Time for Mom to Look Fall Fabulous The Busy Mom

Time for Mom to Look Fall Fabulous

Time for Mom to Look Fall Fabulous The Busy Mom

The clock is ticking as the Mad Scramble to Be On Time (or at least not very late) ensues. Kids are dressed, brushed, buttoned, polished and spit shined when Mom finally throws her hair up in a messy bun, splashes some water on her face and shoos the kids out to the car. Later at church, she catches herself in the bathroom mirror and thinks, “Wow, I really look like a mess.”

Can you relate?

This scenario has played itself out in my house countless times over the past ten years or so. With two little children to ready for church, a new post baby body shape, and clothes which no longer fit right–getting to church or even the grocery store looking half as good as my kids became a serious challenge. And then I had a third one, my boy, and for a while.. all bets were off.

I was being a great mom, spending the time and effort to get my kids dressed and hair fixed, teeth brushed and looking their best. But I wasn’t being a great ME – my wardrobe was a mess, I wasn’t leaving myself enough time, and I looked as “not together” as I felt inside. If you’ve never felt this way, praise the Lord! If this is you, read on sweet mom, there is hope.

Now that my kids are older and responsible for their own appearances, I have been working on my own. What I’ve learned is that I could have made some of these changes years ago. I didn’t have to play the role of Disheveled Mom! And by the way, Disheveled Mom is not a good representative for Great Hubby and Awesome God. Disheveled Mom needs to go! As we move into my favorite all of “fashion seasons”–the Fall–let me share four tips for kicking Disheveled Mom to the curb.

Time For Mom to Look Fall Fabulous

Be Wise With Your Time

Time is the most important factor. First, spend regular time with the Lord — that’s always the first factor. Time spent keeping your house and laundry in order is a close second — when I feel disorganized on the inside I look disorganized on the outside. (And if most of my clothes are dirty, it’s very hard to look put together.) Third, prepare ahead of time by getting your clothes ready the night before. And fourth, don’t underestimate the amount of time it will take to get you and a houseful of kids ready to go somewhere! Leave yourself plenty of time.

Mix and Match Wardrobe Staples

Gather Basic Wardrobe Staples

Make it EASY to get dressed by building a wardrobe base of mix and match staples. My favorite staples in my closet are my black sweater dress, a good pair of straight legged jeans and skinny jeans, a gray knee length skirt, a pair of black leggings, and some black capris. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on these– scour the resale shops and the sales like I did. Never ever buy something you don’t completely like and feel comfortable in. If it’s not quite the right size, shape or shade – skip it!  Build your base of staples as you have the time and money for it, add in a variety of colorful tops, skirts and dresses, and it will be really easy to pull an outfit together without spending a lot of time on it.

organize accessories


Accessories are my favorite part. In my book, there are three essential fall fashion accessories: boots, scarves, and sweaters. In addition, headbands, hats, fall flats, tights, purses and a great coat are important, too. I love, love, love my gray fall boots and my red patent leather flats, not to mention my teal scarf and my purple purse. Again, you don’t have to spend a lot of money and you don’t want to buy things that aren’t you or that you don’t love. Little by little, add to your accessories and organize them in a way that is easy to see, grab and go. Same with your jewelry. Your goal is to get in and get out.

Quick and Easy Outfits

The Finishing Touches

Something I learned a long time ago is that even a basic ponytail can look “fixed and polished” if you take a few minutes to make it look good. What I’m saying is that your hair doesn’t have to look fancy to look fixed. If I’m running short on time, a clean, brushed ponytail or fresh messy bun is the way to go. I have also learned how to do a basic makeup application in about three minutes – perfect for running to the store or over to a friend’s house. It’s not overdone, but I look like I took the time to care about my appearance, and that’s really all that is important here. Take a few minutes to look like you took that few minutes, and that will go a long, long way.

Black Sweater Dress

Don’t Worry About It

This isn’t about vanity. I’m not promoting getting caught up in self appearance or worrying about how you look. Moms, we aren’t supposed to worry about how we look! There is nothing wrong with looking put together and nice. As we run our errands, visit with friends and go to church…we represent our family, our husbands, and our God! Disheveled Mom does not speak well of them.

Not only that but we also need to take care of ourselves, eat well, get enough sleep, wear clothes that fit, take care of our skin and teeth– I want you to have the tools to do that, and look like you’re doing it. And again, Moms, that biggest tool is time. In the past, I wasn’t taking the TIME to take care of myself. Moms, it’s time to do that. And if you build a smart wardrobe and prepare ahead, it won’t take a lot of time on those busy mornings to look fabulous this fall.

Image Background Source: Single Red Shoe by Vera Kratochvil

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

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About Amber Oliver

Amber writes about homemaking and eclectic homeschooling from deep in the heart of Texas at her blog, Classic Housewife. A daughter of God, wife, and mother of three very different children, Amber loves to write, encourage, and help others. Blogging and social media have become tools through which she can use her talents for the glory of God. As a busy homeschool blogging mom, Amber depends on God daily (and also coffee and chocolate.) Amber’s main goal is to help her children find God’s fingerprints through all of creation, learning and life.

10 thoughts on “Time for Mom to Look Fall Fabulous

    1. Amber Oliver Post author

      You can do it, Jeni! Start by figuring out where your biggest “hangup” in the process is (not leaving enough time, too much trouble deciding what to wear?) and go from there. =)

  1. Megan

    Gosh, it’s a battle to even make and keep an appointment to get my hair trimmed a few times a year or to find the time or money to shop for myself these days. I’m so tired of feeling frumpy but feel pretty stuck right now. It’s very discouraging.

  2. sarah kil

    i absolutely love this post!!! it has brought me so much encouragement. i just had my first baby in september and i havent been going out too imuch but sometimes it will b a couple of days between showers bc i forget about myself and i get lost in the moments. i feel awful most of the time 🙁 this post was a great encouragement and reminder to me 🙂

  3. Lori

    I have four little ones seven and under. I also homeschool. My trick for shopping for me and my family is online. There is a better selection and you can order according to your size (which is great when you would have had to pick through a huge clearance rack, never even finding your size). This saves time. Sometimes I will order something in two sizes, say small and medium, if I don’t know how the brand runs. I can do all of the trying on in my own home after the kids have gone to bed. After I have gone through everything, I will return what doesn’t fit or what I didn’t like. It is a lot easier to make one run to a store to return things, than to go shopping with or without the kids.

  4. Sage

    I to am a mom of 3. Thank you for this post. I donated my ponytail after each baby and got a wash & go bob. I love being able to just brush my hair and its done.
    God bless.

  5. Adriana

    Thank You for your words I really needed it.Good bless you for taking the time to help others mom’s like me, because sometimes I feel like I can’t keep going I’m a mother of 4 kids,also I work with my husband and always I’m thinking I don’t have enough time to do everything I need to do but after read what you wrote now I feel I can do it.:-) we are Super Mom’s to the rescue 🙂


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