Carrying Tomorrow’s Load


Good morning, Mom!

Worry much? As moms, we are prone to it at times, aren’t we? After all, there is so much to worry about:

—the health and well-being of our children
—current events (for goodness sake)
—education of our children
—relationships with others

The amazing Corrie Ten Boom once said,

“Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time.”

I was reading this morning in the book of Matthew and in Matthew 24:6, Jesus reminds us of what our response to fearful things should be:

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.”

So often, our first response to fear is to panic. And “the basis of panic is cowardice,” says Oswald Chambers. Jesus tells us over and over again the He can be trusted. That He is “with us always.”

I have a friend who speaks at conferences like I do, and this past spring I had the privilege of hearing her talk about fear. She said, “Run to the roar!” I loved that—because that’s what Jesus is essentially saying. He’s saying to us, “look things full in the face—and do not be alarmed.”

Worry is really the “quiet” version of being alarmed, isn’t it?  Jesus knew the effects of worrying too:  anxiety, physical pain, increased stress—wasted time.


Look what Jesus says in Luke 12:25: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life ?”

Or, in homeschool mom speak: Who of you by worrying can add a single point to your child’s SAT score? Or, who of you by worrying can change the the attitude of your teen or keep your child from suffering?

What message are we sending to our children when we are always worrying about things? We’re sending the message that we don’t trust the Lord.

Remember yesterday when we talked about “abiding” in Christ? Abiding in Christ frees us from fear and worry. Not because of our strength, but because of His. When we keep our eyes on Him, like Peter, we stay on top of—not under—the water. (Matthew 14:29)

1 Peter 5:7 
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

This tells me I need to give my worries to God—and then go on about my life. If you’re struggling with worry and fear today, take some time to write down your fears and then give them over to the Lord. He can carry them.  He’s good like that.

Worry much? Run to the roar!


PS:  Looking for encouragement? I highly recommend Corrie Ten Boom’s books


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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.

16 thoughts on “Carrying Tomorrow’s Load

  1. Kimberly Cordero Reisinger

    Oh this is great…”run to the roar.” Can I still tell God to please send my hubby a job? I’m trying so hard not to worry, but it’s been four months. I’m hanging on, but some days it feels like I’m hanging onto this cross by my fingernails.

    1. nichole


      A few years ago my hubby lost his job…at the time we had a 3 year old and a 6 month old, and I was not working. He was unemployed for over a year, and could not even get an interview anywhere. But then when we least expected it he got an amazing opportunity at a job and just recently got a promotion. He now has great benefits, makes significantly more money, and a better schedule. Just wanted to let you know to hang in there, God has a plan. Be encouraged! Praying for your family. 🙂

      1. Holly

        My husband also lost his job four months ago. We have four children 6 and under and I do not work. We homeschool the kiddos as one of our girlies has epilepsy and some ugly complications. I, too, am tempted to doubt that God really ‘has this’ and that His timing is indeed perfect (isn’t mine better?). I try to work hard to focus on how He provides in every day moments and when I see those little things (financial aid from the Children’s Hospital or a friend bringing a meal, or even that awesome BOGO deal on hotdogs) I remember that God is really taking care of us. Lean into Jesus, sister. He’s there and working in your life and your family. He will make amazing pottery from this mire!

  2. Jennifer Hettinger

    I learned this lesson when my now 10 year old son was 6 months. He’d been diagnosed with hydrocephalus and his future and difficulties were unknown (to us). I found myself worrying. When I realized that worry wasn’t going to change the outcome and fear didn’t make anything better I laid everything at the feet of Jesus and experienced peace. It allowed me to enjoy my son and focus on loving him.

  3. Caroline Cordle

    Robert was preaching about the verses in Philippians on Sunday – be careful for nothing? He was saying that worry is a sin. It’s the opposite of trust, and we are TOLD to trust. Challenging, not always easy, but oh, so important. <3

  4. Caroline Cordle

    This is such a precious and challenging truth. Robert preached on this on Sunday, and I was going to blog about it too! I lOVE Corrie Ten Booms life and writings. SO very challenging. Thank you for blessing and encouraging once again.

  5. Rhea Dooley

    Thank you so much for listening to God & writing His thoughts and lessons He had for you. I’ve dealt with worry and anxiety lately. It’s such an awful feeling. God is so GOOD and is always faithful…I just wish I didn’t have to remind myself so often! Lol Thanks again!!!

  6. Tracie Wyche Shoote

    This blessed my heart today. Was feeling disconnected and not knowing how to connect to my Lord this morning. Then I read your post and started journaling what I was afraid of. It opened a floodgate. I faced some pain, heard Gods truth straight from Him and got my socks blessed off! Thanks so much.

  7. Lorri Couch-hart

    needing peace at this moment! So much going on, trying NOT to worry, but it does linger some! Possibility of losing house, daughter having a surgical procedure on Thursday, I’m stretched to my limit at the moment!

  8. Kourtney

    Thank God for this post. I’ve been having numerous fears. The Lord spoke to me about them in my pastors message on Sunday and then I opened your blog to find this. Learning to trust Gods will is scary but I’m done being a coward. I will trust in the Lord. Running to the roar!!


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