Category Archives: Homemaking

The Busy Mom’s Fall Menu and Planning PRINTABLE!


SO, it’s here. School has started. Time for routine, time for a new schedule, time to get.this.train.moving.

Every year, I make a different printable to motivate my houseful of—ummm—eager helpers.

This year, I’ve switched things up a bit by including three smaller sections on my printable planner. I’ve also added a space for you to assign laundry to different people on different days.  As our kids get older, I’ve given them their own days to do their own laundry. If your kids are little, it might be a place for you to assign a room or something like “bedding” on a particular day. Do what works for you. Be creative! Stress down.

Also, while the menu thing is a big deal—try not to overcomplicate it. There’s a line there… just one—because that’s all you need to write the word “spaghetti” or “chili” or “cereal.”  Here’s the thing: just knowing that you’ve got what you need in the fridge and have a plan in place will save you tons of time and emotional energy.

Hey. The life you save might be your own! Honestly! When I I have a meal plan, my life is a whole lot less stress-filled. I use my crockpot religiously, too. 🙂  Just in case you’re wondering.

You can do this, busy moms! Feel the rush of routine. And then, buckle up! We’re off to a new school year!

Download your Menu/Shopping/Laundry printable here!

In case you missed it, here’s my complete menu printable from last year, too!


Yep. I’m “that mom.”

Onward, brave mother!

The Busy Mom’s Favorites {Online Grocery Shopping}

Busy Mom's Favorite Groceries To Buy Online

Confession: I’m an Amazon Subscribe and Save junkie.  I’m sort of new to thew whole online grocery thing (about a year now) but I have tell you:  I have not run out of TP in a year. And my family thinks I’m some sort of cereal rock star, since we’re never out now and I can serve it for dinner if I need to.  (Don’t judge.)  Imagine my sheer joy when my friend and Busy Mom writer, Candace, said that she was doing the SAME THING!  We are like sisters from another mother! As a fellow Subscribe and Saver, Candace knows the power and convenience of SS&S.  Of course there’s always the fact that it saves us both from impulse shopping means we’ve got more money left to buy things we really want, like—well, we can get those on Amazon, too. My new favorite thing to get from them are my makeup remover cloths from Neutrogena and my gluten-free snack bars. Mmm.  If you haven’t subscribed yet, read on and see what you can do to same time and money using Amazon. We think you’ll be an ASSJ before you know it!

With a new school year upon us, most of us busy moms are about to get even busier! That is why I LOVE buying as many groceries online as I possibly can! I’ve been purchasing online, through Amazon’s Subscribe and Save program, for over a year now, and I can say it is WONDERFUL to have groceries and household goods delivered straight to your front porch! No shipping with Amazon Prime!

First of all, just a little tip to get you started. When you get to Amazon’s main page, scroll over to “Shop By Department” and a list of departments should pop up, then click on Health, Beauty and Grocery. After that you should see a “Subscribe and Save” section. This is where you want to find what items are available for Subscribe and Save. Unfortunately not every item you may want to purchase can be a subscription item, so you just have to look around and find things that are available by subscription.

Next, when you come to an item you want to purchase or subscribe to, look over to the right hand side of the screen and see the price difference! YAY! Notice the arrow on the picture below, this is where you can see 1) if an item is available for Subscribe and Save and 2) what you will be saving by subscribing monthly to this item!

Busy Mom's Favorite Groceries To Buy Online

You do get to choose how often you will receive your item! You can choose monthly, every 2 months, up to every 6 months! Also, you can cancel your subscriptions at any time, with no charges! It’s super easy and very wonderful. 🙂 Finally, you need to order FIVE items to come monthly to your home to get the FULL savings of 15% off your order, so keep that in mind also!

{This post contains affiliate links.}

So, what do I order on Amazon’s Subscribe and Save program?

This Busy Mom’s Favorite Groceries To Purchase Online

1. Clif Bars. We love these for days we need to pack lunches (which hasn’t been a daily thing) or we are going on a field trip or just need protein we can take in the car. These babies are expensive if you purchase just one of them at Walmart! Notice they are $13.49 regularly, but if you subscribe to them you pay $11.47.

2. Maple Syrup. We have used various brands over the years, if they run out of one brand or no longer offer it for Subscribe and Save, you can search and find another brand.

3. Shampoo. I like buying big bottles that last longer. Search for brands you use to see if you can save on shampoo!

4. Fruit Leathers. I love buying healthier snacks online in bulk. I live in a tiny town and can’t find these locally, so it’s nice to just get them delivered to my door instead of driving an hour for them!

5. K-cups. Woot! Instead of paying .50 per cup, you can pay .31 cents per k-cup. These that I have found are biodegradable, so earth friendly with a softer pouch on the bottom, but they work great in my Keurig! And they are so much cheaper. (Of course, if you want to be even cheaper, use the refillable k-cup and put in coffee out of a can each morning. We have used the Ecobrew for several years now and it works great!)

6. Toilet paper. We are not picky about our toilet paper, EXCEPT I don’t like the super thin stuff, so this is about halfway between the super thin and the quilted thick stuff.

7. Hairspray. Now, before you jump all over me, I know not everyone wants special types of hair products. {grin} But if you do, one way to save on them is to order online. Just take a look to see if your favorite brands are any cheaper on amazon!

8. Cleaning Supplies. These Clorox Wipes happen to be $1 cheaper than our Walmart!

9. Diapers & Wipes. We are out of the diaper stage, but if you are currently there, Amazon has a program called the Amazon Mom and you can get 20% off your diapers! Yippee!

10. Gluten Free Products. This is another item that we can’t find a lot of in our tiny town. So, if you eat any type of specialty item or health food, I would highly recommend searching Amazon!

11. Vitamins & Supplements. Things like probiotics, herbal supplements, cleanses, protein powder, etc, may be cheaper by ordering online and subscribing.

Busy moms, I hope this has helped you figure out a few ways to save your MONEY and your TIME in the coming months! I’ve been ordering this way for quite awhile now and am happy to answer any questions you may have in the comment section!  Happy Saving!


Find more from Candace in her Author Box below!

Homemade Citrus Dusting Spray

Homemade Citrus Dusting Spray

Over the weekend I realized I was out of my favorite lemony smelling dusting spray. I really, really hate running to the store for one thing like that…and I really wanted to get my living room clean right.that.moment. {Do you have manic cleaning sessions, too? Where all of a sudden your house looks disgusting and}

So, where else to turn but Pinterest to find a recipe for your own dusting spray!? Voila! Of course, being the tweaker that I am, I had to tweak the recipe just a bit to get it how I liked it. But, so far, so good on the citrusy smelling, clean living room! I love making my own cleaners and hygiene products, you might remember I shared a citrus all purpose cleaner here at The Busy Mom, but I have a few other recipes on my blog, too!

Homemade Citrus Dusting Spray

You need:

  • empty spray bottle
  • 2 cups water
  • 3/4 cup white vinegar
  • 3-4 T olive oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops orange essential oil {I love the combo of lemon AND orange but you could use any combination of oils or scents that you love!}

I usually use warm water when mixing things like this, but not hot, for the benefit of the oils. Also, I shook mine a few times to get the oil mixed a little better. Just shake as you use.

So, the only negative to this homemade spray is that now I have no excuse not to dust. 🙂 Good thing I have several children that are old enough for this chore now!

Happy dusting, busy moms!


An Invitation To Dinner


“The heart of hospitality is when people leave your home, they should feel better about themselves, not better about you.” Shauna Niequist 

I’m an introvert through and through. I’m the last person that should be giving hospitality advice. So, I won’t. I won’t give you advice. I will just share what God has allowed to happen in my home and in my heart recently.

Over the last 6 weeks we’ve been blessed to have several families into our home. This picture below was preparation for one of those evenings.

Look at this picture of my non-Pinterest-worthy table setting. Look closely at those chairs. They don’t match. They’re old. Their stained. For a split second I found myself thinking, “What am I thinking? I don’t even have enough chairs at this table for everyone that is coming?!” 

But, thankfully, God intervened.

My not-perfect table

I think it is no accident that we learn of hospitality in the book of Acts, the earliest of churches.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer…Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” Acts 2:42, 46-47. 

They met at the temple, yes, but they also met regularly in each other’s homes. All Scripture is God breathed and useful…the writer of Acts mentions that they met in homes for a reason. And I think that reason is just as vital today as it was in the days of the early church.

But, hold up…wait a minute…I know what you’re thinking. My house isn’t big enough! (Mine, either, actually!) My chairs don’t match! I’m not a good cook! (Me, either! In fact, I hate cooking so much recently that I wrote a post called 20 meals for moms who hate cooking!) I just don’t know about this. I’m just not cut out for this.

I’m with you. I hear you. And here is what I want to tell you…

Take a chance. Do it anyway. Call a family and invite them over for dinner. Just do it. Take a risk. Step out of your comfort zone and bless another family. You don’t even have to cook, actually! Have pizza! Order Chinese! The point is not the food.

I can almost guarantee you will be thankful that you did. Do you know why??

We need each other. 

To be quite honest, we need to see each other’s homes in all their non-Pinterest glory. We need to see the crumbs on the floor. We need to see that there are others out there that don’t dust weekly. We need to know that not everyone has matching dishes, coordinating everything and a family chef who does all the cooking. {pssst… if you have a personal chef, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.} 

Hospitality is not about making your house look good so that others can be impressed. Hospitality is about letting people into your not-perfect home and your not-perfect life so that you can bless and encourage one another.

We need the fellowship, the encouragement, the memories, the conversations around the table more than we need the Pinterest-laden kitchen full of perfect recipes and coordinating dinnerware.

“Hospitality is not about inviting people into our perfect homes, it is all about inviting people into our imperfect hearts.” Ruth Soukup

So, busy moms, what are you waiting for? Don’t try to convince yourself that you’re too busy to invite a friend over for coffee or a family over for dinner. Don’t talk yourself out of a blessing!! Go ahead! Who can you call this week?? I encourage you to go for it! You won’t regret it!

And if, like me, you tend to overthink everything and will try to talk yourself out of this, speak this truth aloud to yourself: My friends want to come over because they want to spend time with me and my family, NOT because I have a perfect home or a perfect table setting. It’s the truth, I promise.


Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Homemade All-Purpose Citrus Spray

Homemade All-Purpose Citrus Cleaner

I can’t believe I’ve been using this cleaner for years and never had the idea to blog about it!  I guess because it is so SIMPLE that I don’t usually think people will be interested…but maybe BECAUSE it is simple some of you will appreciate the idea.

My secret ingredients??

White Vinegar + Citrus Peels

Do you already use white vinegar in your home? It is so useful in so many ways! Some of my favorite ways to use white vinegar are: all purpose spray, laundry, cleaning the coffee pot, cleaning any appliance, homemade mopping solution, deodorizing the garbage disposal, cleaning the microwave, and more!

Citrus peels!?!? Yes! Not only do citrus peels have powerful dissolvent in them, they also make any room just smell so fresh and clean! I noticed a difference in my cleaner when I started adding citrus peels to it – it actually cleans better! 

How I Make My All Purpose Citrus Spray

  1. Fill jar with citrus peels
  2. Pour white vinegar over the peels and fill up jar, close with lid
  3. Let the citrus and vinegar sit on a shelf somewhere for several weeks
  4. Pour into spray bottle and begin cleaning! (If the scent is too strong for you, dilute the cleaner with a bit of water)

It really is that simple! I have a lot of peel at my house because I love fresh lemon in my water daily and I’ve also been juicing for over a month now. So, I save all the peels from my clementines, navels, oranges and lemons to use in my cleaners!

More Notes

  • To clean your microwave, place a small bowl of white vinegar inside and run it for a minute. Take out the vinegar and simply WIPE CLEAN the insides! It all just wipes out so easily after that vinegar has been heated!
  • If you want to make more of a “scouring” cleaner, take your white vinegar and add BAKING SODA to it! Not only it is a fun science experiment for the kids to watch, but it’s a great, non-toxic cleaner! (There seem to be conflicting reports online about combining these 2 items, but I’ve had good luck with it, so just try it out and see if it works for you!) 
  • If you’d like to read more of my frugal ideas, I’d love for you to visit my little place on the web where you can read about our chickens, saving money on groceries without coupons and more!


Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

The Buck Stops Here

MONEY. It can be a very touchy and often stressful subject.  Especially within our marriages. Without realizing it, we all walk down the aisle with a certain set of ideas about money. If we are in disagreement with our husbands on the management of our finances, it can effect so many facets of our relationship. The truth is that it can have the power to make or break our marriages, so we have important choices to make.

I am hoping to share some ideas that may be helpful.  Every family has dynamics that have to be considered.  It’s important to have good communication and be in agreement with your husband on money matters. That can take some time to process together, but it’s worth it!

picture of money with Heidi Logo

I am really no expert, but after 24 years of marriage and 8 children on a single income, there are a few basic principles we have learned that have served us well. In our family, my husband and I consider everyone’s needs together and I usually leave the final decisions to him.

For starters, pray, sit down with your husband and talk about how to budget within the limits of your income. In other words, DON’T SPEND MORE THAN YOU MAKE. When our finances whirled out of control at one point, we had to step back and re-think our habits. We needed to be intentional about our spending. We started by taking our monthly income, subtracting costs of living like house payment or rent, average power/gas bill, phone bill, and life/health/car insurance. Then with what was left we budgeted out areas of groceries(including TP, toothpaste, etc) gas for the cars, entertainment, clothing, car repairs, etc. We labeled envelopes and put cash in each one for each area. Sometimes I even wrote down everything I spent on the outside of the envelope and put the receipts inside so I would be very conscious of where the money was going.  If at all possible, try to keep anything that’s left over in a savings account. Even building a tiny bit at a time can make a difference over the long run.

Another money saver is making as many of your meals from scratch as you can. They don’t have to be gourmet, just simple meals. This can actually be great for your health as well. Dinners such as a small serving of meat, a couple vegetables and potatoes or some yummy bread are both nutritious and economical. I often mix chicken or turkey cooked and cut into bite site pieces or fried hamburger to a combination of cooked rice or potatoes and 2 or three seasonal veggies sauteed. When you put it all together as one dish, with some tasty herbs and spices, you can really stretch the meat aspect of the meal, which is usually the most costly. Home made soups are also very economical. Oatmeal, breakfast casseroles and pancakes from scratch are all cost effective breakfasts.

Sprouted Lentil Soup with Heidi Logo

Clothes shopping on a budget can be challenging, but fun at the same time! I want our kids to be well kept and somewhat fashionable, but it requires some thought and a little planning. Keep a running list handy of what the family needs are. I love to yard sale off and on from spring until fall. You can use newspaper ads or Craigslist to help you decide which ones you will go to first, depending if what the yard sales are advertising is actually what you are looking for. I frequent thrift shops and kid’s consignment shops.  Also shopping clearance racks and  “off” season can bring some amazingly low prices for clothes and shoes!  When the kids were all little, some of this was almost impossible, but I never turned hand-me-downs away and word got around. One time we were lacking several items for the kids and I prayed about it because I couldn’t really get out to shop for them. Soon after, I came home to several bags of clothes on my front porch with most of the things we needed in them! I still don’t know who they came from!

As we faced many different financial strains over the years, I have had to learn to make it a point to let my husband know that I am FOR him. I try to take the time to thank him daily for his hard work and for providing for us. Our husbands shoulder a heavy burden and honestly, we probably couldn’t thank them too often. And when things aren’t going well, I have to work extra hard to make what we have “enough” ( a combination of stewardship and contentment) but also to continue to verbalize what I’m thankful for. It’s so important let him know that we are on his side and willing to do what we can to be good stewards of what we’ve been given, no matter how little. I can’t tell you what a boost this will be to your man. It builds SO much trust, confidence and love into your marriage.

When it comes to our kids, we can often feel guilty quickly. Guilty that we aren’t giving them the “best”. The truth is that as we live out a life of good stewardship and learning to trust and depend on God with our finances, our children see faith being lived out. This is a far greater gift than money can buy. You are giving them a real, sovereign and powerful God. And that will benefit them in ALL areas of life.

Remember,  God works everything out for our good and His glory…wherever you are in your financial journey. He numbers the hairs on our heads and nothing is out of His control. Life is messy, but He watches over us.   Ask Him for wisdom along the way.  He promises in James that He WILL give it to you if you believe.   Moms, you CAN trust Him.

“I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret  of  being content–whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need.”  Philippians 4:12

Read more about “Living on Less”  on my blog Simple Nourishing Home

Heidi St John Guide to Daylight

Make Home

Resolve to Make Home Rather Than Just Clean Home this New Year

Make Home

I don’t know about you, but many times as I am planning out my goals and resolutions for the new year they often include something along the lines of,

This will be the year that I get on top of my house cleaning and get everything organized!”

But, like many resolutions, within weeks the work becomes exhausting and seemingly unmanageable and my motivation wanes.

“Why do all this if people just tear it apart behind me?”

“I feel like a maid!”

“Eh, anything below hoarder status is good enough!”

And before you know it I’m right back where I began!

Create atmosphere

This year, however, I’m daring to think about things differently. Rather than focus solely on the cleaning and to-do list of what needs to be done, I want to reframe the entire idea of what it is I am trying to do with all that cleaning and effort. I want my focus to shift from performing cleaning tasks to creating atmosphere. I want the big picture to be the center of my resolve.

Instead of thinking, “If someone walks in my house I don’t want them to see one single dish in the sink!”

I want to turn my demanding thinking into a question, “If someone walks into my house, how will they feel? What will they not only see, but smell, hear, touch and even taste?”

Aww- it is at that point that I transform from a maid into a homemaker. I become a creator of things beautiful and peaceful and lovely. I decide to fully immerse myself in the lost art of truly making a home- a place of refuge where people enjoy being. That doesn’t mean it has to be spotless, but rather, tidy enough to be comfortable and soothing to the soul. It doesn’t make it any less work, in fact true homemaking will require even extra effort, but it is not frivolous effort of menial tasks with no purpose- it is the hard work of creating an environment that will forever be etched in my children’s memories of what home was and is and should be.

transform from a maid into a homemaker

How do we do it though?

It’s lovely to talk about, but how do we actually make this happen throughout the spaces of our busy lives? Well, I don’t claim to be an expert by any means, but here is my plan-

Delegate! Don’t expect to be able to do it all yourself, unless you live alone! Hard work and responsibility is good for kids. Teach them the value now of helping clean and tidy things to create an overall more comfortable place to live. Help them find the joy in creating a lovely abode with you.

Be Reasonable! Expecting to get on top of everything in one day, one week, or maybe even one month, can cause you to give up quickly when it becomes impossible.

  • Make a master list of organizing goals you want to accomplish in your home and schedule them all throughout the first quarter of the year.
  • Divide up your house cleaning tasks so that you do a little each day and don’t become bogged down by the cleaning.
  • Create solid “snatch and grab” times throughout your day when everyone stops what they are doing and quickly tidies things up before they get out of control.

It’s the 10 minutes here and there that keep it manageable, not the 3-day-long binge cleaning episodes.

Add beauty! It’s the little touches that make a house a home. Don’t get so caught up in the cleaning that you neglect this very important piece of the puzzle.

  • Light a nice soy candle (ya know- something non-toxic) or diffuse some essential oils- create the scents that will trigger your children’s memories of home when they are older.
  • Add a small bouquet of flowers to your kitchen table.
  • Search for some fun, free word art printables on Pinterest that you can put in cheap frames and display around the house. You can even take this one a step farther and spraypaint the frames a cute, festive color for the season!
  • Get a framed chalkboard, or even paint a whole wall with chalkboard paint, and write lovely sayings and encouragement to your family on it. It’s super simple and you can change it whenever you want!
  • Rather then handing your children a quick snack in the afternoon, pull out some sweet little saucers (you could pick some up at a garage sale for pennies) with an assortment of cookies and maybe even a cup of tea.

Do little things to make regular moments special and meaningful. It really doesn’t take much more effort than you would otherwise put into things, but that little bit of extra forethought can transform how your family thinks of home and what they will remember into the future.

The goal here is not to land our homes on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens or become militant about our spaces. It is about reclaiming a lost art- one that women of the past proudly claimed as their own and went to great lengths for. Caroline, from Little House in the Big Woods, even dyed her butter with the juice from carrots in the winter time before setting it in a decorative mold so that it would have the proper hue and be desirable to the eye. She didn’t have much and her life was by no means extravagant, but what she did have she made beautiful just for the sake of being beautiful. It was how she blessed her family.

May we be like Caroline and graciously bless our families with joy as we do the little things to make home for them, and ourselves, this new year! Now go, and be blessed, you lovely homemakers, you!