My morning was hijacked by a FB post. I found out that lead could be leaching from my Crock Pot and contaminating my carefully planned meals. I couldn’t be sure whether or not said Crock Pot might, in fact, be poisoning my entire family, but I spent most of the morning gripped with fear.
So while I was working hard to purchase wholesome, preferably organic food, all my efforts may very well have been voided completely by a malicious Crock Pot.
Welcome to the 21st century. It’s a roller coaster ride of mad efforts to stay ahead of the latest information: are cell phones killing our brains and giving us cancer? Does technology make us more or less smart? Are my kids getting the right food, exercise, sleep, stimulation, friends, teachers, education? Is my marriage all it’s supposed to be? Am I really a good mom? Are the candidates really who they say they are? Who is lying? Who is telling the truth? And just when we think we MIGHT have a few answers, the rug is pulled out from underneath us.
It’s enough to make a grown woman cry. And I have. Again and again.
You see, in the midst of all this mayhem…all this pain of life, what our souls are really crying out for are peace and rest. We NEED peace and we NEED rest.
So as I remind myself to breathe (because, yes, sometimes I forget to do that) and I let the tears flow, I realize this is not my home. I was made for so much more. WE were made for so much more.
And we will only know peace when we take the time to sit at the feet of Jesus and just be quiet. We need to feel his hand brushing the tears away and whispering words of comfort…”Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you REST… Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find REST for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus said,”In the world you WILL have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 He never said it would be easy, but He did promise that He would be right there in us to help us rest and trust and to show us what to do next.
The problem is that we tend to borrow trouble. God told us in Matthew 6:19-34that we should not worry about tomorrow because it would be too much for us. Instead He reassures us that He values us more than we know and that HE will take care of us.
Mom, you are precious to Him. Your families are precious to Him. Never stop knowing and believing that He is GOOD and that He LOVES you. He has your best interest in mind and promises in Romans 8:28 that if you are called according to His purposes, He WILL work everything out for your good and His glory.
And so that morning I shed tears over my Crock Pot, I prayed. I named that lie that the enemy was trying desperately to get me to believe and I declared out loud that HE IS GOOD. I asked God to protect our family, give us wisdom and I told Him that I trusted Him.
I found out later that my Crock Pot isn’t out to kill us. But I can tell you that the enemy IS. God says that the enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly! Put on your armor, moms, and fight the good fight! He is good and He is ON YOUR SIDE!
I can so relate to this! Thank you for this post! I know now I’m not alone and how to handle any future break downs lol!
Shannon, it’s nice to know I’m not alone! I feel like I am having to remind myself more and more often lately who is REALLY in control! 🙂
This is exactly what I needed to hear, and probably so did most moms out there. And you listed my favorite verse – John 16:33!! I dedicated it as my life verse lol. Thanks so much for this. I always need this reminder. And I’m glad to hear your crockpot is not leaking lead! 🙂
Thanks Adina! It’s great to hear from a “familiar” face! 🙂
THANK YOU, Durenda. I needed this reminder.
You’re so welcome, Amber! I’m glad you were encouraged!
Thank you. I needed the reminder today.