Admittedly, I used to be *very* skeptical when it comes to things like this. As a mother of seven, I’ve tried it all. Antibiotics, OTC remedies, etc. Here’s the thing: Essential oils work.
This is the tea I use whenever I feel the slightest twinge of a sore throat or “pressure” in my throat. It works.
- Mug of hot water
- 1 drop Thieves Vitality Essential Oil
- 3 Drops Lemon Vitality Essential Oil
- Honey to taste
Years ago, I tried this little remedy when I was scheduled to speak for a large audience. My throat hurt. I was sure I was coming down with something. Hesitantly, I drank a “tea” that my friend made me using essential oils. Within four hours, I felt 100% better.
Give it a try. For more information, please visit my go-to for essential oils: Young Living.
I DO NOT subscribe to the idea that inner healing comes from essential oils. As a woman of faith, I believe (and have experienced) ultimate spiritual healing. It’s never going to be found in a bottle, no matter how cleverly named. True inner healing comes from our Creator. It only comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. God is the Master Healer.
Also, I’m not a doctor. Don’t tell this to my kids. (Raising a bunch of kids sometimes puts me in that role!)
Essential oils work in the same way modern-day medicines work—without the “modern day.” You can read about them in the Bible! In fact YL sells a set of them called 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture. After using them successfully for over two years, I decided to share what I’ve learned. I’d love it if you would purchase your oils through my link. I get a small percentage of what you purchase. I think I’ll get a latte with it… and you’ll feel a whole lot better.
I also love diffusing essential oils. Here is the #1 selling Essential oil diffuser on Amazon—but you can also purchase them directly from Young Living. Just search products for “diffusers.”
Essential oils work! Give them a try!