Feeling Anxious and Overwhelmed?

Philippians 4 @thebusymom.com

As moms, it can seem impossible to go a day without feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or worried about our families and children. I have a tendency toward depression, which lends itself to anxiety also…so for my personality it may be even more so drawn that direction. Regardless of our personalities, though, God’s Word does give us the answers to our anxiety problems.

God’s Word doesn’t give us a formula, it leads us to a relationship. There are no 3 easy steps to getting through anxiety and depression in our lives, but He gives us the grace of Himself in us. Christ in me, the hope of glory!

I believe that this passage in Philippians, one of my all time favorites, gives us one of the major keys to having peace in difficult times of anxiety. Does the Lord promise to take our problems away? No. Does the Lord tell us this life will be easy? No.

But, He does promise us Himself and His peace. And that peace, friends? That peace is beyond our understanding. The hardest moments of our lives don’t magically disappear…but that peace transcends anything on this earth that we can see, touch or feel.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

This verse gives us the key…do you see it? Prayer brings peace. In everything, everything, present your requests to God ~ with thanksgiving ~ AND THE PEACE OF GOD will guard your heart and your mind!!

Feeling anxious? Pray. Speak the name of Jesus if you have no other words.

Did you catch the other key to peace? First, we pray about everything. But, when we are praying, pray with thanksgiving.

Feeling overwhelmed with everything on your plate? Start by thanking God for every little thing you can think of.

Worried about your prodigal or sick child? Name aloud the things you can find to be thankful for. As you names your blessings, pray. Keep on praying. As you pray, He will fill your heart with His peace. That peace only comes from Him. That peace only comes when we spend time with Him. That peace comes as a result of our relationship, not a formula.

I don’t know about you, but I’m guilty of trying to rid myself of anxiety as quickly as possible instead of turning to the one place where peace is promised. Getting rid of it is not always God’s plan…giving you peace in the midst of the struggle is what He offers.

Sweet friends, I’ve been so overwhelmed lately myself, this message is for me as much as it is for you. I hope you will join me in spending more time on our knees than looking for ways out of our circumstances.

Prayer and thanksgiving bring peace. That sweet, sweet fellowship with the Lover of our souls fills us up with peace indescribable. I’ve seen it in my own life time and time again. I know He will do the same for you!



Click over to my blog if you’d like to read more about my journey with depression

Heidi St John Firmly Planted Family Devotional For All Ages

4 thoughts on “Feeling Anxious and Overwhelmed?

  1. Silvia Maria

    Hello ladies. My name is Silvia Maria and I live in Guatemala. We homeschool our 8 year old daughter and today, I needed to be reminded that God is in control of everything. I am going thru a very difficult circumstance right now and I decided to pray and ask God to help me. I also thanked him for being there for me. The problem is still there but I was reminded by this wonderful Bible verse that Candace shared that God will provide a solution in his time. God bless you all.

    1. Candace

      Thank you so much for sharing how the Lord is speaking to you and encouraging you!! He is faithful!! I’m praying for you today! BTW, my brother and his family lived in Guatemala for several months as missionaries last year! His wife lived there as a child where her parents started a ministry and served there. So, your country has a special place in our family’s heart!

  2. Shernette

    Thank you for the encouragement and reminder. Sometimes I’ll pray and pray and forget the thanksgiving! 🙁


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