The Art of Leaving Things Undone

Hello, sweet moms-you made it to Monday 🙂 Good job. Last night I was wondering if I would make it or not! 😉

I’m out here on my back porch, my little morning spot, with my water and my Bible. In a few minutes, I’ll switch to a cup of hot tea—and the first set of small feet will likely begin to make their way toward me. In a few minutes, the phone will start ringing. I’ll need to think of a plan for dinner. The children will need to be reminded of their chores for the week.  The unexpected, unplanned things of everyday life will begin in earnest.

Breathe in, busy mom. Monday is here.

Last week I overheard someone rather piously say that when she had her quiet time each day, she got it back tenfold. Honestly, I don’t know what she meant. Honestly? Any time I give to Jesus is time that I give up—meaning it’s time I choose to put aside other things that may feel more pressing so that a greater thing can happen in my spirit. The “multiplication” happens in my soul, not on my schedule.

Jill Briscoe once said that “There is an art of leaving things undone so that the greater thing can be done.”


Oh man, that’s hard for me.  Is it hard for you, too?  There are always so many things to do.  Can any of them wait?  I’m always asking myself “what is more important?”  I hate to admit it, but usually I find myself at war with my flesh.

Lord, please allow your spirit to win out over my flesh.

…my flesh and my heart fail…

As I grow in my walk with Lord and as I mother, I’m learning to leave things undone. Well, honestly, sometimes they are wrenched from my hands. Just like we must leave things “undone” if we are going to take advantage of that special moment with our child or nurture our marriage, we will find there are times when we will need to leave things undone so that we can nurture our relationship with the Lord.

Years ago, on a morning much like this one, I was up at 4:00 a.m.—not out of a sense of commitment to the Lord—but because I had been up all night with a fussy baby. My body and my spirit were running on empty. I felt so far from God.

But something happened in the stillness of that morning as I watched the sunrise over the mountains. God spoke to me about the intimate details of my life. He gently reminded me that He was not frustrated by my commitment to care for my family. He understood the demands of the newborn and the homeschooling and the oh-so-daily dinner prep. He totally understood that I could not muster a daily prayer without falling asleep, much less open my Bible.

And he loved me. Not because of anything I had done, but because of what He had done for me. He loves you too, busy mom. God is not distracted or annoyed by the children playing at your feet. He doesn’t need “quiet” to talk to you. If this is a season that defies the word “quiet” in your life, it’s okay.

God understands “seasons.” He created them. He created you. He gave you children. Here’s the thing though—intimacy with God does not happen though osmosis.  Just like any father—if we want to know Him, we need to spend time with Him.  We need to learn to leave some things undone so that a greater thing can be done in our spirit.

I wanted to know God more. I needed His presence in my life.  Slowly, I began to make a commitment to intimacy with God—first little steps, like reading my Bible with the kids or reading a children’s devotional with them. Just like the five loaves and fishes, God took my little effort and multiplied it. He will do the same for you.  He’s good like that.

Psalm 16:11 says that in God’s presence, there is fullness of joy. Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that God’s joy is our strength. True strength is never found apart from Him.

Monday is a great day to hit the “reset” button—to begin a pattern of talking with God. To abide in Him. He’s got joy and strength for you. Ask Him. He’s got everything you need today.

Learning to leave things “undone” with you,





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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.

6 thoughts on “The Art of Leaving Things Undone

  1. Alisha Erickson

    Thank you so much for what you shared this morning! Even as I was trying to read and then type a comment. I was interrupted many times. LOL! You are a blessing. Thank you for being a vessel for our Lord.

  2. Naomi

    What a blessing! This is exactly what I longed to hear today and what I long to repeat to others over and over! Thank you for your encouragement. I wanted to add (you mentioned it briefly in “nurturing your marriage”)how much this applies to taking time with my husband on a regular basis in the bedroom. Not enough Christian women are talking about having really good, intentional sex with our husbands as a commitment that we make on a regular basis. I love the concept of “leaving things undone” in order to accomplish God’s good plan of sexuality with our husbands. Thanks again for your thoughts!

    1. Heidi Post author

      Naomi thanks for stopping by—and I totally agree! I wish more Christian women were talking about this important topic. It’s so important!

  3. Lorena

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. So many of us fall under this condemnation of “finish what you start or you’re a failure!” We forget our loving Father does not operate like we do. Blessings Heidi 🙂


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