Holidays: Real-Life Learning in High Gear


One of the perks of homeschooling is getting to set your own schedule.  As a girl, my eyes would take on a special shine this time of year as I would bask in getting to take the whole month of December off from formal studies.

But while we packed away the math and spelling books, my mom knew a little secret that I’ve now discovered walking in her shoes: the learning never stops

It is a special time to cook – learning measurements, following directions and watching chemistry at work!  It is a time to learn project management as you plan for the Christmas meal and pull your kids into the conundrum of figuring out how everything will be ready at approximately the same time.  There is crafting and decorating.  As family comes together there are fresh character lessons to learn as children interact with elderly relatives, work through conflict with cousins, etc.  And as believers, this is a special time to quiet our hearts and enter into the wonder of the incarnation -God coming down to us!

To make the most of this special real-life learning/real-life living, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Slow Down

I can hear the groaning from all you Busy Moms…  I know this can be a busy season, but the more we can take time to slow down and simply BE with our children the better.  That’s one reason why we shelve the curriculum.  I don’t want to miss out on the special moments with my kiddos.  And let’s face it – it’s far easier to just do things ourselves sometimes than to slow down and bring our kids into the process.  Resist the urge to sacrifice memory building training moments with our children merely for the sake of efficiency.  When we are rushed, everyone suffers.

Brain Storm

With all of the *life* that is happening, there are myriads of learning opportunities for our children.

Have older kids?  Why don’t you give them a budget and have them plan a Christmas party for their friends.  If that doesn’t work, why not assign them Christmas Eve dinner and walk them through planning a menu, making a grocery list, setting an elegant table, etc…  Have them help you plan the travel itenerary if you are heading out for the holidays.

With your younger one’s pull them into whatever you are doing.  Yes, it slows you WAY down.  But they are so eager to help.  Cooking and cleaning alongside you not only draws you closer and begins to teach them important life skills, but it also helps hone fine-motor skills, counting and sorting skills as well as developing a strong work ethic.

Pull some special books together to read, learn about Christmas traditions around the world, make a fun craft together than can double as Christmas decor.

The opportunities are endless!

Embrace Spontaneity 

As busy as we may get, always remember that we are never too busy to be with our children.  Embrace the spontaneous opportunities to serve together, learn together and laugh together.  Embrace the opportunity for discussion and pointing our children to the God we love and worship.  Slow down and soak up the opportunities that come your way!

What kind of real-life learning opportunities do you experience this time of year?

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight


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About Heather Haupt

As a homeschool graduate now in the trenches homeschooling her 4 children, Heather is passionate about being intentional, about cultivating relationship with the Lord and preparing to launch her children into whatever kingdom work God has for them! Learning is a grand adventure and a rich experience when we stop trying to replicate ‘school at home’ and embrace a home where we learn. Because of that, she likes to bring in a dialogue rich, literature heavy, hands-on element to all their learning adventures! She’s also the author of The Ultimate Guide to Brain Breaks.

20 thoughts on “Holidays: Real-Life Learning in High Gear

  1. Casey Paul Baine

    I just moved so needless to say my home has been chaotic before, during, and after the move… Now, we have the holidays ahead of us all I want to do is fun stuff with the kids… Have been feeling so inadequate as a homeschool teacher. Thanks for the reminder that they ARE learning real life stuff!

  2. Katie Roose

    Love this, Heather. Thank you for such a beautiful reminder… I had no plans to officially shelf our curriculum this month, but found myself struggling to fit school into our days this week. This post is helping me squash the guilt!!!

  3. Jennifer Earley

    Reading this from my hospital room, one day out of a hysterectomy. I really needed to read this! Definitely putting the curriculum away for the month when I get home. I’m going to gather my girls around me & just enjoy this season of recovery, joy, love and most of all the birth of our Lord & Savior.

  4. Seaside Stitcher

    Seriously considering homeschooling. Never thought I would consider it in a million years but I am rethinking the idea of someone else spending most of the day influencing my grandaughter.

    1. shannon

      eating crow here too 🙂 taught public school for years, while finishing up my masters of edu. but you know what, crow can taste really good if it’s eaten for the right reason 🙂

  5. Rebecca E.

    I loved reading this! It got me thinking about the chores my young kids have, and I realized I’m doing better than I credit myself for, since they can already (at ages 4 and 6) do so many helpful, vital things! And it is so true that homeschooling is a way of life, because it means we weave education into every activity; we’re always looking for *how* something is educational, because we recognize that learning is a way of life.

  6. Pingback: Ditch the Guilt and Embrace Real-Life Learning

  7. Kela Nellums

    This is so great, Heather! While learning is still happening in the everyday, I’m finding that I’m not doing much more to make this time of year more special. There’s not much that we have going on that screams “It’s Christmas time!” other than the multi-color lit tree.
    I don’t have to do all the crafts and yummy baking that goes on for days, I want to start SOMETHING, ya know?
    I wouldn’t mind us having a little speed, hustle and bustle.


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