usually wound up wrapping them while my grandmother got ready.

She always had a gift for everyone – even unexpected guests. She always bought extra for just that reason. The adults never ate quickly enough for the kids and we, the kids, asked “Is it time to open presents yet” no less than a dozen times.

I love those memories.

I think it’s important to create family memories. They provide ties for families as they grow and change. I rarely see some of those cousins of mine anymore, but we have those shared connections when we do get together.

How can you create shared memories for your family?

Special Holiday Meals

I could probably name off at least half of the items on the menu at my grandmother’s house. They weren’t elaborate, but they were family favorites. Some families have a special breakfast Christmas morning – breakfast casserole or cinnamon rolls, anyone? Others may have a special lunch or dinner. It doesn’t have to be anything spectacular. It’s the consistency that’s important.

Of course, the extra special meals may create their own memories. I still remember the year that my step-dad’s grandmother visited with us at Christmas. We ate Cornish hens and wild rice on the good China.

Special Traditions

The traditions can be big – like the family dinner at my grandmother’s – but they can be small, too. My mom used to let my sister and I open one gift on Christmas Eve. It was always PJs. I always let my sister sleep in my room on Christmas Eve. Okay, okay. It was so she wouldn’t sneak in to see what Santa left before I woke up, but still.

Now that I’m the mom, I try to make sure we have eggnog when we decorate the Christmas tree. My youngest usually puts the angel on top of the tree – a job handed down from her older sister.

Special Ornaments

Ornaments can create memories of their own. We have the applesauce/cinnamon/glue ornaments that my oldest made with her American Girls troop years ago. Then there are the new Hallmark ornaments that we purchase every year – a special one that I choose for our family and the one the my mom gives us.

We have homemade ornaments that bring back memories for all of us. There are those that the kids made, the one I made in elementary school, the one that one of my best friends made for me in high school, and the one that my 5th grade teacher gave me. My kids may roll their eyes a bit when they hear these stories again and again, but I think they secretly enjoy them.

Seasonal Events

My family never really went to Christmas Eve services when I was growing up. (We were probably on our way to my grandmother’s house!) However, for the last several years, my family has enjoyed our church’s Christmas Eve service. I hope we’re creating memories for our kids. Other families enjoy Advent calendar activities throughout the Christmas season.

Serve Together

Finally, a great way to create memories with your family is to look for opportunities to serve together as a family. This may mean spending time serving at a soup kitchen, making meals for neighbors or shut-ins, or singing Christmas carols at a nursing home. What you do depends on the personality of your family, but whatever you choose, serving others is a wonderful way to spend time together as a family – any time of year!

What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Date Night!

Date Night

I’m a firm believer in date night.  I also love any excuse to buy something new, dress up and go out on the town. When my husband and I go out on dates, I usually always try to have something new that he has not seen me in… But sometimes a new outfit just isn’t in the budget. Especially around Christmas.

He and I have a Christmas date to go out to the Theater. A Christmas Symphony followed by an overnight stay at a hotel in the heart of Downtown. We are blessed to have family who live half a mile away and offered to babysit my rambunctious crew of 7!

Today was spent head first in my closet, rummaging through mounds of dresses and accessories. After what seemed like an eternity, I emerged victoriously! Holding a very cute LBD!

( Little Black Dress…)

date night

You know, the ones that they tell you everyone should have. For THOSE occasions.

I, of course was lucky enough to have a whole section of them…

And even luckier to have 1 that still fit. Sigh…

It was a dress I had worn earlier in the Spring, at our last date night…

At Gate B precisely at 9:30 P.M.

Hubby had been gone for 2 weeks and I picked him up at the airport, sans kids in a very cute LBD!

This was the dress. The one I would squeeze my body into and turn it from a summer frock to a Winter Wow!

I wasn’t quite sure I would be able to…after all, our unusually mild winter had now dropped to an all freezing low. My spaghetti straps will turn me into a lipstick wearing ice pop!

Lucky enough, my endless need for retail therapy paid off. I had a sparkly red scarf from last Christmas in the depths of my closet… along with swishy pearl earrings, bracelets and plenty of perfume.

A few swipes of lipstick and I would be set.

I dusted off my black and white polk-a-dot heels…

( no. seriously… I really did have to dust them off..)

and found a dress coat that my toddler had ripped the buttons off. I saved the buttons and probably could fix that….



I think I may be acceptable to enter the theater now…

With my hot hubby on my arm…

And some extra thread in my purse…

(Cause I never said I was a good seamstress.)

You don’t have to spend a fortune on clothing for date night. Just use what you have and add some *SpArKle*.

And have FUN!

Date nights are important. Whether they are elaborate or just strolling hand in hand…

And Moms… Don’t fret. Your time will come.

For years we couldn’t go out… but things change and kids grow ( and babysit…)

And when they do… take his hand and RUN!!!

date night


Heidi St John Guide to Romance

How to Be Christ to Others at Christmas

Christ to Others

“It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:26-28, ESV)

Christmas time. A time of celebration of Christ the newborn King. A joyous time of year for many, but also a very difficult time of year for many. Whether emotional, physical or spiritual, we will always know someone who struggles to keep going. And it’s our responsibility and great privilege to meet their needs.

While we should always be on the lookout for those who are in need, being ready and willing to help and ease the burden, Christmas is a fantastic time of year to really get into it. And it’s the perfect opportunity to involve your family, as you take time off for the holidays.

Over the last couple of years, we have relaxed our school schedule during the month of December. Each year before that Christmas approached, I felt stressed out as there were so many projects and things we wanted to be involved in, but just weren’t able to for lack of time. When we planned for a release of our expectations for school during the month of Advent, we were able to accomplish so much in the way of blessing and serving others.

If you homeschool, I would encourage you to examine your schedule throughout the year, and work in a way to have a few weeks off during December (including BEFORE Christmas) to serve. That is part of the beauty of homeschooling now, isn’t it? To have the flexibility to set our own schedules, and most importantly, to be involved in the lives of others, as a family.

If you are not homeschooling, I would encourage you to find ways as a family that you can serve just over the time your kids may have off school. But this isn’t just about being all rosy and glowy servants during Christmas. This is about desiring and exhibiting a heart for serving ALL year round. Christmas is a fantastic time to start though!

As a family, we have come up with a list of ways we can be serving and caring for others on a regular basis, but also specific projects to tackle during Christmas. This list is certainly far from finished, but I hope it sparks some ideas for your own family and enables you to find a starting point of serving.

Visit a nursing home or hospital ward.

Bethany Lodge

This has to be one of my FAVOURITE ideas of all time. We did it growing up as a homeschool group, and now my kids are doing it with our co-op group. They work hard to put on a program for the seniors, and everyone loves every minute of it! After we socialize with some homemade goodies and put together gingerbread houses. Contact a seniors/nursing or retirement home in your area and ask about coming in, as individuals or a group, to bring a light.

Bethany gingerbread houses


The same could be done at a hospital ward, though you may be limited to coming and singing songs throughout, delivering goodies to rooms, and visiting for a few moments. Though it may be uncomfortable and it will definitely be stretching, all these people are probably not thrilled to be in a hospital for Christmas, so think of how much of a blessing it would be to them.



Last year we started doing Random Acts of Christmas Kindness – or RACK. I originally got the idea from Tracie Stier in her post here. We’ve come up with a list of ideas we will keep adding to, but for each one we leave behind a candy cane with this message on it:

Our ideas so far include:

  • shovel driveways
  • pay for the person behind in the drive thru
  • make cookies for firemen and library workers
  • bring hot coffee / chocolate to construction workers
  • make someone a meal
  • make ornaments and hand them out to people
  • give goody bags to grocery store cashiers
  • visit neighbours with goodies


Meet a family’s needs.

food for families

We often have no idea what other people are going through. That’s why I love small groups so much, because it helps you to stay connected with people you may not normally “hang out” with, while building each other up in your walk with Christ. But most importantly, it makes a way for you to meet the needs of others. Though you may not know what everyone’s needs are, someone knows! And the question begs to be asked, especially at Christmas when the money gets tighter.

Ask your small group leaders or elders if there are any families that have needs to be met. Whether it be financial or physical, do your utmost to fulfill them. Make some meals, offer transportation, buy gifts or Christmas dinner, be there to comfort them or invite them to your home if they have gone through the loss of a loved one. Often a few months after, they fall to the wayside, but now especially need to be surrounded by love and encouragement. Offer babysitting to parents (especially single parents!), so they can get shopping done or just have some time to breathe and relax.

Another way that you can meet a family’s needs is through organizations like Gospel for Asia. I’m talking about buying cows, bicycles, sewing machines and wells. Each year we choose gifts from the Gospel for Asia Christmas catalogue to help a family in need. This is something the kids look forward to so much, and we have been so blessed to see the sacrificial way they give. What an amazing opportunity to change the entire livelihood of a whole family in need!


Contribute to your local food bank.

Food bank

Our church organizes a food drive donation each year, and the kids REALLY get behind this. Though surprisingly, this year they said “There aren’t any poor people in our town.” And they’re sort of right, to the naked eye, you can’t SEE those who are suffering in our town. But when you go to the food bank and hear about the people who use it, you realize things aren’t always as they seem. So go, bring some goodies, ask some questions, go for a tour, and help your children to see that things aren’t always as they seem, and we often need to look past appearances to see the hurt.


Give of your time.

There are SO many opportunity and areas to volunteer in, it makes me giddy! Unfortunately in our area, a lot of them you have to be over 18 for. So I’m waiting excitedly until that day! (Only 9 years to go :D) Food banks, soup kitchens, shelters, crisis centers, homes for women and children, churches, Operation Christmas Child packaging facilities – if you Google it, you will find it.


Host a shoe-cutting party.

Jeans for Sole Hope

This is a new idea we’ve had this year, and are so excited to be involved in! Many kids in Africa have sores and infection on their feet because of sand fleas that burrow in and lay eggs. All because they have no shoes! Sole Hope came up with a way to help, and it involves taking your old jeans and cutting them into shoes. It’s a really easy way to give back ANY time of the year, not just at Christmas. The kids are making cards and handing out letters to their friends asking for their old jeans to make new shoes.


In reality, any of these ideas are things you can do year-round. But especially at Christmas, when the message of Christ coming to serve and to save is so prevalent – what better way can you be like Christ than to serve others in His Name?

What fun ways of serving do you take on during the month of Christmas to serve and bless others?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight