Something sad and fascinating is happening to parents in this postmodern era. They’re being lied to. They’re being told that they aren’t necessary and what’s worse they’re buying the lie! After all, they say the “village” can do it better. Well, I’ve seen the village. I don’t want it raising my kids.
I call it “culture creep.” I live in a rural (well, it used to be rural) part of Washington State. Slowly but surely, urban sprawl has reached my town. I like the convenience that comes with it; for example, we just got Red Robin and Walmart last year… but I don’t like the traffic. I loathe the congested streets and long lines at the grocery store. I miss the “small town” feel that it used to have at Christmas and the 4th of July.
Culture is the same way. Except that from what I can tell, we’re not benefitting one bit. There are no perks. The culture has it’s own agenda. Look carefully. It’s creeping up into places where parents should not want it to go.
Slowly but surely, culture is shutting parents out of what should be the parent’s primary place: decision makers in the lives of their children. Parents have the right and responsibility to know what is happening with their children.
In August 2016, I learned that Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Maryland, in a effort to make their schools “safe spaces” for kids who identify as transgender, produced a training video, starring the district’s chief communications officer, Bob Mosier. The video surfaced a few days ago on The American Conservative, but was uploaded on YouTube in mid-July.
In it, Mr. Mosier makes a few key suggestions to teachers and chaperones who take students on overnight trips—chief among them is the advice that if a transgender student wants to sleep with students of the opposite sex, just let them.
Oh, and pssst! By the way: since the school values the transgender student’s privacy, make sure no one tells the parents.
This is what I’m talking about.
Since when did we stop valuing a parent’s right to know what in the world is happening with their children? How can parents make wise decisions for their children if information is being purposely withheld from them? How can we protect our kids if we don’t know what they’re being taught or exposed to?
Parents today are being told that kids can make their own decisions (starting in elementary school) on everything from birth control to which gender they want to be. What used to be regarded as a parents responsibility is often seen as an infringement on the child.
Here in my state, simple tasks like looking at my 13 yr olds’ medical records require effort, persistence and even permission from my 13 year old. If we want to stay in the race and finish it well, we must refuse to be sidelined. Moms who go the distance possess a willingness to endure rather than become a passive onlooker in the lives of their children.
I understand that there are abuse situations that require different measures, but shutting healthy parents out of the lives of their kids is not the solution. Keeping parents from knowing what is happening with their children at school should not be commonplace! It should be a crime.
When the world says “give up” or “it’s not your business,” I challenge you to stand up for the sake of your child. Go ahead and risk being annoying. Be the mom who knows the names of your child’s friends. Be the mom who asks the hard questions and loves unconditionally. Be the mom who refuses to be sidelined and instead guides her child in the way of Truth through every stage of growing up, including adolescence.
Our kids need their parents. They don’t need the government or the school system to teach them about the big things in life, they need their parents.
And parents? Today’s parents need the wisdom of Solomon. They need the wisdom that comes straight from God Himself.
I agree 100%. It’s time parents grow some kind of backbone and when something “doesn’t feel right” will stand and inquire about it. I would rather be involved in my child’s life than have any regret or see my child suffer for my lack of involvement
Agree with you! When I learned that Planned Parenthood provides abortions to minors and “protects their privacy” (ie doesn’t tell the parent about it), they are not only destroying the psyche of the child- as well as possibly allowing a rapist, a pedophile, a family member committing incest, or whomever got her pregnant completely off the hook for a crime- but they are not allowing the parent to protect her from the physical and mental damage of abortions, sex before she understands what it’s about, and STDs.
When I heard that, I realized PP and any who “protect the privacy” of children from their non-abusive, caring parents are just plain evil. My child is not PP’s business, or the school’s (unless he is abused), or anyone else’s business but mine. This is insidious control they are striving to acquire here.
I agree, we as parents should not allow to Goverment to teach moral to our children. Our sociaty is in danger. We should stand up for our christian values. We should not led them to decide for us. Children need their parents for guidance.
Yes!! I agree wholeheartedly. I am in Australia, in the state of Victoria and we are catching up to you in what you shared. Insidious and heinous, stealing the childhood of young precious ones.