Homeschooling is Discipleship with Leslie Nunnery

It’s easy to get lost in the day to day tasks of childrearing and homeschooling, but it’s critical we remember what our goals really are for our children. Family discipleship, with a focus on the hearts and character of our children, is so much more important than the academics— more rewarding also. This is your shot in the arm to keep doing the hard thing. It’s worth it! 

During the Happy Hour extended podcast we’re giving direction for homeschooling through the high school years and highlighting priorities as you wrap up the homeschool years with your children.

Watch the podcast on YouTube

Meet The Guest: Leslie Nunnery

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Leslie Nunnery is a Christian author, speaker, and homeschooling advocate. She is the co-founder of Teach Them Diligently, a ministry that provides resources and experiences to strengthen Christian homeschooling families. Leslie is also the author of several books on parenting and homeschooling, including “Teach Them Diligently: Raising Children of Promise,” and “Heart School: How Amazing Parents Become Excellent Home Educators.” She’s also the host of Homeschooling Families podcast. Through her work, Leslie aims to encourage and equip families to raise their children to love and serve God.

 Links to resources mentioned in podcast and other important links



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  3. Write or send donations to:  Heidi St. John 14001 Southeast 1st St.
    Vancouver, WA 98684
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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.