Category Archives: Fashion, Beauty & Fitness

The Weather Outside is Frightful! Finding Motivation to Exercise When the Cold Weather Hits

Keeping up the motivation to exercise when temperatures are dropping and the mornings and afternoons are dark can be difficult. The blood slows and our toes are froze, it’s no wonder we want to forsake all thought of exercise and curl up under a warm blanket and sleep.  Who wants to go for a run anyway?!

brr cold weather

Awake, o sleeper, awake! This is the time to get your rear in gear! Don’t lose motivation or your focus over the cold weather months. These can be some of the best exercise days of your lives.

Just exactly what are the benefits to exercising during the wintertime, you ask?

For one thing, there’s no hot weather to make you sweat profusely (though if you’re working out hard you may anyway). And though your blood is cooling off, exercising in the cold actually makes your body work harder, so you’ll burn more calories than during the summertime.

Plus, if you’re moving it you’re going to lose it – pounds that is. It’s hard to put on extra Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner weight while briskly walking.

And you know how people tend to get more run down and sick in the wintertime? Exercise will actually boost your immune system, because you’re improving your cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation!

Not convinced yet? How about avoiding Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as The Winter Blues. Exercise can help, fresh air is even better!

While that all may sound really, REALLY good, just exactly what is the HOW of staying motivated to exercise? These are a few tips I’ve had to learn the hard way (by not doing them):

Finding Motivation to Exercise When the Cold Weather Hits

Buddy up, don’t go it alone

Get an exercise buddy! A friend, co-worker, spouse or even just an online friend who wants to exercise. Accountability is the fire behind staying on top and not slipping off.

Over the summer I ran with a friend who helped me to reach my goal of a 5k in November. Now our running group of two has grown and we’re continuing to run over the winter days (when it’s not too icy). It’s hard to put people off when they’re standing outside in the cold waiting for you!

There’s nothing like a little healthy competition to keep you going, too. You’re a lot less likely to take as many breaks or slow down when the person working out next to you (or even via FaceTime!) isn’t stopping either.

Find that person or those people who you can connect with on a regular basis, encourage and yes, sometimes force, to get moving. Make it someone you have a common goal with, such as maintaining good health, or a certain distance achieved, or an amount of weight to lose/maintain, someone who also has young children, whatever it may be. Just get an exercise buddy!

Don’t give in to the holiday laziness

My husband and I just started doing a workout program challenge with a group of people on Facebook that takes us through the holidays. It’s 5 days a week, 25 minutes a day of really hard work. And while I want to moan and groan about not being able to “rest” over the up-coming holidays, I know the benefits of staying focused and exercising daily help will combat the temptation to give in to all those Christmas cookies.

Don’t use the holidays as an excuse to quit exercising (or not exercise at all). Commit to staying moving and you won’t regret it!

Find what works for you

The same exercise program doesn’t work for everyone. Some people love running, others prefer cycling. Some people love cardio, others prefer weight lifting and circuits. The beauty of winter exercise is that there are a wide range of options to choose from!

You can go outdoors and enjoy everything from walking to skating to skiing, or stay indoors on an elliptical and use workout videos and weights. It’s better if you can take a well-rounded approach to exercise and incorporate a little bit of everything, but at least you have options!

exercise hurray

Change how you view exercise

Exercise is not optional. Our bodies need to be moving and grooving, not stationary. Especially not for long periods of time, as some winters may last a really looooong time. The cold weather isn’t going anywhere, but it’s time you did!

Don’t think of exercise as boring, and if it is, maybe you need to change the way you’re doing it! Switch it up and try a new sport or workout program, or buy something pretty to workout in (because if we’re feeling good in it, then we’re more likely to wear it and use it, am I right?).

Don’t think of exercise as just hard work, but as conditioning your body to work faster, stronger, higher, and greatly improve your health. Your family will thank you.

How do you stay motivated to workout during the cold months? What are some of your favourite ways to exercise in winter?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Time for Mom to Look Fall Fabulous The Busy Mom

Time for Mom to Look Fall Fabulous

Time for Mom to Look Fall Fabulous The Busy Mom

The clock is ticking as the Mad Scramble to Be On Time (or at least not very late) ensues. Kids are dressed, brushed, buttoned, polished and spit shined when Mom finally throws her hair up in a messy bun, splashes some water on her face and shoos the kids out to the car. Later at church, she catches herself in the bathroom mirror and thinks, “Wow, I really look like a mess.”

Can you relate?

This scenario has played itself out in my house countless times over the past ten years or so. With two little children to ready for church, a new post baby body shape, and clothes which no longer fit right–getting to church or even the grocery store looking half as good as my kids became a serious challenge. And then I had a third one, my boy, and for a while.. all bets were off.

I was being a great mom, spending the time and effort to get my kids dressed and hair fixed, teeth brushed and looking their best. But I wasn’t being a great ME – my wardrobe was a mess, I wasn’t leaving myself enough time, and I looked as “not together” as I felt inside. If you’ve never felt this way, praise the Lord! If this is you, read on sweet mom, there is hope.

Now that my kids are older and responsible for their own appearances, I have been working on my own. What I’ve learned is that I could have made some of these changes years ago. I didn’t have to play the role of Disheveled Mom! And by the way, Disheveled Mom is not a good representative for Great Hubby and Awesome God. Disheveled Mom needs to go! As we move into my favorite all of “fashion seasons”–the Fall–let me share four tips for kicking Disheveled Mom to the curb.

Time For Mom to Look Fall Fabulous

Be Wise With Your Time

Time is the most important factor. First, spend regular time with the Lord — that’s always the first factor. Time spent keeping your house and laundry in order is a close second — when I feel disorganized on the inside I look disorganized on the outside. (And if most of my clothes are dirty, it’s very hard to look put together.) Third, prepare ahead of time by getting your clothes ready the night before. And fourth, don’t underestimate the amount of time it will take to get you and a houseful of kids ready to go somewhere! Leave yourself plenty of time.

Mix and Match Wardrobe Staples

Gather Basic Wardrobe Staples

Make it EASY to get dressed by building a wardrobe base of mix and match staples. My favorite staples in my closet are my black sweater dress, a good pair of straight legged jeans and skinny jeans, a gray knee length skirt, a pair of black leggings, and some black capris. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on these– scour the resale shops and the sales like I did. Never ever buy something you don’t completely like and feel comfortable in. If it’s not quite the right size, shape or shade – skip it!  Build your base of staples as you have the time and money for it, add in a variety of colorful tops, skirts and dresses, and it will be really easy to pull an outfit together without spending a lot of time on it.

organize accessories


Accessories are my favorite part. In my book, there are three essential fall fashion accessories: boots, scarves, and sweaters. In addition, headbands, hats, fall flats, tights, purses and a great coat are important, too. I love, love, love my gray fall boots and my red patent leather flats, not to mention my teal scarf and my purple purse. Again, you don’t have to spend a lot of money and you don’t want to buy things that aren’t you or that you don’t love. Little by little, add to your accessories and organize them in a way that is easy to see, grab and go. Same with your jewelry. Your goal is to get in and get out.

Quick and Easy Outfits

The Finishing Touches

Something I learned a long time ago is that even a basic ponytail can look “fixed and polished” if you take a few minutes to make it look good. What I’m saying is that your hair doesn’t have to look fancy to look fixed. If I’m running short on time, a clean, brushed ponytail or fresh messy bun is the way to go. I have also learned how to do a basic makeup application in about three minutes – perfect for running to the store or over to a friend’s house. It’s not overdone, but I look like I took the time to care about my appearance, and that’s really all that is important here. Take a few minutes to look like you took that few minutes, and that will go a long, long way.

Black Sweater Dress

Don’t Worry About It

This isn’t about vanity. I’m not promoting getting caught up in self appearance or worrying about how you look. Moms, we aren’t supposed to worry about how we look! There is nothing wrong with looking put together and nice. As we run our errands, visit with friends and go to church…we represent our family, our husbands, and our God! Disheveled Mom does not speak well of them.

Not only that but we also need to take care of ourselves, eat well, get enough sleep, wear clothes that fit, take care of our skin and teeth– I want you to have the tools to do that, and look like you’re doing it. And again, Moms, that biggest tool is time. In the past, I wasn’t taking the TIME to take care of myself. Moms, it’s time to do that. And if you build a smart wardrobe and prepare ahead, it won’t take a lot of time on those busy mornings to look fabulous this fall.

Image Background Source: Single Red Shoe by Vera Kratochvil

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Fall Is the Perfect Time to Revamp Your Health and Fitness Routine

Revamp Your Fitness Routine This Fallphoto credit evening4u on flickr

Fall is the time of year when most of the animal kingdom is storing up food and extra fat layers for winter. That doesn’t mean we have to! Fall can be the perfect time to make some positive changes to your health and fitness routine – or start one!

My first successful weight-loss story (because there were a bunch of unsuccessful ones) began in the fall. More specifically, it began the week of Thanksgiving 2009. Yes, you read that right. I made one last ditch effort to change my life four years ago and I decided to begin three days before Thanksgiving.

I lost four pounds the week that most people gain that much.

There wasn’t some magic pill behind my success. I think it was just because I had something to prove that week and once I convinced myself I could do it, I just kept going. I lost nearly 90 pounds over the course of two years and am currently trying to learn to keep it off. (Which, despite what anyone may say, is much harder than getting it off in the first place.)

So, why is fall such a great time to begin to write your weight-loss success story? One of the best reasons is the fact that the cooler weather makes fall a great time for becoming more active. Whether you’ve been stuck in a stuffy gym all summer or have been pouring sweat being active outside, the crisp air and gorgeous colors lend a new excitement to getting outside for running, walking, biking, or whatever you enjoy.

If you have been active outdoors all summer, the lower temperatures make it easier to go farther and pick up the pace. Even if you live in an area of the country where fall is really cool, my outdoor workout philosophy is: When it’s cold outside I know I’m going to warm up once I get moving; when it’s hot outside, I’m only going to get hotter.

healthy eatingphoto credit imaffo on flickr

In addition to the cooler weather, the influx of a whole new batch of seasonal produce is the perfect catalyst for getting out of mealtime ruts. Apples, the quintessential fall fruit, make a delicious, healthy snack – as long as you’re not baking them in a pie or frying them in a fritter every time you eat them!

An apple along with a piece of string cheese, some yogurt, or peanut butter are all excellent choices.

In addition to apples, fall is a great time for soups. Most broth-based soups are good, healthy choices. With all of the fall produce, a veggie stew or even chili with lean meat (or no meat) makes a quick and easy lunch or dinner, especially when you add the convenience of a slow cooker.

Maybe one of the best reasons to revamp your health and fitness routine (or start one) is the simple fact that fall is followed by winter. You know what that means – Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, candy, baked goodies and a generally more sedentary season. If you start improving your exercise and eating habits now, they’ll be well on their way to becoming habit by the time temptations become abundant.

Not only that, but the darker, shorter days of winter can result in the onset of seasonal depression for many people. A healthy diet and regular exercise can go a long way toward alleviating those symptoms. It’s hard to convince yourself to eat right and exercise once those blue feelings have begun, but much easier if those good habits are already in place.

It doesn’t matter if you’re already somewhat active and eating well or if you haven’t even begun to make the changes you’d like to make. Fall is a great time to revamp your health and fitness routine – or start one! The sense of purpose can be very motivating.

What changes do you need to make to improve your overall health and activity levels?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Fall Fashion for New Moms

Fall Fashion for New Moms

Fall is a BEAUTIFUL time of year. In many parts of North America we experience a gradual change in weather – from the hot, humid, still days of summer, to the cool, drier, breezy days of fall. The mornings and evenings are crisp, the smell of earth is in the air, the leaves are changing color – and so do our wardrobes!

It is important for a woman to take care of her appearance. Our focus should always be first on our inner beauty and relationship with Christ, but there is nothing wrong with dressing nicely and fashionably. Even the Proverbs 31 woman is described as being dressed in fine linen and purple!

Fall Fashion for New Moms

As a “new” mom again this fall (my baby girl is just about 10 months), I’ve been having some fun putting together outfits, incorporating some of what I already have in my closet, along with some new transition pieces.

Finding the balance of versatility as a nursing mom, going for comfort and style, while still trying to work with a post-pregnancy body, may present some challenges.

I hope that the ideas here will encourage you to take charge of your body and wardrobe, and give you some ways to enjoy getting dressed comfortably, but nicely, for fall.

Tops – Tunic, cardigan and button-down

tops for moms

Let’s start by talking about tops. Shirts, tanks, Ts. Nothing fits quite right and you don’t have a lot of money to spend on new items.

Here’s what you can focus on using for fall:

Tank tops and t-shirts paired with cardigans work well for the cool mornings. If you find your current shirts are a little short, invest in a couple of nursing tanks (my favourites are from Undercover Mama) to add length and stay covered up.

Button-down blouses or shirts are an easy way to add something different to your wardrobe.

jeans with a loose top

Tunic and looser fitting tops allow for extra room in the tummy area and are loose and comfortable for everyday, but still stylish enough for going out (even if it IS just to get diapers!).

Short-sleeve everything is perfectly all right, as body temperatures for a mom tend to change very quickly! Avoid wearing heavy sweaters (unless it’s really cold and you’re going to be outside) and instead layer up with lighter-weight shirts and cardigans.


You could, of course, just keep wearing your maternity pants. And that’s ok, for a while! But when you’re ready to move on to the next stage, here are a couple of really great options for pants:

Leggings or jeggings are a LIFE saver. They stretch everywhere you need them to without losing shape. Wear them under a dress or with a tunic top for a comfy yet fun fashion look. Pull on a pair of boots and you are all fall-ready!

High-rise or mid-rise jeans do NOT work for everyone. But I loved wearing them while I was waiting for my other jeans to fit again, as I didn’t have to worry about the muffin top. It’s a nice way to stay fashionable while comfortable.


Dresses have to be the most difficult article of clothing to work around as a new mom. Our shapes are all different and a lot of dresses don’t fit us well. But armed with a few tips, you CAN find some fun little pretties that will bring a smile to your face.

Try to avoid jersey dresses – these hug right where you don’t want them to and tend to stretch out oddly. Go with a thicker cotton blend instead, with a little bit of stretch.

button down dress and leggings

Partial-button down in the front is a great idea for quick and easy baby access. Another option is a dress with straps that will slip off easily.


Since you will most likely be carrying your baby in your arms a lot, you don’t want to have to fiddle around with fancy footwear too often.

Keep things simple – a slip on pair of shoes, pull on boots and low-rise heels will add the extra touch for when you’re ready to go out, while still keeping your feet (and back) supported.


One of my favourite things about dressing for fall is the accessories! You can add a lot of beauty to a simple outfit with just a couple of extra touches.


Scarves – oh how I love scarves! There are so many creative ways out there to tie them, so even if you only have a scarf or two, you can always make it look different! If you are able to get an oversized scarf, you can also use it as a nursing cover. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colours and patterns with your tops.

Jewelry – if you have pierced ears, change out your earrings to coordinate with your outfit once in a while. Just make sure little baby hands can’t get a hold on them and pull!

Necklaces are fun and easy to find for cheap, plus they’re a great emergency occupation for a babe-in-arms when we’re stuck in the check out line.

Add some colour to your nails and bangles to your wrist – they double as a great nursing reminder too.

Colour –

Black is STILL the new black! (Not to mention it’s extremely slimming.) BUT don’t be afraid to add some colour to your wardrobe, even if it is just in the form of accessories. We are surrounded by so much of the beauty and inspiration of fall that God has created, enjoy it! Think rich purples, greens, blues and yellows.

How to have a fresh, frugal wardrobe

Now before you go saying you don’t have any money to spend on a new wardrobe, there are ways to find new things for reasonable prices, if not even free. Shop your friends’ closets, trade clothing and accessories and you’ll be amazed at the new combinations you can come up with.

Pick a few key, versatile pieces to add to your wardrobe that can be accessorized in order to create a number of different outfits.

Check out second hand stores or online sales. Combine coupons and deals to get the best price for your dollar.

What are your favourite fall wardrobe pieces?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Staying Fit During the Holidays

Staying Fit During the Holidaysphoto credit Rhett Sutphin on Flickr

Shock and disbelief are the usual reactions when I tell people that I started my weight loss journey three days before Thanksgiving 2009. “You started the week of Thanksgiving?!?” is the most common first response.

That’s because we think of the holiday season – Thanksgiving through New Years – as a time of overindulgence. There is so much food, so many parties, so many treats, and so much temptation. Most people go into the holidays hoping not to gain too much, forget trying to lose or maintain. The holidays don’t have to be such a time of struggle, though. Over the last four years, I’ve picked up some tips that help me navigate the holiday season without too much damage to my health and fitness goals.

1. Choose your favorites.

First, at big holiday meals, such as Thanksgiving, I choose only my favorite foods. The first year that I was losing weight, my favorites weren’t even the healthy options, for the most part. I’d rather have the dressing and sweet potato casserole instead of the green beans – so I did! I decided that eating the green beans to make me feel healthier was just going to add more calories to my plate.

I decided I’d rather spend my calorie budget on the yummy foods that I could only get during the holiday season. Besides, we live in the South. The green beans probably weren’t all that healthy anyway!

2.  Moderation is key.

This is a fact all year long, but particularly around the holidays. Since I had decided to only have my favorite foods and knowing the many of those were calorie heavy, I knew I had to exercise portion control. I found that a small serving of most foods really does satisfy the craving without going overboard or feeling deprived.

Even now, my kids know that somebody has to sacrifice two fries when we go out to eat. It sounds crazy, but those two fries allow me a taste of a food I rarely eat anymore (not as a full serving at least) without overindulging.

3. Change your tastes.

By the second year of my weight loss journey, I had started to successfully change my eating habits by developing a taste for new or healthier foods. Instead of the sugar-filled sweet potato casserole, I brought a much lighter sweet potato brulee to our family potluck. Instead of the calorie-laden broccoli casserole, I brought roasted broccoli. I also brought the green beans – of the fresh and steamed variety.

Everybody loved the changes. Well, except one cousin who asked that I bring the sugar-filled sweet potato casserole the next year. You can’t win over everyone. The green beans were a huge hit, though, and have been requested multiple times. I love when healthy tastes good!

4. Drink water.

When you’re eating more calories than normal, you don’t want to drink an excess of calories on top of that. Plus, if you drink a glass or two of water before you eat, you feel fuller, which goes a long way toward increasing your willpower. Another option is to eat a light, broth-based soup half an hour or so before your main meal.

5. Don’t skip your workout.

The busyness of the holiday season can easily derail a workout routine. Be sure you’re making time to be active. While everyone else is taking a post-meal nap, take a brisk walk. A quick internet search should reveal some early-morning turkey trots in your area. These 5K runs or walks have become very popular all over the country and are a healthy, invigorating way to start your Thanksgiving day.

6. Focus on the true meaning.

Finally, make sure that you take some to focus on the true meaning of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for our blessings. Health is an incredible gift that we often take for granted. The ability to get out and go for a walk or a run is a blessing for which to be thankful.

Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We can do that without cookies, candy, and fruitcake.

As the holiday season approaches, instead of feeling overwhelmed and defeated, use these tips to help you navigate the temptations and challenge yourself to make wise food and activity choices. Come January 2, you’ll be glad you did!

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Simply Pulled Together

Simply Pulled Together- for the Stay at Home Mom

Simply Pulled Together

We’ve all been there- it’s four o’clock, your hair is in a messy bun, you haven’t showered yet, you are still sporting the old painted-on college sweatshirt that you donned the night before and your sweatpants bear traces of snot, cookie crumbs and other unknown substances.  You look frazzled, you feel frazzled, and you dread the thought of your husband getting home and finding you this way- let alone any unannounced visitors who may show up at your door!  Oh, the horror!

“How did June Cleaver do it?” you wonder as you pick up your crying baby and holler for your son to take out the garbage for the 17th time.  Then you remember that Junie Dearest wasn’t a real person and this ain’t the 50s no more!  Can I get an Amen!?

But what if we didn’t have to take this departure from June’s ideals quite so far?  What if we could find some middle ground and actually make ourselves feel better in the process instead of just more undone?  Yes, today, mamas, I am proposing just a few simple ways we can stumble out of bed in the morning and pull ourselves together just enough to not feel disheveled but still be comfortable as we take on the daily tasks of conquering our homes!

5 Simple Ways to Pull Yourself Together for a Day at Home

1. Swap the sweats for some leggings!  If you’re really feeling dangerous go with a bold color or maybe even a print.  They are just as comfy but a whole lot less frumpy and some even have the amazing capability to suck you in in ways you never thought would be possible again post-baby!  Just try them, and when you find a collection of them mounting in your closet, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

2. Show some love for layering!  I don’t know why but whenever I pair a great extra-long tank with a fun top it makes me feel like I have stepped up a couple of notches on the fashion scale!  It’s like that little bit of extra effort to add more texture and color to my ensemble puts me in a whole different league.  And yes, you must use the word “ensemble” instead of “outfit” because it too will automatically make you feel more sophisticated and better about yourself.  You just tried it, huh?  And now you feel like a French actress, don’t you?  Mmhmmm- we’re making progress already!

3. Move over college sweatshirt, long tops are in the house!  If you are going to opt for leggings than some long shirts need to be an essential element of your wardrobe!  Whether you pair something short with a long tank top (as I mentioned above) or you get some shirts that are delightfully long all by themselves, they are the piece that will make your newfound love of leggings feel completely natural and comfortable.  Basically, if I’m shooting straight, leggings + a covered bum = splendor!

4. Trade the messy bun for a top knot!  Aren’t we just in luck that the top knot is in style right now?!  It is the quintessential, “I have not showered in two days so I piled all my greasy hair on the very top of my head” do, without looking like it!  Take advantage of this trend while we can ladies!

5. A little dab will do ya!  That’s right, I’m talking about make up!  Now, I know as well as anyone that I just hate spending time and precious makeup on a day at home, but if I’m also being honest, I do feel better about myself and more ready to take on the day if I feel like I don’t look completely haggard!  I’m not going to suggest that you put on a full face everyday, I’m just going to encourage three simple things-

  • a little blush dusted on cheeks and eyelids
  • lipstain (it can’t be rubbed off on your littles with precious kisses and it lasts all day!)
  • and Blink mascara (I suggest this brand because it forms a tube around your eyelashes and does not smudge under your eyes during the course of the day at. ALL!  You can literally nap with the baby with this stuff on and when you wake up it looks just as good as it did when you put it on!)

So, that’s it ladies!  Simple, comfortable but pulled together!  If you’ve already laid this ground work you can also always just throw on some earrings and a cute scarf before your hubs walks in the door and he won’t even know what hit him!  We can do this girls- emulating June is for the birds but a little departure from our grungies can sure make life feel more fresh!

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Fall Skin & Hair Care

Don’t you just love fall? The leaves are changing, and the cool weather is slowly making its way in.  As much as we will miss those fun pool days, and long sunny days – we are excited to welcome this new season. There is so much excitement in decorating our homes, pulling out the cooler-weather clothes, and digging through all our favorite pumpkin recipes!

(This post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure page for details.)

But with the new season and cooler weather, we also get drier hair and drier skin. Taking a little extra time to care of your skin can be the difference between healthy skin and flaky cracked skin. And keeping our hair moisturized throughout the cooler months can make the difference between hydrated healthy hair and dry, brittle hair.

 Fall Skin and Hair Care

I picked out my must have items that help me keep my hair healthy and my skin nourished throughout these cooler and drier months.

Hair care must haves:

Fall Skin and Hair Care - Triple Moisture Hair MaskNeutrogena Triple Moisture Hair Mask.  Ever deep condition your hair, just to finish with what feels like hair that needs to be washed again? If you have, you know how frustrating that is. This deep conditioner doesn’t do that. It is incredibly hydrating, doesn’t weigh down your hair, and keeps hair healthy and soft.  A small amount goes a long way too, don’t be fooled by the size of the jar. This jar usually lasts several months.


Fall Skin and Hair Care - L'oreal Nourishing Leave in ConditionerL’oreal Nourishing EverCreme Leave-In Spray. This is my go to extra care protection product, especially if I’m going to be outside in the cooler weather. It is incredibly lightweight, which is a big deal for me as I don’t like to feel products on my hair.



Face care must haves:

I’m very picky with what I put on my face. Most products take my skin to one extreme or the other. The only product I’ve found that nourishes my skin, keeps it clean, and controls break out – is Cetaphil. I use both the cleanser and lotion. Cetaphil is very gentle, yet effective.

Fall Skin and Hair Care - Cetaphil Cetaphil Cleanser. I use this all year long. I love that it’s mild, non-irritating, non-greasy, and rinses of easily.

Cetaphil Lotion. I don’t use this as much during the warmer months, just in the drier areas of my face. But in the cooler months, my skin need it more. Best part? Its fragrance free, non-greasy, and hydrates all day long.


Fall Skin and Hair Care - Vaseline Lip Therapy Cocoa butterVaseline Lip Therapy. Last fall my lips started to dry out a lot, and I was constantly applying chap stick but wasn’t getting any relief. I went to the store and grabbed tons of different lip products, but nothing worked. Until I tired Vaseline Lip Therapy. It is by far the best lip product I’ve tried. I apply it about twice a day, and that’s sufficient to keep my lips from cracking and drying out. I bought this last winter and still have more than half of it.

Fall Skin and Hair Care - BB Cream and SunScreenSun Screen. Sun Screen? Yup! Even though those long sunny summer days are in the rear view mirror, it is still important to use sun screen. I use one of two things: a BB cream which contains SPF protection or an oil free sport SPF sunscreen.



Body care must haves:

Fall Skin and Hair Care - Dove Go Fresh Body WashDove Go Fresh Body Wash. I recently switched to this body wash and love it! It smells SO good. Funny how the small things like great smelling body wash can be relaxing – especially after a long day of mommy duties. I really like how it hydrates and restores my skin.


Fall Skin and Hair Care - St Ives body LotionSt. Ives Body Lotion. This is one of the non-body-butter lotions that really keeps my skin hydrated. They say you should switch from lotion to cream in the cooler months, but this one works well. It doesn’t feel oily and doesn’t leave a residue. Perfect for a busy moms day to day moisturizing needs.



Fall Skin and Hair Care - Body Butter TubExtracts Brazil Nut Body Butter. I use this body butter about once a week. Usually right after I exfoliate. Much like the hair mask I mentioned above, you don’t need to use a lot, a little goes a long way. Most body butters that I’ve tried leave me feeling greasy and like I can’t touch anything, this one doesn’t. It is paraben-free and sulphate-free


Fall Skin and Hair Care -Pacifica body butterPacifica Body Butter. I carry this one around in my purse, and apply it as needed throughout the day – usually on my hands and arms. It’s 100% Vegan, made with Shea and Mango butters, almond oil and safflower oil. It’s also paraben –free.



Fall Skin and Hair Care -Exfoliating GlovesBath & Shower Gloves. This really isn’t really a product, but it’s a must have for me. It’s a great way to exfoliate, even if you don’t have a scrub. This will help keep you skin even toned and eliminate dry patches too.



I would LOVE to know what your favorite fall/dry weather beauty products are. And if you try any of these out, let me know what you think about them!

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight