Unwrapping the Gift of Thanks

Have you ever noticed how life is so full of change? Maybe I just notice more because  I am not a big fan of change (unless, of course, it’s my idea).  So often it feels like the moment I think I have a grip on things, something whirls out of control!

I remember when I was a young mom and we were adding a new member to our family about every 2 years until we had eight children ages 13 and under.  I would just adjust to having the last one,  get my body back to some semblance of normal and we would find out that we were expecting again.  I loved having babies, I loved feeling new life growing inside of me, but there were always adjustments that needed to be made.  My husband would remind me when I would get frustrated with trying to figure out family dynamics, that I had never had those particular dynamics before!  The kids were always growing and changing along with moves we would make to a better location as our family grew and, of course, changes in us, work, etc.. Easter_2005

During this time, I found it very challenging to get any time in the Word.   It also seemed like such a battle to try and get prayer time, that, often, I would just give up.  That probably wasn’t the best decision, but God was gracious and I believe that He truly does have loads of grace for those of you who find yourself carrying  that burden of guilt over not having “quiet time” (What’s that?!)  The scripture says that “He gently leads those who are with young”- believe me, I hung onto that one during those years!

We moved into the teen years wondering, ” what is all the fuss about teens?”  But we have discovered that teens have a way of holding the mirror up about the time you have on your ugliest face!   I can’t say I always responded well, but over time, God worked in me to see that these teens were a gift to me.   They don’t let me go on thinking that I’ve pretty much got it together.  They live with me.  Although we don’t allow them to communicate in a disrespectful way, we have learned to be thankful for how God uses them in our lives.

Last year we had two daughters get married within 5 months of each other.  They married wonderful men.   I struggled quite a bit afterward, not because I was sad that they got married, but because change has a way of throwing me off kilter and you know what?  The one thing I have learned is that giving thanks…I mean really engaging my heart and mind in dwelling on the things that I have to be thankful for (especially when I write them down), changes my world.  I start to see the many ways that God has poured out His blessings on my life.  I begin to feel God wrap His big, loving arms around me and whisper that He loves me and will ALWAYS take care of me.  That He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me.  I don’t know about you, but that is something I desperately need, and seem to need more of as the years go by.

Jen and Sam Family Wedding Picture


“And when I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me.” -Ann Voskamp

We really don’t know what tomorrow, or even the rest of today, will hold for us, but when it is God who is holding us, we never have to be afraid of change, no matter how big that change is.

Oh, how I would have loved to have a short little daily devotional from an older mom when I had so many little ones!  Someone to remind me that what I was doing was of  great value even though it often went unnoticed by those around me.  And someone to encourage me to take in a little bit of the Word each day.  I love the fact that Heidi has done this in her “Quiet Times for Busy Moms”!  I urge you to take advantage of this and let God use it to strengthen you each day.

And remember to unwrap that gift of thanks, daily.

Heidi St John Firmly Planted Family Devotional For All Ages

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About Durenda Wilson

Durenda Wilson is fairly new to the blogging world because she has been very busy the last 25 years raising 8 children and loving her handsome husband of 26 years. They have two married daughters and four grandbabies. Their oldest son is graduating from college this year and 5 kids are still at home, four of whom are boys! Durenda loves making good food for her family, but sometimes wishes dinner would make itself. She enjoys meaningful conversation over a good cup of coffee. She recently published a simple, mercifully short book sharing her perspective after 20 years of homeschooling with a "less is more" approach... "The Unhurried Homeschooler". She also shares her heart on her blog Simple Nourishing Home, FB, Twitter, and Pinterest.

One thought on “Unwrapping the Gift of Thanks

  1. GiGi

    Thank you. Your post really spoke to me. I have lots of issues with change, it’s a running joke in the family. But I know life will have big changes for me in the future. Thanks for giving me advice on how to handle it. Xoxo


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