Freedom From Anxiety | Mailbox Monday – 786

Although Jesus said He came to give us abundant life, sometimes we can find ourselves a prisoner of past pain. When we allow ourselves to become self-focused, we can lose sight of the Healer, and instead, fall into feelings of shame. Don’t forget whose you are, precious one! Jesus bore our shame on the cross; we don’t need to bear it for one moment longer.

Are You Struggling with Anxiety and Depression? Don’t Struggle Alone

I speak to thousands of women when I’m on the road during my travel season, and so many women stop by to have me sign their book and fall apart while they share that they are currently struggling with anxiety and depression. Are you there too? In Becoming MomStrong, I talk about how we learn to take care of ourselves, #sothat we can take care of our families well. This story is an example of just that.

Hey, Anxiety—You Don’t Control Me Anymore

Do you struggling with anxiety? As a woman who has struggled with anxiety my entire life, I’d love to share some things God has shown me about His love toward my anxious heart. God’s best work is done through our weakness.  He uses broken, fearful, flawed people like you and me when we trust Him. […]