Faith for the Fight


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Good morning, precious moms.

As I write this today (Tuesday, October 22, 2013) my palms are sweaty and my heart is racing—because I’m facing my own battle.  Tomorrow, I will have surgery to address some major health issues, and one surgery includes a hysterectomy.  I wrote about the initial diagnosis a few months ago.  You can find that post here. Four doctors have all told me the same thing: this is the best course of action at this time.  At some point, a decision has to be made.  And we have prayerfully made it.

My husband and I took a few days off to be quiet together these past two days.  We talked about our years of having children—and rejoiced over the gifts God has blessed us with.  We marvel, frankly that my body has held up so well.  🙂  Jay says I’m held together by “duct tape and bailing wire.”  I love that man.  I held on tight to his hand as we walked and talked, but still, I battled fear of the unknown.  Fear is a crippler. A thief.  Fear is NOT from God.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Today, I find myself running to God’s Word again.  As I pray, I am reminded of the struggles facing others around me, and of my own frailty.  I say out loud:  “God.Is.Faithful!” While satan would have us feel defeated and afraid, God would have us at peace.

 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:27

My devotion today was recorded several weeks ago, in anticipation of my being “out of commission” for a while.  As I listened to it today, tears ran down my face—because even before my surgery was scheduled, God was preparing my heart through Gideon’s story of struggle and faith.  I especially loved God’s tender heart toward Gideon’s doubt and fear.

Are you struggling with a fearful situation like the story I’m reading about Gideon today?    If you are, remember that nothing we encounter escapes God’s tender care.  He never sleeps. The Bible says He even cares about the sparrow.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  Matthew 10:29-31

Can you imagine? The God of the universe—cares about us!  He is trustworthy.  He is good.  He is the ultimate healer.

Trust Him with me today, busy mom.

I do covet your prayers for the next few days.  My surgery will be tomorrow (Oct 23)  at 2:30 p.m. pacific.

—-Quiet Times for Busy Moms—-  Faith for the Fight

I want to go back for a few minutes today to the book of Judges, chapter seven.  I’m not going to read the whole thing to you, so if you’d like, you can read the story here, or you can open your Bible to Judges 7 and read the story of the battle that Gideon fights against the Midianites. As you read, you’ll discover that Gideon wins the battle with only 300 men.

This is my point: there is no battle so big that God is not able to fight it for us on our behalf. Gideon started with a bazillion men and God pared his army down to just 300 men and Gideon still won the battle!  It’s as if  God was saying, “I’m trustworthy!”

I love that God didn’t get angry at Gideon’s lack of faith, but He encouraged him by giving him access to the thoughts of his enemy. God is after your heart, busy mom–so you really can live the big assignments to Him.  He’s trustworthy.  He’s proven Himself, over and over again. At the end of the day, we either trust Him, or we don’t. We’re either like Gideon or we’re not.

Today, whatever circumstance you’re facing, whether it’s a financial difficulty or a struggling marriage or a struggle with a particular child or a big decision that you have to make, you can trust your decisions, your marriage, your finances, your children to the living God.  He is trustworthy.  He’s proven Himself before and He’ll do it again. You can trust Him.

In His Grasp,

Heidi St John Firmly Planted Family Devotional For All Ages

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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.

60 thoughts on “Faith for the Fight

  1. Kristy Morrow

    I’ll be praying for you! I was in your shoes last year around this time. God will be with you through it all! There are lots of things I could say to encourage you, but just know you are not alone!

  2. Barbara Wilson

    I will be praying for you. I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago when I was 43. My husband and I were done with having children so it was ok. They did a less invasive procedure so I was back at the gym 2 weeks later doing a cycling class (of course with my Dr.’s permission). But since having it, I have had more energy and I am feeling good. The only downside I have found was that it is harder to lose weight. It has also been nice not having to worry about having that time of the month on vacations. 😉 You will be fine because you will be in our Father’s care. Will be praying for you! Blessings.

  3. Lana

    I, too, had to make this sudden decision just exactly a year ago at age 44. I had about 6 weeks to accept this fact, as I was in a good deal of pain and was not able to get good sleep because of it. I, also, was not necessarily planning on having more kids, but I had not closed that door. Now, it was being closed for me and it was hard to swallow. Like you, I was being forced into a new season. I felt it was a hard pill to swallow.

    On this side of it, I will say that I am happy with the outcome. I am not in pain any more and have not had any physical issues to deal with. God healed my heart and helped me to accept the new situation. I can’t explain it, but I am at more peace now than I was before (even before I knew I was going to need the surgery).

    I will pray for you as I understand what you may be feeling.

  4. Sarah

    I love your page on fb and this is my first time visiting your blog.
    I just want you to know that I’m sending prayers your way. Surgeries are terrifying. I’m a registered nurse and worked in the OR for years. I’ve also had a series of surgeries due to a complicated medical history. I have a unique view of both sides of the table. So I understand your fears and concerns.
    No words I say are going to make it less scary, not until it is over. But just know people are praying for you. I am praying for you. You are going to get through this. You’re gonna hurt and you’re gonna need lots of rest. I’m not going to lie and tell you it won’t hurt. It’s surgery, of course it hurts! But I do promise you that each day that passes is one day closer to recovery. Keep that in mind when you feel down or defeated.
    It doesn’t matter that we don’t know one another. We are girls, and that alone would bond us. But above that, we are moms. We are sisters in Christ. Just remember you are loved and cared about by tons of people. Enjoy today and spoil yourself!

  5. Tammy

    Thank you for being open & real. I appreciate your faith & I will be in prayer for you as you face this difficult season.

  6. Angela

    Thank you for sharing this . A few years back when I had a hysterectomy my heart broke for the thought of not being able to have more children but every day God reveals himself to me thru the beautiful eyes of my children and my God fearing loving husband . I am praying for you , know that your not alone !

  7. vickity907


    Heidi, The Holy Spirit spoke these words to me as I was lying on a table,just before surgery. It was IVF and egg removal. After 8 years of infertility God showed us his mighty power. He IS Jehovah Ralpha (the GOD who heals). He healed me and now I have 5 babies with just 1 IVF. I’m HEALED. Body HEALED. Aching heart HEALED. HE WILL HEAL YOU! HEART.MIND.BODY. HEALED. I’m praying for you!

  8. Amy Morehead

    I am praying for you, Heidi. Proverbs 16:20 He that handleth a matter wiseley shall find good; and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he. Praying for healing and Gods arms of love to hold you close. Blessings ~ Amy

  9. Sue

    Hello, I am new to the blogging world and new to your blog; I have never posted anything before but I felt the Lord nudging me to respond. In August I had a hysterectomy after years of suffering with one problem or another. It came at a time when my oldest daughter was leaving for college and I was beginning the process of adopting a child from the Philippines – talk about timing and periods of transition in your life!! Unlike you, I was told I was unable to have more children many years ago when I was in my early thirties. There was a time of grieving, of surrendering, and then a restoration of God’s joy knowing that His ways are higher than my ways and that those ways are perfect. This summer/fall, I grieved again as I was unable to help my daughter prepare for and move into college due to having just had my surgery and being on bed rest. But, again, as I surrendered, remembering that it’s not about me and what I want, but about the Lord and what He wants, I was able to rest in His peace, receive His comfort, and take joy in this new season of my daughter’s life. And now, we are in the process of bringing a new child into our family, one who the Lord has picked out for us to love and disciple – one who remains nameless and faceless but who we love with all our heart already. There are many unknowns and many hurdles ahead, both before we adopt and after, but my God is more than enough for EVERY circumstance. I guess I just wanted to encourage you, to let you know that there are others who know how you feel, and to remind you that God will never leave you or forsake you, and that He is more than enough for your every need. You are in my prayers and I will carry you to the Lord in the coming days.

  10. Britta Kreps

    Heidi – Just 6 weeks ago I had my third csection and 7th child. I was encased in fear right up until the 30 or so minutes before. Then I prayed. God sent in the pediatrician to meet us before surgery and he asked if he could pray with us. Peace came over me and all was well.

    Saying prayers for peace for you and your husband.

  11. Laura Thompson

    Thank you for this great reminder – I needed it. I just recently gave my resignation to my board – I am the executive director at a pregnancy care center and will be done the end of the year. I have worked part time for almost nine years & love, love the ministry but have been stretched too thin – something needed to give and it will not be my family ( 4 littles ones 8, 6, 4, 2 & homeschooling too). This decision to stay home as a full time mommy does not make sense financially but my wonderful husband and I are taking a huge step of faith and have a great peace about it. Yes, the future is unknown – but God is indeed trustworthy & faithful!!!

  12. Emily

    Your sweet spirit blesses me everyday! Our family will be praying for you, praying that God gives wisdom to the surgeons, praying that peace comes upon you before, during and after surgery, praying that your body heals, and we will pray peace and joy be over your family during this time. Praying for God’s will!

  13. Kristi Mitchell

    Our youngest fought cancer last year and the scripture we put before our whole family is: be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for The Lord God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.
    Even when you are in surgery, your God is there. When you wake up, when you’re recouperating, when you go home…God is there fighting with you, on your behalf. I’ll be praying for you. I love your Facebook statuses! I appreciate your ministry! God bless you sister!

  14. Rebecca

    I’ll be in prayer for you tonight and tomorrow – until I hear that you are on the other side of this mountain…. I’ll still be praying for you then, just different prayers.

  15. Bridget

    Im very sorry you are going thru this..I am so torn between starting “a new season” and having another child- I have 4- (later) Im 32 have hashimotos and still trying to lose weight from my pregnancy 2 years ago…its like as a women we dont want to have our child bearing parts taken from us -its very natural. I pray you come out of surgery with a sense of peace..God has a plan for all of us..and he is our “rock” your posts too!

  16. Irene

    I’ll be praying all goes well for you. I am in your shoes right now. My surgery is set for the 19th of November the week before Thanksgiving and I am worried about all of it. but it has to be done for my health. I pray every day that this is the right thing and that it will all work out.

  17. Renee

    I will be praying for you. I also shared this on our group’s “Joyful Mothers” facebook page because it’s a great devotion! Keep us posted. You are loved.

  18. bettyandart

    Dear Friend, Our GOD is an awesome GOD. Twelve years ago my husband was told he needed to get his life in order as he had only weeks to live. We met with a surgeon who performed radical surgery for pancreatic cancer. He survived and has led a pretty normal life for twelve years.Praising the Lord daily. We will be praying for you and rapid healing.

  19. Amy

    I will be praying for you. We are going through a hard decision as well. We have just recently had 2 more pregnancy losses after having 2 great kids. We wanted a larger family but it seams like the choice is being made for us. I know God is in control but the could have been’s break my heart.

  20. Jenifer

    Thank you for this sweet reminder that God is trustworthy…I don’t have to carry my burden alone. Your post comes at just the right time for a battle I’m facing and feel very alone in. I will be praying for you, knowing that our great God hears every prayer and will bring you peace and comfort.

  21. Alicia

    Hello Heidi! Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Yes, we serve a mighty God who is omnipotent, omniscient& omnipresent! My prayers are with you and your family as you have this surgery snd go through your physical healing. May the God of heaven & earth strengthen, comfort, love and protect you and your family. May your healing process be timely and quick. Gid’s blessings upon you all!

    Love from TN.

  22. Kristina

    Beautifully written. Your words met me at just the right time. Prayers & well wishes to you through your surgery & recovery. Thank you for being a beacon of light & faith for those of us walking through motherhood, womanhood & life alongside you as Sisters in Christ.

  23. Denise

    I had such a wonderful time with you last week. I’ll be praying for you tomorrow.

    Many blessings!
    Denise Kelley

  24. Jennifer Mickey

    Dear Friend,
    First of all, thank you for your encouragement, verses and etc. while you are going through what you are going through. I prayed that God would bless you for that, that your surgery will go very well, comfort for you and your husband. Please do not worry and enjoy this day that God has given you. This is the day that Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it(Psalm 118:24). God bless you!
    Love in Christ,

    1. Bonnie Tigner

      God Bless You and Keep You as you so perfectly say “In His Grasp! Praying for you – the Drs., your and your familys’ peace, and a full, speedy recovery. Thank you for letting all of us know – When my grandson (16 years old) had open heart surgery at 1 1/2, I made a business card size paper that I typed, put a picture on and handed out, esp at church. The more prayers, the better, yet remember that God knows your heart and your needs. Peace and Healing. Bonnie

  25. paty leal

    Dont worry God has you in his care.I had this done in May.Im so much better now.I was also afraid but God gave me victory!

  26. Meagan

    Not so long ago I had to go in for a biopsy and I really felt crippled with fear. The Lord brought to remembrance a song which is also a scripture that I wanted to share with you…

    You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid I will trust in You, I will trust in You, let the weak say I am strong in the strength of the Lord, I will trust in You. You are my hiding place….

    -Psalm 32:7

    May He be your hiding place as you walk through these next few days and always.

    In Christ,

  27. Laura

    Will be praying for you! I love being on FB with you! I love all your inspiration!

    I am 40 and started this year off with a heart attack! But you know what? God was and is with me….even as the Dr. Bills come in:) he will be with you too!!!

    Take care, rest sweetly!
    God bless!

  28. vernie butler

    I was reminded yet again of God’s amazing love this morning, my baby girl was a little unsettled and wanted me to rock her in my arms. She fell asleep while I played the song “Oh you bring” by hillsong .It just reminds me of our relationship with God, as we come to Him in the midst of our trials it’s as if He picks us up, holds us ever so tightly and gently whispers “It is going to be okay, I’m right here, I ‘ve got this” I pray peace and healing over your life in Jesus name. Thank you for your blog 🙂

  29. Christina

    I almost said that I found you by accident but I caught myself. I know that The Lord does nothing by accident. I am 31 and I had a TAH-Total Abdominal Hysterectomy in June due to complications from on and off chemotherapy from 11/2011-11/2012. My hysterectomy could not be done using all the new technology so it was done like many years ago this was due to the issues I have had. This made my healing time and just healing in general more difficult. I was blessed to have had 5 children prior to my hysterectomy which I thank the Lord for every day. My husband and I always wanted more but I trust in the Lord. I was in the hospital 4 days and even though I do not remember most of my time there I was told I was praying constantly. I was thanking The Lord for being alive. I would just like to tell you that the honest truth is yes this will hurt. But don’t forget to take that time out every morning to thank The Lord for waking up even though you are in pain. Remember to rest and allow people to help you. Even though you may feel good after a few days still follow the doctors orders. My family will be praying for you. It hurts my heart when I read that other women have to go through this. I have no Fear. If this cancer takes me I have no Fear! The Lord has already written my book and I have no FEAR!

    1. Heidi Post author

      Wow, Christiana.I am humbled by your journey. ((hugs)) THank you for sharing it with me. I covet your prayers, sweet friend. God is obviously doing a great work in your life. Blessings to you. xoxo

  30. Stephanie

    I will be praying for you. I am a homeschooling mom of 8 blessings. A week after our 8th child was born I noticed that things were not right. When he was six months old and I was 34 years old I had a hysterectomy and lots of reconstructive surgery. It seems that everything started falling and separating at his birth. It was hard to accept that we wouldn’t have any more biological children, but God is still good all the time. As my children have gotten older (my oldest is now 17) I notice even more how blessed we truly are. It took about a year to feel normal again so just take it slow and trust that He will be with you all the way.

  31. Emily Whittington

    I will be praying for you. I had a hysterectomy 8 weeks ago at the age of 34 due to medical issues & I know the Lord has been faithful and blessed me through my recovery & emotions. I pray the Lord blesses you as He has blessed me. I had about 6 months to prepare but was still scared. The Lord has blessed me with a great Dr (which I had to change to since my prior Dr moved away), He has blessed emotional & physically & I pray he will do the same for you. Thank So Much for sharing & being so encouraging. May God Bless you & your family through this. 🙂

  32. Chela Williams

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! Today I have been at battle. Actually for a few weeks and this was perfect timing for me to read this. Thank you. I will be praying for you as you undergo this surgery and I pray for a healing touch on you life.

    1. Heidi Post author

      We all face battles, don’t we, Chela? Such a good reminder to place our hope in the Lord. Be blessed today, dear one! ((hugs))

  33. FaithLikePotatos

    Heidi, please know that you are being prayed for. I too have some health concerns with the most recent being chronic lyme disease. Sometimes God uses music to minister to some people. These songs you may find encouraging to you are:
    Overcomer, Press On, Stronger and These Days all by Mandisa
    Tunnel by Third Day, I Smile by Kirk Franklin (all are Christian Artists)

    I recently heard a sermon that mentioned if we share in Jesus’s glory, we too must share in his suffering. FAITH is all we have.

    Lyrics to These Days (Mandisa)

    I never liked Mondays or bad news
    Or breaking in new shoes
    And mornings when I can’t find my phone

    Nobody likes traffic or short nights
    Or sit-ups or long flights
    But sometimes that’s just the way it goes
    It’s funny what You use to help me grow

    So I’ll learn to love these days
    Life along the way
    In the middle of the crazy
    God, Your love is so amazing

    Through the ups and downs
    You’re the only hope I’ve found, oh
    Lord, You meet me in the madness
    So I’ll learn to love these days
    I’ll learn to love these days

    I can see silver lining
    When the sun’s not shining
    Even when You choose to bring the rain

    Oh, but there’s freedom believing
    And trusting Your leading
    ‘Cause You’re Lord of all my joy and all my pain

    So I’ll learn to love these days
    Life along the way
    In the middle of the crazy
    God, Your love is so amazing

    Through the ups and downs
    You’re the only hope I’ve found, oh
    Lord, You meet me in the madness
    So I’ll learn to love these days
    I’ll learn to love these days

    I could wait for hundred years
    You gave me here
    The days when You were near
    The days when I was out there
    Looking for what comes next, oh

    ‘Cause every minute, every hour
    Everyday is such a gift and I’m content
    I’m thankful for each breath

    So I’ll learn to love these days
    Life along the way
    In the middle of the crazy
    Your love is so amazing

    Through the ups and downs
    You’re the only hope I’ve found, oh
    Lord, You meet me in the madness
    So I’ll learn to love these days
    I’ll learn to love these days

    I’ll learn to love these days
    I’ll learn to love these days

  34. Andrea

    Praying for you, Heidi. Take it easy these next few weeks. Rest in Him. I will also be sharing this with my homeschool mom’s group that is currently studying your Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Daylight book. You will be in our prayers.


    1. Heidi Post author

      Thank you Andrea! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sharing this with your group! I won’t be typing for a while … I’m worried what I might say while on drugs 🙂 so please tell them I appreciate their prayers and let me know what you think of the book. ((hugs)) heidi

  35. Erin

    My heart and prayers go out to you as I just underwent this same surgery only just yesterday. I’m 37 and even though my husband and I knew we were through having children I shared in your feelings of this decision being made for me due to changes in my body. My oldest just turned 17 last week and it all just seems to being by too fast. I was grieved, nervous and at the same time relieved as this surgery will lead me to healthier pain free days but with it comes a sadness in which I embrace as I move into a new season of life with my husband and children remembering the beautiful seasons past. May our heavenly father bring you peace, comfort and a fast relaxing recovery. If it gives you any comfort my surgery was at 7:30 yesterday morning. There was pain afterwards that was easily relieved with pain medicine and helpful, loving nurses and family and as I type this to you now my pain is very minimal as is my need for meds and I am hopeful for a good recovery in the next few weeks as I leave to go home in a few hours. Peace be with you. Your sister in Christ Jesus, Erin:)

    1. Heidi Post author

      Erin, I believe this makes us “hyster sisters” 🙂 Thank you for your prayers and transparency. I pray your recovery goes well and that you sense God’s presence!

  36. Jane H

    Heidi, I have not had this surgery, but I have had numerous medical problems and 4 major surgeries over the past two years. God has taught me so very much during this time, my husband has been such a wonderful caretaker. I am now beginning to come off of that shelf and I believe the Lord is opening up a new ministry for me. I had to have a time of quiet to hear His voice and to appreciate the things and people in my life who are truly important to me. I will be praying for an easy surgery and quick recovery. Hold on to Him tight….He has the tightest grip on you.

  37. Kelley

    Hi Heidi 🙂 you will definatley be in my prayers all day today . I know that God will guide the surgeons hands and calm your heart . Be at peace . It will all be ok 🙂 you are such a blessing ! Such a blessing . What a difference you have made for me in my life with your wonderful ability to lead me into the scriptures 🙂 be well , my friend . Try to relax . It’s in Gods hands .

    1. Heidi Post author

      Thank you Kelley! I’m getting ready to get a pre-op pedicure with my sweet daughters and then I’ll be going to the hospital. I really feel your prayers and appreciate them so much. xoxo heidi

  38. Annie Cowing

    Wow, this is coming up now and we are remembering you and we made it a special time of prayer in class today, covering you and declaring wholeness for you. We love you and we encourage you as you have encouraged so many others for so long.

  39. Missie

    I’ve have prayed for you. I saw that it went well on Facebook. Praying for the pain to be managed. I’ve walked this path of hysterectomy with a toddler as my youngest. I pray for your smooth recovery.

  40. linda

    Thank you so much for posting this, Heidi. I am awaiting several tests to determine whether my cancer has returned. What awesome timing to read your post tonight!! He is so faithful!!

    I pray your surgery went well and will be praying for a quick recovery!

    Thanks again for baring your own soul. It was a great blessing and help to me!

  41. Bev

    What a blessing your post is! A friend sent to me. God is carrying u and knows your needs. God bless u and ur family.


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