Congratulations! And the winners are…

winners-areWe’ll be adding to the list of winners over the next 24 hours. If you are a winner, please email your shipping address to so we can get your prize in the mail.

First Winner: Elizabeth who said: “As someone who started out as a secular homeschooler, finding your blog was a turning point for me. I have felt supported by this online community as my reasons for continuing to homeschool have changed and are more to do with God and less to do with the SAT’s each day. I tell others about your blog in hopes they will be inspired as well.” 

Elizabeth- You’ve won the “Firmly Planted” Bible Study series Volume 1. Congratulations!

Second Winner: Sarah Criddle who said “Oh my gosh it’s great just knowing that I’m not alone in the busy homeschool mom world!! There are others who go thru what I do or feel how I feel and I (and my kids) will survive!! Haha Heidi, you encourage me everyday just by being real! You encourage me to love my kiddos and hubby more! I so appreciate all your wisdom! God bless you!!!”

Sarah- You’ve won a copy of “Words Along the Way: A Journal for Busy Moms”. Congratulations!

Third Winner: Jennie wrote: “I just LOVE that your wisdom and encouragement is GENUINE and rooted in the Word.”

Jennie – We agree that the best wisdom comes from God’s Word! You’ve won a copy of our family Bible Study series, “Firmly Planted” Volume 2. Congratulations!

Fourth Winner: Our friend Elizabeth wrote, “Character before Curriculum is my new motto and I think I have a pretty fantastic little boy because of it!”

Elizabeth – This was one of our favorite comments … keep working on that character!  You’ve won a signed copy of “The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Romance”  … you’re “That Girl!”

Fifth Winner:  Katie, a military wife writes: “Your blog is like a hug, a bit of camaraderie, somewhere I can check in and see that I’m really doing all right and I’m not alone out here.”

Katie – we’d like to “hug” you right back. You’ve just won a copy of “Words Along the Way: A Journal for Busy Moms”. Please send your mailing information to and we’ll send it your way. ((hugs))

Sixth Winner: Busy mom Andrea wrote, “I am a new homeschool mom and was ready to give up when I stumbled across your site. I read your site and cried and cried. I realized I wasn’t alone and that I could do this – your site encourages me.”

Andrea – You’re not alone and YES, you CAN do this!  We’re sending you a free copy of “The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Daylight” … it will be just the boost yo need to gain both practical application and perspective as you begin your homeschooling journey.   Please send your mailing information to and we’ll send it your way.

Seventh Winner: Danielle Kerr, who wrote,Your blog reminds me that I’m not just a mom who homeschools but that by investing in my children and sheparding their hearts I am directly impacting eternity. What a high calling it is to be a mother!

Danielle – A high calling, indeed! Your comment was chosen to win a free copy of “The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Romance” . We hope it is a great encouragement to you!  To claim your prize, please send your mailing information to

Eighth Winner: Wendy Revels, for her comment, “I read your post everyday and look forward to them everyday. They are so uplifting, especially to someone who is about to pull their 3rd grader out of public school and start the wonderful adventure of homeschooling. I can only imagine how much I will benefit once he is at home being taught by me.”

Wendy – you are about to embark on a wonderful adventure, indeed!  We’ve chosen your comment to win a free copy of my journal for busy moms… “Words Along the Way” … be sure to take the time to write down what you are learning along the way.  The days will sometimes go slow, but the years will fly. 🙂  Enjoy them!  To claim your prize, please send your mailing information to

Ninth  Winner:  Tracye G., who wrote, “I recommend “The Busy Homeschool Mom” because it’s my number one reminder that God comes first and then my husband comes before EVERYTHING else. As homeschool moms, our families and marriages can fall apart when we get it out of order. When I first found TBHM, I was thrilled to see that putting my husband before kids was the RIGHT thing to do. Such a marriage changer! What a joy to celebrate being “That Girl” and sharing with other mom friends that they are also “THAT girl”. My husband definitely says thank you for helping me get my priorities in order!

Tracye – We agree … you are THAT GIRL! Keep on loving that husband of yours 🙂 and keep us posted … we look forward with you to a harvest of JOY. 🙂  Your comment has been chosen and you’ve won a FREE copy of “Words Along the Way: A Journal for Busy Moms.”  We hope you will keep it with you and write down what God is doing in your life as the months go by.  To claim your prize, please send your mailing information to

Final Winner:  Busy mom Stephanie writes, “Not only does your blog remind me that I’m not alone in this homeschool journey, but it reminds me that getting the curriculum done every day is not the be all end all. Character counts. I need to remember to cultivate my kids whole person as well as make time for taking care of myself, my marriage, and my husband.”

Stephanie – You’ve nailed it!   You’re not alone. Character counts. Cultivate relationships. Take time to take care. Love your husband. We couldn’t have said it any better.  We’re sending you a free copy of “The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Daylight” … it will be just the boost you need to gain both practical application and perspective as you nurture your precious family.   Please send your mailing information to and we’ll send it your way.

Thank you, everyone! Thank you for sharing this page with your friends, thank you for loving your families … and for taking the time to nurture your marriages.  You are training the next generation. It’s the most important job in the world. And you can do it.


30 thoughts on “Congratulations! And the winners are…

  1. Rachel Warren

    I love your blog/fb posts. They are so encouraging. I’m a new to homeschool mom, started in August. I look forward to your posts and always look for them as I know they will be funny or encouraging for my spirit. You are real and I love “real” people 🙂

  2. Kendra Zile

    After considering homeschool for the past two years, we finally made the decision just last week to homeschool our oldest son who is turning five next week! I am very excited about this decision and feel a great peace since my husband and I decided this would be best for our family. I am LOVING your posts on facebook which I just recently ‘liked’ and am looking forward to learning more from all of the other homeschool Mom’s like you, who have already embarked through this adventure of homeschooling.

  3. angela

    I have just found your blog and can’t wait to get more information and connect with other homeschool moms. I have been homeschooling for 5 years and was homeschooled when I was in school, but I don’t have anyone to talk to about homeschooling as it is now. Thanks for being out there.

  4. DJP

    I’m not a “Homeschooling mom”, but I follow a lot of homeschooling blogs/sites. Even though my daughter goes to school I think I’m primarily responsible for her education. If my daughter fails I don’t think I can ever say that the school failed her because I’m still very much of the opinion that parents are responsible for the education of their children. While I would have loved to homeschool my daughter my life doesn’t permit it. The Lord has called some to be homeschooler and the Lord has called some to be teachers. There are some great teachers out there and my daughter and I were lucky to have had great teachers that share our beliefs system.

  5. monica ames

    So often, I find myself “sharing” your posts on my wall. I find so much of what you say applies to all moms, not just home schoolers. And many of the “likes” come from non-homeschooling moms.
    We are all walking the walk, and whether it’s giving support to someone who is looking for help with homeschooling or encouragement to someone who just needs to know she’s not alone…
    Thanks and I am reminded that I can do all things with Christ, and am blessed to have people in my life, some of which I don’t even know personally ( like you 😉 who reflect the Son. God bless.

  6. Jennell Marks

    Thank you so much for your encouragement to other moms. This is my 2nd year homeschooling, and I still go back and forth trying to decide if I can do this and if my kids are profiting from it. And just when I am ready to put them back in school you post something that helps me know I can do this and that this is best. 🙂

  7. Diane

    As a homeschooling mom of 5 whose husband travels out of state 3 weeks of every month, I have found your blog to be very encouraging and uplifting. Thank you!

  8. Hannah

    I have tried to leave a comment twice now and my slow internet keeps messing up. So here I go again. I love the Busy Homeschool Mom site. I was so stressed all the time about pushing my kids especially my oldest who is only in 2nd grade this year. I thought they just had to be the best so I could prove to those skeptics that homeschooling is a good thing. I read a post by Heidi one day that really encouraged me. My biggest thing was trying to push reading. I read what Heidi wrote about just getting them to love reading first. I tried that and he is finally this last week loving it! Hurray!I have since relaxed and I focus on character building more than school work somedays and I am so ok with that! I have shared Heidi’s blog with my friends that homeschool as well. I know it has encouraged them too! We often talk about how it is nice to know we are not alone.It is encouraging to me that someone with more kids than me can survive LOL! (I only have 3)Thank you Heidi for allowing the Lord to use you to encourage all of us homeschool Moms! P.S. I love “the Busy Homeschool Moms Guide to Romance” (I am so bad at putting my husband before the kids)

  9. Danielle Kerr

    Your blog reminds me that I’m not just a mom who homeschools but that by investing in my children and sheparding their hearts I am directly impacting eternity. What a high calling it is to be a mother! Thanks for all the encouragement and for helping me find the joy in the everyday!

  10. Tawnya

    Thank you for you wonderful words of encouragement and truth! With 7 kids (11-1) homeschooling can have its challenges, you post energize me to finish the mission we started! With in this last year I have realized how important Character before Curriculum is! With all these little people Attitudes are a constant in our home. Shaping and molding them into grace filled, God honoring attitudes is a must! Again thank you for all you do!

  11. Stefanie Mann

    I recently found your site. I have been encouraged and most importantly challenged. I am a new homeschool mom and have found many helpful links on your site. Thank you for encouraging me!

  12. Mackenzie Willard

    I am soooo excited about homeschooling my future children! I went to public school kidnergarten through the middle of my 7th grade year, and became homeschooled because of anxiety problems at school. Even though the reason I became homeschooled wasn’t so great, I am happy to say that God brought greatness out of it! I now realize He wants me to homeschool my future children and I am so excited to get to nurture them and teach them myself… afterall, it is my responsibility 🙂

  13. Marcy

    I’m a new follower and possibly a new homeschooler partially because if your blog!! I love my five children and hubby so much and reading your blog and following you reminds me to show them more how I feel. Thank you!!!

  14. Pauline Johnson

    I absolutely love Heidi St. John, her family, her love for her husband and his for her, her love for the Lord and how mightily He is using her to encourage mothers, parents of homeschooled children, wives and women!! Heidi is real and transparent and you know what you will always get from her – TRUTH in LOVE which is hard to come by and extremely refreshing!!

  15. Linda

    Thank you so much for your daily encouragement!!! So many times it’s just what I need as I go through my day mothering and educating my 6 kids! May God continue to bless your ministry!

  16. Tammy

    I’m a mom….and I happen to homeschool. I am so flawed….I mess up daily….some days we don’t even do any work….some days I feel like quitting….some days I get annoyed over things I have no control over. Every day I have to trust that these are the Lord’s children and ultimately He will direct their futures. I am an imperfect person, raising imperfect children in an imperfect world. I just pray that at the end of the day I am in step with what God wants me to do. I am so grateful for your ministry. I am blessed by who you are & what you do. Thank you so much for being/doing what you are/do. 🙂

  17. Victoria

    I have 10 kids all together and I am a grandma now. I still have 7 kids at home that I homeschool and I can tell ya, it does get rough. I have three children that have leaning disability and one of them does not like to do her school work at all, I have to struggle with her. I am always going out to my laundry room and asking for the Lord to help me and give me the strength I need to keep going. I love reading what everyone writes on your wall and everyone’s response. Thank you so much

  18. Wendy

    We havent started homeschooling yet, but will in August. You give me hope that I can homeschool our 3 boys. Thanks for all you do.

  19. tara wheatley

    I ALWAYS RECOMMEND YOUR BLOG TO MY FRIENDS WHO DO NOT YET READ IT, i tell them its a blog you dont want to miss out on because we all can relate to it and there is so much encouragement that you will receive and just when you need it. Its more than a blog, its a fresh of breath air to take in and a place to give and receive ministry. I always know that i can go here when i am having a good day or bad and be blessed. SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ENERGY YOU GIVE TO THIS!!!!

  20. Sharon Shea

    I pulled my kids out last year and went to my first homeschool conference with my firend ( who homeschools.) You where the main speaker (AZ) and I just love how you are “real”. There are days that I feel if people knew what was happening (good or bad) in my house they would not believe it, or tell me to send them back. Reading your post on facebook and other moms reply’s lets me know this is “normal” and there are other people that “get it”. I love it and would not change our situation for the world. Thank you for the support!

  21. Melissa

    I love that you picked my friend, Elizabeth (the first winner), as a winner. She definately deserves it! She is a great friend and wonderful wife and mother! She introduced me to your FB posts one day when I was discouraged that homeschooling wasn’t exactly how I had it planned in my head. I’m sure now that she will have your book, I’ll be hearing more of your quotes as she is helping me through rough days 🙂


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