Why I’m Not a Feminist – 567

The feminists in our world today are fighting for freedom to reject God as the ultimate authority in our life. I am 100% pro-woman and believe 100% that men and women are equal, but we are different, and that is GOOD. God has a beautiful design for the women He created, and we rob ourselves of the joy He offers if we reject that design for our lives. I’m encouraging you to walk in the way the Lord has laid out for His people, one that fully recognizes the beauty in His creation, uniquely and individually gifted male and female.
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About Melissa

I'm a girl learning to rest in grace as I live out this every day journey, thankful for the simple things. I've been married to her best friend for 14 years and a mama for 11. I'm a homeschool mom working as a VA, social media manager and webmaster who loves reading and drowning in really loud praise music. I write about our infertility journey, adoption story, life with food allergies and joy in all that on Finding Joy in the Journey.