This is Who You Are, Day 1

Not long ago, in a moment of desperation and frustration, I looked at my husband and lamented, “I live in a state of constantly disappointing someone!” That’s how I felt after forgetting to get back to one of my grown children about a coffee date while simultaneously being behind in everything from laundry to dinner prep.

And yes. I have helpers. That day the kitchen helper complained that her chores were too much, and one of my teens blurted something out about being “ruined” because of homeschooling. Super. Just what I didn’t need to hear. The devil knows exactly where we’re weak, doesn’t he?

I’d love to tell you that I reacted positively to these minor challenges, but I didn’t. I retreated to my room and hosted my own pity party, complete with a Netflix binge session and ice cream.

It felt good, actually. Forget those kids! They can make their own dinner tonight! For that matter, they can do it for the REST OF THEIR LIVES! Our ten year old poked her head into my room and observed that I was “in a bad mood.” She was right. I was.

“I’m just a mom!” I complained. I can’t keep up. Why am I even doing this? Who cares? It doesn’t matter anyway!!

Do you hear the lie? For those few hours that week, I forgot I was part of a battle.

I had forgotten that where mothers are concerned, the devil doesn’t need to change tactics very often. One of his favorite tactics is to tell mothers this simple lie, “You’re just a mom.” But here’s the truth: There’s no such thing as “just a mom.”

Many moms believe this lie because they don’t realize the implications it carries with it. If you are “just a mom,” then:

you are not part of a battle.
you are not capable of training warriors.
your role is insignificant.
it doesn’t matter if you are strong or not.
your role is replaceable.
your role is just for one generation.
your walk with God is not important.
the spiritual battle doesn’t include you.

Do you see? There is no such thing as “just a mom.” You are literally shaping the hearts and minds of an entire generation of children. Moms matter, and the devil knows it. This is why he works overtime to discourage Christian moms from taking an active part in the spiritual nurturing of their children.

We can’t afford to let Satan lie to us any longer. Too much is at stake. We’re dealing with more lies in this generation than in the past sixty years—and it’s time to put this one to bed for good.

You’re more than “just a mom.” You’re more than “ordinary.” You’re ordained for the kingdom purpose of raising your children to follow God. And “just a mom” can’t possibly do that!

Believe it today, and allow the power of the living God to rest on you.

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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.

11 thoughts on “This is Who You Are, Day 1

    1. Lory

      Oh boy can I relate to the retreat! Nice to know I am not the only one but encouraged to find God’s strength to fight again!

    2. Lisa

      Aww Heidi !!! I needed this ! Your so right and on target. We may fail. But God never fails! Thanks for the encouragement xo

  1. Sarah

    Powerful message!

    Many times, even recently, I have thought I might as well be working and earning money because that would be more meaningful. But in reality being with my kids is way more meaningful and I need to stop listening to the devil!

    We do need to remember the amazing God whom we serve and stop listening to all the lies of the devil.

  2. Misty

    So good! I am so glad that you were at the MPE Conference this year. I can’t wait to dig in to all you have to share!

  3. Arlene Yuen

    Thank you, Heidi, for sharing God’s truth! There are too many filters that contradict Him. I appreciate that you always point us back to Hos Word!

  4. Mikelli

    Ditto what has been said! I am feeling terrible tonight because I’m just a mom. I don’t work so we can’t afford all the luxuries many other families so I think it’s all my fault. My house isn’t as nice. Ect. Etc. but I have to keep telling myself that those things won’t get my girls where I’m aiming those arrows.

  5. Anna

    I have a teen who is struggling with belief right now and I feel like a failure that she isn’t strong in her faith. She’s leaning towards atheism so I’m just feeling like I haven’t done my job as a mom. I am trying my best to give this to God and trust Him fully but my heart just wants so desperately to “fix” this and I can’t.😭


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