Simply Pulled Together

Simply Pulled Together- for the Stay at Home Mom

Simply Pulled Together

We’ve all been there- it’s four o’clock, your hair is in a messy bun, you haven’t showered yet, you are still sporting the old painted-on college sweatshirt that you donned the night before and your sweatpants bear traces of snot, cookie crumbs and other unknown substances.  You look frazzled, you feel frazzled, and you dread the thought of your husband getting home and finding you this way- let alone any unannounced visitors who may show up at your door!  Oh, the horror!

“How did June Cleaver do it?” you wonder as you pick up your crying baby and holler for your son to take out the garbage for the 17th time.  Then you remember that Junie Dearest wasn’t a real person and this ain’t the 50s no more!  Can I get an Amen!?

But what if we didn’t have to take this departure from June’s ideals quite so far?  What if we could find some middle ground and actually make ourselves feel better in the process instead of just more undone?  Yes, today, mamas, I am proposing just a few simple ways we can stumble out of bed in the morning and pull ourselves together just enough to not feel disheveled but still be comfortable as we take on the daily tasks of conquering our homes!

5 Simple Ways to Pull Yourself Together for a Day at Home

1. Swap the sweats for some leggings!  If you’re really feeling dangerous go with a bold color or maybe even a print.  They are just as comfy but a whole lot less frumpy and some even have the amazing capability to suck you in in ways you never thought would be possible again post-baby!  Just try them, and when you find a collection of them mounting in your closet, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

2. Show some love for layering!  I don’t know why but whenever I pair a great extra-long tank with a fun top it makes me feel like I have stepped up a couple of notches on the fashion scale!  It’s like that little bit of extra effort to add more texture and color to my ensemble puts me in a whole different league.  And yes, you must use the word “ensemble” instead of “outfit” because it too will automatically make you feel more sophisticated and better about yourself.  You just tried it, huh?  And now you feel like a French actress, don’t you?  Mmhmmm- we’re making progress already!

3. Move over college sweatshirt, long tops are in the house!  If you are going to opt for leggings than some long shirts need to be an essential element of your wardrobe!  Whether you pair something short with a long tank top (as I mentioned above) or you get some shirts that are delightfully long all by themselves, they are the piece that will make your newfound love of leggings feel completely natural and comfortable.  Basically, if I’m shooting straight, leggings + a covered bum = splendor!

4. Trade the messy bun for a top knot!  Aren’t we just in luck that the top knot is in style right now?!  It is the quintessential, “I have not showered in two days so I piled all my greasy hair on the very top of my head” do, without looking like it!  Take advantage of this trend while we can ladies!

5. A little dab will do ya!  That’s right, I’m talking about make up!  Now, I know as well as anyone that I just hate spending time and precious makeup on a day at home, but if I’m also being honest, I do feel better about myself and more ready to take on the day if I feel like I don’t look completely haggard!  I’m not going to suggest that you put on a full face everyday, I’m just going to encourage three simple things-

  • a little blush dusted on cheeks and eyelids
  • lipstain (it can’t be rubbed off on your littles with precious kisses and it lasts all day!)
  • and Blink mascara (I suggest this brand because it forms a tube around your eyelashes and does not smudge under your eyes during the course of the day at. ALL!  You can literally nap with the baby with this stuff on and when you wake up it looks just as good as it did when you put it on!)

So, that’s it ladies!  Simple, comfortable but pulled together!  If you’ve already laid this ground work you can also always just throw on some earrings and a cute scarf before your hubs walks in the door and he won’t even know what hit him!  We can do this girls- emulating June is for the birds but a little departure from our grungies can sure make life feel more fresh!

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

70 thoughts on “Simply Pulled Together- for the Stay at Home Mom

        1. bestpolicygirl

 has some really pretty tunics and I love the dresses I’ve bought from them. When you are shopping for long tops to wear with leggings search for tunics.

    1. Melissa

      I have gotten them at walmart, but then recently found some amazingly comfy and definitely higher quality ones at GAP. I know you can get them just about anywhere these days. Either in the workout section or near the tights. They feel better and cover more b/c the fabric is thicker. There’s a price difference, but there’s a quality difference too.

  1. Kerith Stull

    Amen to June Cleaver! There is certainly something to be said about giving yourself even just five to eight minutes of attention during the day. Seriously, that’s all it takes to throw on new clothes (even comfortable ones), brush your teeth, wash your face, and put the basic make-up on. You feel better. You might be more cheerful. And you’re certainly more presentable to others. Thanks for some fun tips here. Hope all moms are encouraged to take those few moments for themselves!

  2. Stacie

    Love your encouragement for moms to pull ourselves together in the morning! You’re right, we’ve all been there. I did want to comment on one thing though because it seems to be a common misconception. Leggings are to be correlated with tights, not pants. Wearing a shirt, even a long one over your bottom, still means you have no bottoms on… Not a very modest ensemble. Leggings were designed to keep legs warm underneath dresses/skirts. They really should not be worn as pants. I know many with smaller body types can pull it off, but many others can not. In my opinion, and I’m well aware others will disagree due to the comfort of it, none of us should. Just sayin’

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      I appreciate your input Stacie. Obviously, I do not put tights and leggings into the same category. I wore leggings to school as pants almost every day to school in the late 80s and early 90s and do think that if worn well (which to me means with a long enough shirt or paired with a skirt or dress) they can be considered pants. But generally, if I were headed out of the house I wouldn’t wear them just by themselves. My main point here is that they can be a good alternative to sweats if you wear them well and are staying home. And certainly our husbands wouldn’t mind them over sweats!

      1. Haley

        I wore leggings to school when I was a kid, too. However, mine had the straps that go under your feet. They were also not as tight as “leggings” I see girls wearing today. And I just wanted to add, that first paragraph hit me spot-on! I find myself changing and freshening up shortly before my husband gets home a little too often haha!

    2. Melissa

      I think in so many situations this is true, Stacie, and I don’t even like to be in my home in leggings unless I have a tshirt that covers my hiny. But, I’ve noticed a big difference in the thickness/quality that makes a big difference in modesty. I bought them a size bigger (so there are fabric wrinkles as opposed to cellulite dimples!), and they feel as modest to me as jeans. I still wear mine with a really long tunic or dress that almost goes to my knees, but they definitely cover more than tights. Anyway, my point is that the size we choose or fabric quality of the leggings can make a world of difference too.

  3. Heather

    I like to quickly make my bed in the morning too. Just in case the rest of the house is chaos and I don’t feel like I accomplished any cleaning up in the day, I can look in my room and think “my bed is made! I did something” 🙂 🙂 blessings everyone!

  4. amber

    Hey – don’t knock my messy bun. 😉
    I know what you mean. =) I love my leggings, too, I need more of them. But YES – you definitely gotta cover the bum, no matter how big or little your bum may be!

  5. Crystal @ Serving Joyfully

    So true! I love the layered tanks as well! I never really did this until I was nursing babies for most of 4 years and my discreet nursing in public involved wearing a tank under anything/everything. Now I feel “naked” without it!

    Great tips! It really is amazing what a difference just 5 minutes can make.

    1. Alexandra Howard

      Amen. I have a houseful of little boys and I don’t think leggings (unless worn under a dress or skirt) are ever a modest choice. Not only are they tight and unflattering but they show every tiny outline of the body, which is something I don’t want my boys to see. I do wear comfy pants, shorts, or capris on a daily basis, but they are loose fitting and sporty shaped not body hugging. I think that is a much better option. I have to totally agree with Stacie above, totally spot on.

    2. Crystal Brothers

      LOL…as an overweight woman, I’d have to agree w/ you that leggings wouldn’t work for me! However, I have a pair of “better fitting” loungy type black pants that are comfortable, but with a fitted shirt instead of a baggy t-shirt do look a lot more put together 🙂 Maybe try something like that? Or, you know…sometimes I just bit the bullet and actually get dressed in jeans…lol

  6. vickity907

    Having met Heidi recently I can say she can totally pull this legging thing together. I know you’ve birthed 7 babies(HEIDI) but YOU look amazing. If I wear legging’s my husband would ask where the rest of my clothes were. I’m 8 months pregnant with my 5th baby and I’m NO WHERE near the thin side. So right now I’m just enjoying this pregnancy and so happy to have a shower before he gets home. But, maybe I should just try one thing from the list….

  7. Nicole

    I’ve been wondering all day today why I felt more put together. It’s because I put leggings and a fresh tshirt on this morning as I got up! Thank you for encouraging these, now I don’t feel bad about only fitting in leggings!

  8. MsPig11

    I’ve been living in legggings lately 🙂 4mths preggo w/ baby #4 and they are the best thing right now 🙂 I guess I could add a cuter top and do my face every now and then…

  9. Dawn

    I’m a little uncomfortable in leggings due to my, well, let’s just say size. I have an alternative though. Stretch cords that feel just like sweatpants, but fit better and look nice. I found mine at Lands End and L. L. Bean. It is not necessary to look frumpy to feel comfortable!

  10. Christine

    Instead of leggings (for those of us that can’t pull that look off) maxi skirts are awesome. I don’t feel self conscious in them and they cover more than leggings. On cold days I put leggings under the maxi for warmth. I’m not a “you have to only wear skirts person” but I gotta tell ya I find leggings worn as pants to be inappropriate when worn out of ones home or when one has guests over. Too often people put all leggings in the pant category. In the ’80’s the leggings we wore were much thicker material than they are today, they were more like tight yoga pants rather than leggings. The ones made today are much thinner and reveal too much. Also too many women fail to cover their bum which reveals too much information!

  11. Sharon

    Love this and you are SO right. I feel so much less frumpy when I wear some cute, well fitting (of course you mean flattering, good quality ones that don’t show cellulite- duh) leggings, with a tunic or long sweatshirt or long tank w a button-up shirt etc, rather than sweats. Very cute and stylish “Mommy outfit”. Found some awesome leggings last week at Old Navy that are thick material- so comfy- and they looked amazing w a long cardigan and a denim shirt!! I can’t wait to wear this “ensemble” out soon (wish our fall weather would arrive soon in Texas)! You are adorable. Thanks for this great post. 🙂

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      Thank you for the nice comment! We don’t have the problem with fall weather up here in WA! In a matter of two weeks we went from the 90s to the 50s!

  12. Angie

    Thanks for this! Being a stay-at-home-mom doesn’t mean we have to be frumpy moms. If we were working outside the home, we would take time for our appearance. I believe our husbands deserve our best whenever possible. (This does NOT mean we can’t have those “oh my goodness!” days.) As a general rule, though, it’s nice to give our hubbies something pretty to look forward to come home to. Remember how it was when you dated and were excited to put your best foot forward? Don’t let your marriage go on auto-pilot, but keep it “sparking” as you take pride in yourself and your profession as a stay-at-home-mom. –
    Signed, Happily Married 16 years, with 3 bio (homeschooled) and 2 foster kids

  13. Dana

    I agree, however with leggings and a top that covers the rear, therr are no pockets! No pockets?!?? I hate hate hate no pockets. Jeans and a top for me bc I have to have pockets. (and leggings and an uncovered backside is not right, tunic top, ok, but still, pockets?!)

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      I agree- the bum must be covered! Instead of needing pockets on my pants, though, I like to use a cute apron! Plus, it inspires me to actually be productive!

  14. Jeran

    Honestly I just laughed! This article fits me so well. I am going to try this substitution. Thanks, Heidi! I needed that laugh!

  15. Jessica

    I bought a few tights a few weeks ago thinking I could do the tunic thing…. Well, I guess I’m too “curvy.” The hubby nixed that idea the first time I wore it even though I covered my backside. So bummed. (Ha, pun)
    But maybe I can do it around the house. 🙂

  16. Nanci

    Be careful about using anything on the eyelids other than makeup that was designed to go on the thin skin. Blush on the eyelids, unless it specifically says it may be used there is a HUGE no-no. There are colorings in blush that are toxic to the body if used on the eyelids. Just want you to be safe =)

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      I only use mineral make-up that is completely natural, so the toxins aren’t a problem. But thank you for the warnings for other ladies who may not know!

    2. Katherine

      I’ve decided that if something is not safe to wear around my eyes, it shouldn’t be on my face. Most cosmetics will have some sort of warning about using it in the eye area if it could be harmful. Don’t buy it.

      (Disclaimer: Both my father and brother are ophtalmologists. I grew up with “Don’t do that! You’ll put out your eye!” while my friend whose dad was an orthopedist grew up with, “Don’t do that! You’ll break your arm!”;o)

  17. Tonya

    After 8 babies and not being near a Fashionista…. I know what I need. I just cleaned out my dresser and ended up wearing my PJ’s all day today… Flow came and I am miserable…. but this weekend I should feel much better. I hope to find a few leggings and long tanks at the new Plato’s Closet and if not where should I try? The Mall? Target? Any comfy and great brands that will last a long time?

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      I have gotten a great pair at Nordstroms that were actually lined with fleece for the winter so they were super thick and soft. They were speedy but they have really lasted! I have heard good things about good quality ones at The Gap and Old Navy as well. I have found cheap ones at Forever 21 and I’m sure Target would probably have them, but they will likely be thinner.

  18. bestpolicygirl

    Good quality leggings paired with the right top really can be flattering and modest, same with skinny jeans. You just can’t wear them with the same tops you wear with the style of jeans that were popular 10 or 15 years ago. (It is easy to get stuck in a particular decade, too isn’t it ladies?) The top has to be long enough to cover your behind. You don’t have to be a super model to pull it off. I’m finding myself actually wearing dresses and skirts (especially the kind with pockets) even during the week at home lately. Picking out a presentable outfit the night before and laying it out right by my bed helps me actually get dressed in the morning rather than at 2pm. Especially since we are homeschooling, I’ve decided it is important to model dressing with some dignity and modesty during the day to both sons and daughters, whether anyone outside the family sees me or not. My son actually asks me to put on jewelry sometimes when I don’t bother putting it on in the morning.Ha! I do have to say, though, that any Momma with a new baby gets a free pass to live in sweats for at least the first two months.

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      New mamas definitely get a free pass! And great tip about laying out your clothes! I do that on days we leave the house but it’s a good idea to do even when we’re home!

  19. Laura

    Thanks, I needed this! Baby #1 just turned 20 months & baby #2 3 months, & sweats with hair a mess & no make up is my life right now, as much as I hate it! So, thanks for the hope & encouragement, as well as the reminder that covering our bottoms while wearing leggings is a must! Wearing them out & about may be questionable, but you’re right that they’re great around the house. And that husbands love them;)

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      Having lots of littles is so hard! Just try to add in one new thing a day- even just fresh clothes will make you feel better!

  20. monica

    I googled blink mascara and was prompted to click on “blinc mascara” … $26 though? ouch! Am I looking at the right stuff?

    1. MacKenzie Monroe Post author

      That is the right stuff. I’ll have to go change my misspelling. It is spendy but if you are going to fork out a little money for something- this is THE stuff! Plus, it lasts forever!

      1. monica

        That is good to know, many mascaras really irritate my eyes. I’m always surprised when products are long-lasting, so I can see in that case it would be worth it. Thanks for the suggestion!

  21. Stephanie B

    I love the post and I love you! BUT…leggings aren’t for everyone! I can’t wear them and I think most women shouldn’t. Its for the very thin and little girls. I love my yoga pants ( thick quality material and slight flare are the ones I wear) but honestly if you have time to slip on leggings or yoga pants then you have time for real pants. I am completely guilty of not being dressed for the day until late and I am definitely going to try to work on getting dressed first thing. 🙂

  22. Michele

    I bought a pair of leggings that have a short skirt attached to it. Found them on a home shopping network. They are cute and fun.

  23. Emily

    Where can I find the leggings pictured? The bright blue ones? LOVE leggings!!
    Any suggestions for where to find long t-shirts?

  24. Suzanne

    I totally need to work on this…can’t tell you how many times my husband has come home from work with a client :-0 I’m always just proud they don’t have to step over toys!! I love leggings but my problem is finding shirts long enough to cover my bum. Where do I look?? I know thin girls can get away with more, but none seem long enough to me. I do have a couple of sweaters. But since I tend to have hot flashes now 😉 I would like something thinner. And not fom fittin! Any suggestions? I love online shopping as well. Thanks so much!

    1. MamatoBabes

      I wear my husbands shirts with a long tank top and 3/4 leggings. His shirts come halfway down my thighs easily, though I guess if he was smaller/I was bigger I could thrift for larger sizes 🙂 the oversized look is pretty cool and def helps my lower half look trim.
      The whole leggings look is very normal where I live, it’s as acceptable as wearing normal pants though I agree with butt needing to be covered! Local teenagers seem to think leggings and short tops are the latest fashion but yeah… No! Anyway I wear my leggings/shirt out comfortable but I think that would def depend on your local level of acceptance. Another plus with leggings is that they’re soooo comfy when pregnant lol with 3 wks to go til baby #4 is due I love the stretch of my leggings!

  25. Pingback: I’m No June Cleaver! | Our Sweet Life As We Live It

  26. Susan McCurdy

    I love this post ….and your refreshing honesty and ideas. Thank you for bring a smile and a laugh to my day “the greasy hair“I have not showered in two days so I piled all my greasy hair on the very top of my head” do, without looking like it!

  27. Elizabeth

    Duluth Trading Co has extra long tank tops, long sleeve shirts and short sleeve shirts! 2″ inches longer to be exact. I’m going to be buying some…I hope they cover my tushy!

  28. Tonya

    There are several brands of “blink” mascara (Sephphora, Pur,Stila, etc. Which brand are you recommending? I have been looking for good mascara for a very long time!

  29. Jenni

    I love this! I am a tall and chunky girl, and was just wondering if it was socially acceptable to ditch my regular yoga pants (because they LOOK like pajama pants!)and trade them in for legging-style ones (or even thick legging).
    I am six months pregnant with baby #4, and baby #3 is just 10 months old – I don’t have time for zippers and buttons (nor do they even CLOSE at this point)!
    Lucky for me, all those cute little dresses that are too short for wearing by themselves are on sale right now and could be easily winterized with a cardi or jean jacket, right? I haven’t bought any maternity clothes with the last pregnancy or this one, yet, so I feel a wardrobe upgrade is fully deserved! 🙂


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