The Busy Mom’s Favorite Devotionals

Busy Mom's Favorite Devotional Books

As a mom that loves reading, devotion titles have always been one of my favorite things to read. I have quite the pile next to my bed, and I choose different ones to read at different seasons in my life.  In my mind, devotionals do not replace time in God’s Word. Most of the time, they draw me into passages that I might not have read otherwise, which I love.

One of my favorite things about devotion titles is that if you’re in a rush, Busy Mom, you can still glean a perfectly wonderful word from the Lord in just a few minutes! Again, I don’t recommend replacing your study time in the Word. But, leave a devotional in the bathroom {aka escape room,} for when you need a moment to calm down and breathe. Leave another on the kitchen counter or window sill for when you’re washing that millionth dish, you can prop it open with a small easel if you like! Sometimes when I go about my day, I lose my focus. Who am I kidding? This happens daily! But, keeping devotion books and something like Scripture memory cards or index cards laying around my house really does help draw me back to God.

I’m going to share two of my all time favorite devotional titles with you here. I would LOVE to hear what your favorites are! I’m sure we will all come to a time when we need a new one on our nightstand.

Five Favorite Devotion Books For Moms

1. Keep A Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot.  Elisabeth Elliot happens to be one of my all time favorite authors, and this devotional of hers definitely ranks as one of the best. “Are you as often tempted as I am to doubt the effectiveness of prayer? But Jesus prayed. He told us to pray. We can be sure that the answer will come, and it will be good. If it is not exactly what we expected, chances are we were not asking for quite the right thing. Our heavenly Father hears the prayer, but wants to give us bread rather than stones.” 

2. More Precious Than Silver by Joni Eareckson Tada. If you struggle at all, if there are trials in your life that seem insurmountable, you should definitely pick up a book by Joni Eareckson Tada, because without a doubt, she has been through the fire; her wisdom and encouragement are absolutely beautiful. Speaking of Proverbs 2, Joni shares, “Why would the Bible make such a big deal about something that is in a way already ours? Why would it send us off searching for God and his wisdom, when we’ve already found God? The Holy Spirit dwelling within us shows that God has placed a hidden treasure in us. Face it: You and I have within our grasp, even inside us, a gold mine. But it’s a gold mine of possibilities. God asks us to roll up our sleeves and dig for all those riches he’s given us.” I don’t now about you, but I always need encouragement to GET in the Word and STAY in the Word!!

Busy moms, no matter what season you find yourself in…maybe you have babies and toddlers underfoot and the only 3 minutes you can find to read a devotional is in the bathroom. I say, go for it! Use that time wisely and get filled up when you can!! Maybe you find yourself with older kids, running every different direction, and you are in the car a lot. Leave a book in the mini-van and pull it out while you wait in the school pick-up line. Maybe you’re struggling through your first season as an empty nester. You, Beloved, have the blessing of unlimited time to dig in to the treasures of God’s Word and I promise you, dear one, He has a wealth there waiting for you!

He has gifts and blessings and encouragement waiting for each of us in those quiet {or not-so-quiet} moments when we choose to spend a moment with Him instead of complaining. I hope and pray you will find one of these recommendations just what you need and that your time with Him will be sweet and refreshing.

What are your favorite devotionals, Busy Moms?


Find more from Candace in her Author Box below!

Heidi St John Firmly Planted Family Devotional For All Ages

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About Candace Crabtree

I'm Candace, just a messed up mama in need of God's fresh, new mercies daily ~ moment by moment! My husband and I live in East Tennessee with our 3 children ages 12, 11 and 9yrs. In addition to spending time with my family, I enjoy reading great books, blogging, our church, worship music, playing piano, having coffee with a friend and fresh flowers on my kitchen table.

4 thoughts on “The Busy Mom’s Favorite Devotionals

  1. Naomi

    Hah! Jesus Calling is my “bathroom devotional” too! Sometimes I read three of them in a day! They remind me to get back to God’s presence when I’ve gotten distracted or worried or angry or … or .. or…

  2. Mary Ann

    Heidi, after Answer for Women: Truth last weekend, are Sarah Young, Beth Moore and Ann Voskamp still on your favorite list?


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