Target’s “Guest” Policy Is About More Than Bathrooms

The times, they are a-changing. Every day, it seems a new surprise announcement surfaces for the American public to try and absorb, everything from political shenanigans to gender-bending news—and mandates and edicts ‘n stuff. Seems we can’t catch a break from the new social order that is rapidly being constructed around us—you know… the one our children and grandchildren are going to grow up in.

And it’s wrong, too. It’s just plain wrong. Can I say that? It’s been a few weeks and I’m still shaking my head at the fact that we now have to defend the once commonly held notion that women’s restrooms are for, well—women.

It’s a conversation that we never imagined we would be having. First it was stores, and now, predictably, it’s coming to schools.

In the interest of transparency, I’ll confess: I never really liked Target calling their customers “guests.” The term implies that the store is not really a store. A+ marketing job, Target. They know people. When you’re a guest, you feel at home, right? The term has a warm fuzzy feel about it. It invites you to let down your defenses. As a “guest” in Target, you feel safe and valued while you spend your hard-earned dollars on everything from cucumbers to calculators.

It’s part of (or it used to be) Target’s appeal, isn’t it? We’re not just customers to Target, we’re their “guests.”

Listen. Target loves your money you. They have your comfort and safety in mind. They do! In fact, they want all their “guests” to be comfortable in their own skin. That’s why they’re allowing any grown man who “feels” like a woman to follow your 10 yr old right into their bathrooms. That guy has feelings! Don’t you care? Come one! Have a heart!

A Target supporter told me via Facebook the other day that I need to stop worrying about it. She suggested I “learn to be the parent” and simply accompany my girls into the restrooms, past the guys, you know … and just deal with it. A good mom would never let her kids go to the bathrooms alone anyway, right? Right! But that’s not the point, and most consumers know it. Target stock is continuing to plummet in the wake of their decision.

So here’s the question: Is this really Target’s best attempt at making their “guests” feel safe and loved and valued and protected and understood and comfortable?

Absolutely not. If it was about making transgendered customers feel safe, they would have spent the money to put in more family restrooms.

Make no mistake: Target’s eyeing a much bigger target.

Is this really about bathrooms? Heidi St. John, mother of seven, says NO.

Target doesn’t care that this puts women and children at risk in the most vulnerable of scenarios. This is not about accommodating the transgendered community. It’s about forcing anyone who senses there is something inherently wrong with men pretending to be women to “get over it…” and if they have to sacrifice yours or your daughter’s or your wife’s safety in order to make their point, they’ll do it.

This is so NOT about bathrooms. It’s about social engineering. It’s about a large corporation saying they know better than the people who are so fortunate as to be seen as guests in their stores.

And, it’s another nail in the coffin of what God says family was created to look like: marriage between a man and a woman; a father and a mother raising children. We are, by design, male and female. The LGBT movement you are seeing in the culture today has one aim: to further destroy “binary” of male and female, and ultimately, change the culture forever. As the family goes, so goes the culture.

Bottom line? I’m not buying it. And I don’t just mean what Target is selling, I mean what they’re selling. I’m not buying their perverted new social order. I’m not buying their arrogant attitude—but Target is a private company. If they want to put their “guests” in danger to make a political statement, that is their right.

The public schools are another matter entirely. Most of you know we have homeschool our kids—and after the President’s king’s edict last week, you could not pay me to put our kids back into a government school. Target is one thing. I’ll vote on that one with my wallet. But our kids—our kids! Mr. President. You would pull funding from American schools to make a political point? Really?

Yes. He would. Why? Because this is not about bathrooms. It’s bigger than that. It’s about ushering in a new era where those who believe in the traditional male/female “binary” are shunned and marginalized.

There comes a time when ordinary people need to stand up against dangerous ideologies. I hope you won’t let fear keep you from protecting your children, wives and daughters. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to say NOT ON MY WATCH. It’s okay to tell President Obama that you don’t want to participate in his social agenda. We’ve got kids to protect. I expect to see a huge surge in the number of parents choosing to homeschool because of actions like this. If you’re thinking of homeschooling, take it from a mom of seven who has been doing it nearly twenty years. You can do it. If you’re on the fence about homeschooling, now is a good time to take the plunge.

Here are five things I wish I’d known before I started homeschooling.

Oh, and Target, I don’t want to be your guest again—so you can take your comfy-cozy, calibrated collaboration with the left and keep it.

I choose my kids. We’re losing a lot more than our right to privacy. We’re losing our voice. We’re losing our freedom.

Parents need to be a voice for their children! Just say NO to genderless locker rooms and public bathrooms! #notonourwatch


Join the boycott against Target HERE

Target CEO digs in; refuses to hear pleas from worried consumers


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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.

7 thoughts on “Target’s “Guest” Policy Is About More Than Bathrooms

  1. Noelle

    Well said Heidi! We totally disagree with Target and Obama and I can’t ever imagine allowing our schools to indoctrinate our children with this garbage. We are standing firm on God’s Word with you!

  2. Erin

    I love that you’re standing up on this issue. I’m getting so angry that people try to marginalize our feelings of safety for ourselves and our children and no, it’s not the transgender folks we worry about. It’s every sex offender/child molester who is given free reign to walk into our bathrooms without so much as a sideways glance. When I was in college I was in the shower late one night when some guys from down the hall decided it would be funny to shut the lights off while I was in the shower. Sure, it was funny to them, but as I explained to my RA I went back to my empty room and thought about how if the intention was not a joke, but to rape or harm me it would have been easy. I was naked. I was vulnerable and my roommate was out so I don’t know how long it would have been until someone looked for me. Using slurs of “bigot” to force us to forget our very legitimate concerns is NOT ok. You don’t give one population rights, by taking away the rights of others in exchange.

  3. Suzanne D Reed

    I totally agree with you, it is about marginalizing those of us who think male and female. Sooner or later it will also try to do away with the stay at home parent who cares for their child because after all they aren’t working so they don’t deserve healthcare or money or any recognition whatsoever. Maybe it’s a way to control the population too, after all if all the women are either lesbians or wanting to be men and all the men are gay or wanting to be women and they all have surgeries and take hormones a mess up their bodies who’s going to be able to have kids? Or will they steal them from the Christian parents because they think we are evil and intolerant and are raising our kids to be that way too so therefore we don’t deserve to have them.

  4. Travis

    I had not seen your Facebook page or blog until today; however, I am very encouraged a young woman and mother is taking a stand against the assault of the LGBTQ crowd.
    The article on Target and the end goal of the leftwing crowd being social engineering is right on “Target”!
    With the heart of a shepherd,
    Pastor Travis D. Smith

  5. Mrs. M


    Thank you for standing on God’s word on this and many other issues-I completely agree! I fear more and more public nudity is on the horizon. Just last year a woman was walking down a major street in our town with nothing on from the waist down. The police quickly came and covered her up. But, with the ability to now essentially expose yourself to the opposite sex in what used to be “women” or “mens” bathroom or locker room and have the presidents blessing, what is stopping anyone from feeling the right to do this in a restaurant, store, or walking down the street. This is totally from the devil. We are not protecting our children anymore! This is indecent exposure. the crime of intentionally showing one’s sexual organs in public. the act of outraging public decency by being naked in a public place. Why is this now okay now to do this as long as your doing it in a women’s bathroom or locker room?

  6. Christina

    It has been really interesting watching this occur from Canada. In January of this year the province I live in put out a document called “Guidelines For Best Practice”. Passed off as a anti-bullying bill it gives students who identify as transgender the ability to use alternative pronouns (including some I’ve never heard of before!), change their name, use bathrooms, change rooms and play on sports teams that are opposite to their biological sex. They can also join GSA’s and schools can no longer set a dress code- ie skirts for girls only. BUT the biggest thing is that they included a clause that all of this can occur WITHOUT a parents knowledge. In order to protect the ‘safety’ of the child the child must give the school permission to discuss any of the above with a parent or guardian.

    The government, hailed as a modern hero gave school districts 10 weeks to amend their local policies to support all of the above. There was a large amount of pushback but parents who opposed these policies have been attacked being called closed-minded, bigots, anti-trans and religious zealots -even by the government itself. Some have gone so far as to publically post names and pictures of those who oppose the policies encouraging others to inundate them with letters of hate.

    It has been an extremely trying time and while I’m deeply saddened at what is occurring in the USA I am glad to see so much pushback against the changes. It gives me hope.


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