Category Archives: Current Events

A Strong Warning About False Teachers


A couple weeks ago, my heart broke as a woman who claims the name of the Lord Jesus invited her followers on social media not to “overburden” their conscience by hesitating to vote for a pro-abortion candidate.

In a Facebook post, this woman said,

“…I’d like to suggest that voting for a pro-choice candidate in this election, or any election, need not overburden your conscience.”

Through her blog, she went on to give a defense of her opinion that was utterly devoid of any evidence of Biblical truth, stating that abortion is a “debatable” topic and that government should make decisions on behalf of women and families.

“Given the complex nature of these and other issues, the degree to which the government should make decisions on behalf of women and families regarding pregnancy is, and should be, debatable.”

Debatable? Not according to God. Not when it comes to the murder of unborn babies. We can talk all day about what the role of government should be in the lives of the we, the governed, but abortion is another animal. Men and women, if you love God and know that you are going to stand before Him someday, your conscience should be terribly burdened by what is happening to our unborn in the name of “choice.” Anyone who suggests that God doesn’t care about it is not listening to the Lord—or cannot listen because they do not know Him.

God’s Word warns us against false teachers. If there was ever a time to be on the lookout for them, the time is now. We are living in a generation of biblically illiterate, immature Christians—people who, while claiming the name of Jesus, and wanting His mercy, forgiveness and salvation, do not wish to carry His cross.

This was evidenced by the thousands of people who cheered her post and encouraged her in her deception. These people are easy targets for wolves among the sheep, and they are blogging, pastoring and counseling God’s children away from, not into, what God says is truth.

Our hearts should break over what breaks God’s heart–and abortion is at the top of the list of things God says he hates. Here’s the Truth, according the the Bible, which is the believer’s final authority:

Proverbs 6:16-19  (NIV)
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue,hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes,feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Isaiah 49:1
Before I was born the Lord called me;from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name. Every baby whose life has been snuffed out at the hands of another human being belonged to God.

Are we so foolish as to believe He will not exact wrath and pour out His righteous anger over us for NOT “overburdening” our conscience? God forms us in our mother’s womb and has spoken our names before we took a single breath. Oh, how we have sinned against the Lord in this nation by calling evil “choice” and excusing sin for the sake of convenience.

False teachers promise peace when God says there will be judgment—and teachers who suggest otherwise are wolves in sheep’s clothing. False teachers tell you that you can live in sin and that God will not discipline you. These are all false teachings.

Get in your Bible, Christian! Know the Word of God. Don’t be fooled by false teachers.

 In the end, we will stand before the Lord and give an account for the way we lived our lives. I, for one, am willing to carry the burden of the unborn on my conscience until the Lord comes and makes it right. As believers in Christ and in His gospel, we have no choice in this matter.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best before he was executed at the hands of the Nazi regime:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Click here for a companion podcast!

In Defense of the Children: Are We Protecting Our Most Vulnerable?

The world is on fire.  Our children are being sacrificed on the altar of tolerance.

According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion, there are over 3,000 abortions per day.  The rights of the baby, who has no voice are sacrificed for the rights of the mom.  Who decided that the mom’s voice was more valuable than the baby’s?

One out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys will be sexually abused before they reach the age of 18 (a.).  Many more go unreported.

Recently the government decided to wage yet another war on our children.  They have invited every sexually perverted person out there to meet our children in the public restroom and have communicated to our children that they have no recourse.  What message is being sent to our kids?  That they don’t matter?  That they have nothing to say about the world around them?  That they are powerless?  That they are worthless?

Our school systems are failing.  Our kids are missing out on the joy of just being kids.  Play is a human right for children (b.)  Being able to ride their bikes, run, pretend, explore the real world around them, and not be hurried gives them a chance to learn in ways that work for them, which, in turn, helps them grow into healthy adults.

We are not the first culture to wage a war on children. For thousands of years, the children are the ones who seem to pay the price for each civilization’s foolishness.  They were the ones being sacrificed (literally) to the “gods” on the altar in cultures past.  They seem to be the first to be attacked and as developed as our country is, we are still not protecting our children the way we should.  We are sacrificing them on the altar of tolerance.


Children are vulnerable.  They are depending on us to protect them and as a population, we are failing them miserably.

Here’s the thing:  children are NOT adults.  That means they are not ready for many “adult” situations.  Our culture is pushing them out in front of a moving bus all in the name of “progress.”

God has a very different view of children than the world does.  He clearly loves children.  He calls them a blessing.  He says they are of great value.

“People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.”

  — Mark 10:13-16

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

  — James 1:27

We are in a battle of epic proportions. If our children are led astray by sin and wrong thinking,  future generation will suffer greatly for it.

This battle we are facing is a spiritual one.  It can’t be fought with earthly weapons. (2 Corin. 10:4) The enemy of our souls comes to kill, steal and destroy our children and us, but Jesus said that we can have life and have it more abundantly.  Jesus conquered sin and death through his death and resurrection and the victory is ours.

When the final curtain is drawn, will we have been found faithful to have protected the most vulnerable?  Will we have done everything in our power to be their advocates, to defend the defenseless?

I encourage you to take some time to think and pray about what that looks like for you.

As a mom, I never, ever want to be found sacrificing what I know is best for my children in order to please the culture.  We need to be warriors in defense of the children…our children and the others that God places in our lives.  We have an opportunity to invest into the next generation.  Let’s do it and do it well because they are worth it!

a. a “Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics.” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 2011. Accessed: December 28, 2011.


Dear Church: Please Stop Trying to Be Relevant.

I received a message from a woman last week who was desperate to reach her wayward son. “I don’t want to offend him,” she lamented. “I don’t want him to think I’m irrelevant because I believe the Bible.”  She went on to say she was even more confused about how to reach her son because her pastor was unwilling to address cultural issues. You know,  we need to be careful not to “push anyone away.” Her pastor’s passive stance on issues that her family is facing confused her. Her struggle deepened. After all, what good mother would push her son away with Bible verses-n-stuff? Sounds a little “yesterday,” and “churchy” in today’s progressive culture, don’t you think? But is it?

I might be all alone here, but I think our struggle for cultural relevance is robbing the Church of the one thing that actually makes us relevant.  We sure can draw a crowd with our hipster services and feel-good gospel—but tell me, how’s that working for us?

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A few days ago, I read the story of a young Christian rocker named Trey Pearson. He has joined a chorus of other Christians in embracing his “true self,” by “coming out” as gay—leaving a devastated wife and broken family in his wake. In the name of being his “authentic” self, he has embraced what God says leads to death. With acceptance from people he thinks speak for Jesus, Trey has chosen to deny God and exalt himself. Trey said this was a “defining moment” for him – a moment when he finally found himself. Like so many before him, Trey has traded God’s truth for his own.

What’s a Christian to do? It’s a little bit of a crowd-shrinker I know, but here it is:  the answer is not to run toward “our truth.” The answer is to run away from it! The answer is to run toward the Way, the Truth and the Life— toward the One who died to set us free by His truth.

[Tweet “The answer is not to run toward “our truth.” The answer is to run away from it!”]

My heart truly breaks for this young man, and for all those who will follow him. It’s age old spiritual warfare—SW101, if you will: Take out the pastor and declare open season on the sheep. Satan knows if he can take out a man or woman with a platform, he’s got a clear shot at those who follow that platform. So where were the true Christians when this man with a platform was engaged in one-on-one spiritual warfare with the enemy of his soul?

They were nowhere to be found. I noticed Trey was flanked by two of his “pastors” in an image on his blog. He talked about how these “pastors” were instrumental in helping him. A true follower of Jesus would have loved Trey enough to be honest with him. Honestly? The Christian life is about denial of self (Colossians 3:5) rather than the embracing of it. If we embrace our “true selves” then look out—because literally, all hell will break lose. In our natural self, we’re lost. But nevermind that. In the name of love, at least some of the Christians around Trey have sacrificed truth on the altar of compassion.

“Love” is taking on new forms these days. Except that it’s not loving to lie.

Dear Church, please stop trying to be relevant.

I was a pastor’s wife for nearly 20 years. As such, I can promise you right now that some church leaders are scratching their heads at this article, wondering how we got here.  So let’s be honest: we blew it when we ostracized a group of people because they sin differently that we do. When I was a young Bible college student, I knew heterosexual couples who were totally sinning on the weekends—but the guy who said he struggled with same-sex attraction got the boot. What a mess we made. Unfortunately, instead of recognizing our sin and  admitting that we are all broken in different ways, we’ve fallen off the other side of the narrow path. Now, we are sacrificing truth on the altar of mercy.

In the name of being culturally relevant and often, in direct rebellion against God, many churches have turned a blind eye to the sin of abortion, covered up the sin of its pastors and priests, hailed gay marriage as “progress,” and quietly condoned assisted suicide as “brave.” Even worse, we’re silent. When did we start believing that speaking the truth in love equals silence or timidity?

“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

When did we forget the grace of Jesus on our own broken lives? When did we forget to talk about it? When did we stop believing it?

We may think we’re drawing people to Christ by quietly accepting this massive shift in the culture, but the evidence is clear: our silence is costing this generation dearly. Among the casualties of a “relevant” church is the inconvenient truth that, aside from rare chromosomal anomalies, our DNA is set at birth. We’re either male or female.

Bottom line? I don’t think the culture wants our wishy-washy “relevance.” They don’t need our fancy programs or big buildings. The youth of today are grappling with issues we could not have even imagined twenty years ago. They’re being bombarded by bold lies that are causing many of them to do irreparable harm to their bodies and minds. What is our answer? What do we say, Church? We say the truth—in love—and we leave the results up to God. That’s freeing, really; to know we’re not responsible for the response, we’re just responsible to bear witness to the healing grace of Jesus.  We are simply called to tell people that truth exists—and that God defines it.

This is the challenge of the Church today: to tell the truth, as it’s put forward in the Bible. To stand for righteousness. To proclaim the gospel to a generation who thought Barak Obama would bring them “hope and change.”

 Under the watch of the “relevant” church, devastating lies have taken root in the culture. The depth of deception we are facing runs deep and wide, but God’s Word tells us that the gate that opens to life is narrow. The road that leads to life is difficult. It requires that we come before the Lord daily and ask Him to help us live in His truth, not ours.

 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

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The road is narrow—but it leads to life, and not just any old, run-of-the-mill life … abundant life.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
John 10:10

The thief is lying to us, as he has been doing since the Garden of Eden. Jesus says, “Follow Me, and I will give you LIFE!” Life that’s worth living and worth sharing. Life that’s bold and courageous. (Joshua 1:7) Life that’s rich and abundant. So no. I’m not against using the technology and music of this age to reach people with the gospel. I love the concert-worthy music many of today’s churches provide and, dare I say, I enjoy a delicous latte on my way to Sunday School. These things are good; but I have to ask: In our effort to be seen as “relevant,” have we lost the thing that makes us truly relevant? Because the thing that makes us relevant doesn’t need the trappings of modern “Christianity.”

What good is an entertaining church service that fails to entertain the questions that this generation is asking? What good is it if we can’t articulate compassion and truth in a way that clearly addresses the message of the cross? The cross is hope.

…and hope does not disappoint. Hope has a name. It’s Jesus.

The truth of the gospel has not changed. The saving power of a relationship with Jesus is all the relevance we need.

[Tweet “What good is an entertaining church service that fails to entertain the questions that this generation is asking? “]

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.”Ephesians 4:25

Will the Parents Who Have Never Lost Sight of Their Child Please Stand Up?

Will the parents who have never lost sight of their child please stand up?

In yet another example of our culture gone bezerk, over 236,000 people have signed a petition calling for “Justice for Harambe,” the gorilla that was shot and killed after a four-year old boy fell into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo.  

Go home, “” You’re drunk.

Can any mother reading this REALLY tell me she has never lost sight of her child? Even for moment?

As a mother of seven I can assure you, children can be with you one minute and vanish the next. I think I’m a pretty good mom. BUT. I have “lost” my kids in Legoland, Disneyland, WalMart, church and even in my own home. (This happened in 1998. Turned out the child was up on the roof with her two year old sister in tow.) I know. You’re mad. Don’t worry. Happily, I know where my kids are at the moment of this blog post. You might be surprised to learn that three of my children have survived to adulthood. So far, the therapy bills aren’t too bad. Time will tell.

My point? I don’t think I’m the only parent who has felt the heart-stopping, sheer terror that comes from losing track of a child. Be careful when you judge the mothering of this woman. This was an accident. A horrible accident but an accident nonetheless. The zoo did the right thing. What would we all be saying right now if they had hesitated and the child was killed? What would the headlines be then?

The loss of the gorilla’s life is tragic—but in this upside-down world, we seem to be placing a higher value on the life of an animal than we do on our own children. We want to judge the zoo and the mother for taking the life of the gorilla—nevermind that it was necessary to save the life of the child.

But we don’t care about the child, do we? Not really.

125,000 human beings are murdered EVERY DAY through abortion, with a negligible number of people speaking on their behalf, but a gorilla is killed to protect the life of a child, and 236,000 people rush to his defense. All I can do is sit here and shake my head.

21% of all US pregnancies end in abortion. One gorilla is killed to protect a child and we want to crucify the parents instead of being grateful that the boy is not dead or terribly injured.

Sad situation indeed, but I feel for the parents who are being judged so harshly. 

We’ve got a huuuuuge priority problem in this nation. It’s time we talked about THAT.

Heidi St John Homeschooling Guide to Daylight

Target’s “Guest” Policy Is About More Than Bathrooms

The times, they are a-changing. Every day, it seems a new surprise announcement surfaces for the American public to try and absorb, everything from political shenanigans to gender-bending news—and mandates and edicts ‘n stuff. Seems we can’t catch a break from the new social order that is rapidly being constructed around us—you know… the one our children and grandchildren are going to grow up in.

And it’s wrong, too. It’s just plain wrong. Can I say that? It’s been a few weeks and I’m still shaking my head at the fact that we now have to defend the once commonly held notion that women’s restrooms are for, well—women.

It’s a conversation that we never imagined we would be having. First it was stores, and now, predictably, it’s coming to schools.

In the interest of transparency, I’ll confess: I never really liked Target calling their customers “guests.” The term implies that the store is not really a store. A+ marketing job, Target. They know people. When you’re a guest, you feel at home, right? The term has a warm fuzzy feel about it. It invites you to let down your defenses. As a “guest” in Target, you feel safe and valued while you spend your hard-earned dollars on everything from cucumbers to calculators.

It’s part of (or it used to be) Target’s appeal, isn’t it? We’re not just customers to Target, we’re their “guests.”

Listen. Target loves your money you. They have your comfort and safety in mind. They do! In fact, they want all their “guests” to be comfortable in their own skin. That’s why they’re allowing any grown man who “feels” like a woman to follow your 10 yr old right into their bathrooms. That guy has feelings! Don’t you care? Come one! Have a heart!

A Target supporter told me via Facebook the other day that I need to stop worrying about it. She suggested I “learn to be the parent” and simply accompany my girls into the restrooms, past the guys, you know … and just deal with it. A good mom would never let her kids go to the bathrooms alone anyway, right? Right! But that’s not the point, and most consumers know it. Target stock is continuing to plummet in the wake of their decision.

So here’s the question: Is this really Target’s best attempt at making their “guests” feel safe and loved and valued and protected and understood and comfortable?

Absolutely not. If it was about making transgendered customers feel safe, they would have spent the money to put in more family restrooms.

Make no mistake: Target’s eyeing a much bigger target.

Is this really about bathrooms? Heidi St. John, mother of seven, says NO.

Target doesn’t care that this puts women and children at risk in the most vulnerable of scenarios. This is not about accommodating the transgendered community. It’s about forcing anyone who senses there is something inherently wrong with men pretending to be women to “get over it…” and if they have to sacrifice yours or your daughter’s or your wife’s safety in order to make their point, they’ll do it.

This is so NOT about bathrooms. It’s about social engineering. It’s about a large corporation saying they know better than the people who are so fortunate as to be seen as guests in their stores.

And, it’s another nail in the coffin of what God says family was created to look like: marriage between a man and a woman; a father and a mother raising children. We are, by design, male and female. The LGBT movement you are seeing in the culture today has one aim: to further destroy “binary” of male and female, and ultimately, change the culture forever. As the family goes, so goes the culture.

Bottom line? I’m not buying it. And I don’t just mean what Target is selling, I mean what they’re selling. I’m not buying their perverted new social order. I’m not buying their arrogant attitude—but Target is a private company. If they want to put their “guests” in danger to make a political statement, that is their right.

The public schools are another matter entirely. Most of you know we have homeschool our kids—and after the President’s king’s edict last week, you could not pay me to put our kids back into a government school. Target is one thing. I’ll vote on that one with my wallet. But our kids—our kids! Mr. President. You would pull funding from American schools to make a political point? Really?

Yes. He would. Why? Because this is not about bathrooms. It’s bigger than that. It’s about ushering in a new era where those who believe in the traditional male/female “binary” are shunned and marginalized.

There comes a time when ordinary people need to stand up against dangerous ideologies. I hope you won’t let fear keep you from protecting your children, wives and daughters. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to say NOT ON MY WATCH. It’s okay to tell President Obama that you don’t want to participate in his social agenda. We’ve got kids to protect. I expect to see a huge surge in the number of parents choosing to homeschool because of actions like this. If you’re thinking of homeschooling, take it from a mom of seven who has been doing it nearly twenty years. You can do it. If you’re on the fence about homeschooling, now is a good time to take the plunge.

Here are five things I wish I’d known before I started homeschooling.

Oh, and Target, I don’t want to be your guest again—so you can take your comfy-cozy, calibrated collaboration with the left and keep it.

I choose my kids. We’re losing a lot more than our right to privacy. We’re losing our voice. We’re losing our freedom.

Parents need to be a voice for their children! Just say NO to genderless locker rooms and public bathrooms! #notonourwatch


Join the boycott against Target HERE

Target CEO digs in; refuses to hear pleas from worried consumers


Why You Should Teach Your Young Children about Preborn Life

When my son, Ben, studied the Holocaust during World War II, he was appalled at the evil he read about. The idea that a society could set about to cause the wholesale eradication of human life hurt his heart.

It’s easy to look back in history and scorn the evil of the past, isn’t it? The Holocaust was clearly a horrific evil, ending the lives of 6 million Jews, and an additional 5 million non-Jewish people.(1) Though we teach our children about the Holocaust as a way to honor the victims, we primarily teach it so that we won’t repeat the tragedy.

Today’s Holocaust

It’s easy to assume that the horrors of the Holocaust are behind us, yet today we are seeing the loss of human life on a massive scale. Just as in Germany, governments around the world are funding, facilitating, and even requiring death on unimaginable scales.

Does that sound like an exaggeration?

In 2014, there were 977,000 abortions in the United States alone.(2) That’s 2,677 a day, at a rate of 2 babies dying each minute. Those numbers are painful, but not quite on par with the destruction of the Holocaust. However, there have been more than 58 million 873 thousand abortions in the US since 1973.(3) Since 1980, we’ve seen more than 1.4 billion abortions worldwide.(4)

In the US, we’ve outpaced the Holocaust by more than 5 times the number of dead. Worldwide, there are more than 128 times the number of dead as those killed during the Holocaust.

Why You Should Teach Your Young Children About Preborn Life


How You Can Help

Perhaps it seems strange to hear about abortion on The Busy Mom. What does this have to do with you? There are a lot of approaches people take to end abortion. Prayer, petitioning outside clinics, voting pro-life, raising awareness on social media and in person, and working in the political arena–all have merit, and are all important. I’m going to suggest an approach to add to that arsenal–one that will take longer to grow to fruition, but may be wonderfully effective.

In the United States, 18% of abortions are performed in teens under the age of 20.(5) Nearly one in 5 of all abortions is undertaken by a teen. 40% of those teens don’t tell either parents about the death of their baby.(6)

What if we educate our children about preborn life now? As a part of our bedtime reading, what if we incorporate science and Scripture that teaches our children the truth of preborn life? Let’s tell our kids that a baby’s heart starts beating two weeks after conception. Our children need to know that God planned each life in advance, and that He lovingly forms each baby in the womb.

Maybe we can’t change the culture of death that we live in. Perhaps we can teach just one child–or four, or twelve–about the value of human life from its conception. If we do it together, perhaps we can turn the tide in favor of life. Life that is ordained by a sovereign Creator.

Giveaway ~ Ends 4/20/16

Wonderfully Made Giveaway tbm

This new resource from children’s author Danika Cooley may help. Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth (Christian Focus 4 Kids, 2016) is a science- and Scripture-filled picture book for kids ages 5-11. The book is told from the perspective of a mother (you!) telling her child about his or her development in the womb week-by-week. You can learn more about Wonderfully Made and download free resources for a Wonderfully Made unit study: posters, Scripture memory cards, and a fetal development lapbook over at the Wonderfully Made book page.

Another way you can make a difference is by supporting Save the Storks.  Save the Storks partners with pregnancy resource centers all over the nation to provide them with powerful tools and training so they can more effectively reach and serve abortion-minded expectant mothers.


Together we empower these mothers to choose life for their unborn babies.

We accomplish our mission by making the highest-quality and most beautiful mobile medical vehicles available. These Stork Buses allow our affiliates to go where abortion-vulnerable women are likely to be, such as in front of abortion clinics and on university campuses.

Stork Buses allow our affiliates to go to women who need their services, rather than expecting those women to come to them.

Heidi has taken a stand against abortion for as long as I can remember, because it matters.  She knows it’s overwhelming to think about the problem on a large scale, but knowing you can do one or two things really does make a difference.  What will you do today?

Void where prohibited by law. Must be at least 18 years of age. This giveaway is in no away associated with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. No purchase necessary for entry. Odds are determined by the number of entries. Selected winners will have 48 hours to respond to email notification to claim their prizes or another winner will be drawn.

(1) The Holocaust. Retrieved from:
(2) (Updated 2016, February 5) US Abortion Statistics. Retrieved from:
(3) Number of Abortions – Abortion Counter. Retrieved from:
(4) Number of Abortions – Abortion Counter. Retrieved from:
(5) Guttmacher Institute. (N/A) Induced Abortions in the United States. Retrieved from:
(6) Guttmacher Institute. (N/A) Induced Abortions in the United States. Retrieved from:

Lord, Help Me be More Like My Little Girl

Lord, help me live in such a way that my children learn to trust You!

Tonight, as I tucked my almost five-year old into bed, her prayer was simple:

“Dear God, please stop this abortion. Just cancel it. It’s wrong to kill babies. You can do it all by yourself. You don’t need any help—because you’re that big and that good.”

We weren’t expecting such a big thought to come from such a small girl…and a quiet hush came over the room. She trusts Him.

He IS that big, that good. We are facing many problems in our world today. Saylor’s prayer reminded me that I serve the King of Kings. The ONE who spread the heavens out like a canopy over the earth. The Lord of “heavens armies.” The One who made the seas and all that is in them.

He says our days were ordained for us before a single one of them came to be. He says we are to trust Him.

One day soon, He WILL make things right.

“Into His capable hands, I must commit the future of my children—and of all the broken things around me that I have no control over. My role is not to worry. It is to obey. It is to trust.”

Into His capable hands, I must commit the future of my children—and all of the broken things around me that I cannot fix. My role is not to worry. It is to obey. It is to trust. Lord, I do believe. Calm my mother’s heart. Help my unbelief!

Help me be more like my little girl.


—–Be Still My Soul—-
1. Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side;
With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In ev’ry change he faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heav’nly Friend
Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

2. Be still, my soul: Thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as he has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: The waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.

3. Be still, my soul, though dearest friends depart
And all is darkened in the vale of tears;
Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe thy sorrows and thy fears.
Be still, my soul; thy Jesus can repay
From His own fulness all He takes away.

4. Be still, my soul: The hour is hast’ning on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: When change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.

Text: Katharina von Schlegel, b. 1697;