We Hope—We Wait

“Good things come to those who wait.”

Boy, I heard this a lot as a child, this philosophy of waiting. It was preached from the pulpit, at school and yes, at home. It’s funny how you turn into your parents, pastors and teachers … eventually.

When I was young, I was always in a hurry to grow up. I remember thinking, “if only I could drive…” or “if only so-and-so would ask me out” … and then, I married the most wonderful man—and the “if onlys” began again. “If only we had more money”, “If only the kids would obey!”


Time is a teacher. At long last, I am discovering something about my if only attitude. In Romans, Paul was having a similar angst. Except he had the right perspective.

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:25

In the quiet (read: before the kids awake), I let these words soak deep into my spirit. And a four little words speak to my spirit. “We hope—We Wait.”

Look closely. They come before and after “for what we do not have.

We live in a world that is desperate for hope. Entire {successful} presidential campaigns have been built on the word “Hope.”  It is a powerful word. It holds a promise that is unique to the one who hears it.

What are we hoping—and waiting for? Some weighty things come to mind—

Raising children is really an exercise in hope. Each day requires renewed patience and discipline as I wait to see the beginnings of buds appear on the branches of those little saplings I have planted oh-so-carefully with my husband.  The promise of fruit that will appear —the hope—that if I plant with the harvest in mind, and if I nurture these little souls—and if—I can ask forgiveness … there.will.be.fruit.

We hope—for what we do not yet have.

We wait for it—patiently

… when we’ve said “no” for the trillionth time
… when we are challenged repeatedly
… when the gentle correction seems to not be working
… when the toddler just will.not.stop. whining
… when the math lessons are wearisome
… when I am weary from the oh-so-daily reminders:

“your school books don’t go there”
“yes, it’s your turn to unload the dishwasher”
“please treat your sister with kindness”
“stop arguing with each other…please …. now … STOP!”

summer-in-summerMany moms fall into bed each night exhausted and discouraged—for little change is seen in the day-to-day challenges of raising children.

Real change is incremental. It is a decision of the heart.

So we wait—with hope—for what do we do not yet see.

And we don’t give up. And we love with a fierceness that burns brightly on long winter days.

And—we keep waiting—because we believe the promise.

Good things come to those who wait. And just like Rome wasn’t built in a day, so fruit trees don’t mature overnight.

One day, I am learning, the effort begins to bear fruit. Children grow up. They get married … and… I’m also discovering that eventually, they make ecstatic grandmothers out of tired mamas.


There will be fruit. Plant with the harvest in mind.

Be encouraged,



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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.

25 thoughts on “We Hope—We Wait

  1. Melissa R

    Heidi – what an awesome encouragement I needed for today. God’s timing is perfect and His word is sure. I do wonder if I am doing enough as a Stay-at-home-work-from-home-homeschool mom. I just read the parable of the slaves and the money that their owner gave to them to invest and it made me wonder, doubt if I am doing enough; if I am investing that money to bring forth the fruit. I started to feel guilty because I have thought to myself that ministry is only limited to evangelism; like if I am not on the street witnessing to strangers then I am not a true believer; not investing rightly. However your post proved to me otherwise because this – being at home is my first ministry and what I am doing is what I am supposed to be doing; getting into the Word with my children; planting seeds. Let me not doubt but wait and hope 🙂

  2. Annie Cowing

    I loved this Heidi, and you are a gifted writer as ‘ecstatic grandmothers out of tired mamas.’ has to be my favorite quote in a very long time. That sums it up and says so much more.

  3. Robyn S

    Oh, I feel this. I have a 4 year old and a 19 month old. My 4 year old is one of those kids that training very seldom leads to a quick adjustment, whatever method you try. It was very discouraging when he was a toddler, but I started looking back, and sure enough, he has accepted a lot of lessons we have worked SO hard on… slowly. I learned I needed to persevere when it didn’t seem to be working.

    But the we hope… we wait applies in so many other ways too. I’m learning a new waiting with patience. I just lost my baby to a second trimester miscarriage. It was a boy, and I named him Enoch, because he went to God early. And now I wait to see him. The patience I suppose comes in because it is only hope if you are assured you will receive what you are waiting for. I know he waits for me there, being comforted. So now I hope. I work. I wait. And my sadness (which is strong right now, it has only been since Monday) isn’t for him, because he has already seen the end of my hope.

    1. heidistjohn Post author

      Sweet Robyn ((hugs)) to you. I’m sorry you are going through so much right now. 🙁 My friend Linda wrote a book called “Mommy, Please Don’t Cry” where she shares her experience of loss. It might be helpful to you as you grieve. Hang in there. It will get better.

  4. Cynthia

    I love following you day to day…..I am also a home school mom…..of 9….. And found out at Christmas that my daughter and husband are expecting the week after their first anniversary!!!! How can I be a Grandma and have my own 2 year old????. It will be rockin….

    Today’s post, and picture brought tears…..of joy!

    Thanks for what you do…..

    Cynthia Brown

  5. Molly

    … when the math lessons are wearisome!
    Math is so so so wearisome. And it can feel like such an obstacle to maturity. I needed this today. I really wonder if my math challenged son will ever be able to “make it out there in the big bad, math filled, world”!

    1. heidistjohn Post author

      Molly, you just NEVER know what God has in mind. 🙂 I’ve heard stories of children who could not multiply when they got into high school … and who are now CPA’s … successfully! Your job is to plant and nurture. Keep it up. Just trust. And obey. <3

  6. Jill Beran

    Parenting is all about waiting as is life at times. Last week in my Bible study we were looking at the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and talking about waiting how they had to wait for Jesus. In that wait there minds were probably rolling but in the end God had a bigger and better plan than they could have imagined. As I worked on this two thoughts came to mind – I will have to wait on God, but I should never make Him wait on me. And waiting should not be wasted time…as a Mom, a homeschooling one I need to remember this!!

    Thanks for the encouraging thoughts!! Looking forward to hearing from you in Omaha!


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