A Fall Family Tradition


A Fall Family Tradition

I love traditions. Seriously. If left to my own insanity, I would have a tradition for everything I do. This runs along quite well with my insane hate for change, so instead of insisting of my love of the regular… I label it Traditions!

And once Fall hits, It’s time for my cute aprons to come out and our baking to begin. Starting in September, September 1st to be exact. We welcome Fall into our Little Red house. It’s still hot in the south, but we celebrate a bit early to anticipate what’s to come.

What once started out as a simple apple pie to welcome in the season has now turned into an apple festival that spiraled out of control! With 7 kids and various family and friends who anticipate the start of baking day as much as we do….Pies, crisps and home made applesauce now adorn our days.

For me food means bringing people together… and that’s what I love the most. The gathering of my kids around the table, excited about the days events. As my children grow, my traditions have been taken over by them. I have graduated to the “overseer” as my teenagers happily start handing out jobs to the littler ones. Their friends come over to help with the baking.

There is something about a full house that warms my heart… and usually, in the center of that is food! It brings people closer, puts them at ease and warms the soul.

Β A Fall Family Tradition

In our Little Red House the smell of Fall closely resembles Apples. Our huge crock pot is simmering with freshly peeled apples….Sprinkled with various amounts of sugar and cinnamon… And a bag of apples are always bought for my Aunt Diana who lives right down the street. My children love to pick the juiciest ones for her to make into the best apple butter this side of the Mason-Dixon Line.

This year, we learned the secret of “seconds.” Seconds are the apples that fall to the ground before they get the chance to be picked. They are gathered and placed in a huge farm freezer and are sold for mere pennies. So after my kids picked some fruit from the trees, we purchased a huge box of seconds for about $5. After making 4 apple pies, 2 apple crisps, 8.5 qts of apple sauce, 4 cans of apple butter, freezing 15 apples for later use AND eating apples with breakfast, lunch and dinner, we still had about 1/2 a bushel left over….

Our Apple Pie tradition has been celebrated for over a decade. It has been picked up by other families and inspired people to celebrate the little things.

My prayer is that when my kids grow up and go off on their own, that somehow, they will all make their way back to my Little Red House for a plateful of apple pie. That they will come back with their husbands and wives, their kids and their friends…

And that one day, when I am long gone, they will carry this tradition on in their own home. That on September 1st neighbors will smell the sweet aroma of cooking apples and know that in their house… Love abides.


Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

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About Amy Wyler

Hi I'm Amy. I blog under the name Gigi, at Gigi’s Place. Happily married for 17 years, and homeschooling my 7 children, I have a huge heart for wives, mothers and women alike. Being raised in a society that promotes perfectness and pride, I encourage women that superwoman has left the building… and in her place stands a woman with a heart after God. Through my love of social media, I hope to encourage you all from my Little Red house, where I live , love and do life!

26 thoughts on “A Fall Family Tradition

  1. Connie

    Thank you Amy for encouraging words for the family. Today we are going to thoughtfully chose an Oct tradition and let it take us where it will. πŸ™‚

    1. Amy Wyler Post author

      Hi Allison, My recipe is really easy. I just peel,core and slice about 12 apples. 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of water and some cinnamon. Slow simmer all day and then I just mash it with a potoato masher or a fork. DELICIOUS! Of course you can add or take away to add more /less sweetness to it. Let me know if you try it and how it turns out!!! XOXO

  2. Amber @ Classic Housewife

    I love this, Amy. I’m big on traditions, too, and Fall is my favorite season. You’ve got me thinking that I need to bake and cook more. πŸ˜‰ Use that food to gather family together at my house. I don’t like cooking, but then, I never thought of it as a “lure” for the family gathering that I love so much. =)

    1. Amy Wyler Post author

      Amber- LOL…. I have found to be food as the center of EVERYTHING… At least in my house. I think that is why my little red house is always standing room only. Ha!!! Try it, you will find it to be wonderful ( and delicious!)

    1. Amy Wyler Post author

      Marlene, I just wrote it in a comment above…( Allison’s comment reply) It’s super easy and delicious… and makes your house smell wonderful!!!! I hope you get to make it! XOXO


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