Finding a community of friends is worth it!

Finding Your Community of Friends

As I got older in life I had this idea that friendships were only for the younger me. Once I became an adult, I gained more responsibility, had a busier schedule and I didn’t have any time to invest truly into someone else. I would think friendships were for those who had time, not for those running around with their hands in the air going from one busy thing to the next.

Man, oh Man was I wrong.

In fact it wasn’t until I had kids that I found some of my lasting, strongest, genuine, selfless friendships in life. I remember being a new mom and deciding to stay at home to raise my kids. With this new identity of being a “stay at home mom,” came a lot of lonely days and not a lot of money to go out fill those days with fun activities. Having always worked out of the home, I was at a loss to even know where to begin looking for ways to get out of the house with a newborn, so I searched on my computer… ‘FREE ACTIVITIES IN MY AREA’. The first thing to pop up was the library, (which brought a giggle out of me because growing up I hated reading and thought the library was for nerds). There I was desperate to get out of my house in need of community and all I was getting was the library. I put my big girl pants on and packed up my baby and headed to the next class available.

Little did I know that the Lord was about to reveal to me a group of moms that would change my life forever. These moms from the moment I walked in understood me, they were in the same corner of life as me as new moms, new to staying at home and like me looking for inexpensive ways to get out of the house.

These ladies became my rock, my sounding board and my shoulder to cry on during some very emotional hardships in my life. I never knew the importance of community until I became part of one. I wasn’t the only one to connect to this community but also my girls had started to build strong lasting connection with the other kids in the group. My friends have become aunts and second moms to my girls creating an overwhelming sense of joy knowing that I have women in my life that love on my kids with a genuine love.

We are called to be in community and fellowship with one another. I want to challenge you to get connected if you aren’t already. Get involved with a community group at your church, local library, schools, sports, etc. The opportunities are out there if you are willing to put in the time to search. You will benefit from having solid friendships, your children will benefit and learn the importance of healthy friendships, and your family will thrive because you have a fellowship of ladies who know your heart and are involved in your life during the good the bad and the ugly.

Be bold. Be vulnerable. Be courageous. Be genuine.

Start praying now that God will provide you with everlasting friends and if you already have a group of friends then send praises up for them and pray that your relationships continue to grow to heights unimaginable.

Through His love,


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About Hilary Ginn

Hilary is the children’s coordinator at her church in Gresham, OR. She is a single mom to two daughters. Hilary has a desire to encourage women along their spiritual walk. Her passion is to help women stand firm in their faith with both feet planted in the word of God, setting them apart from the world.

3 thoughts on “Finding Your Community of Friends

  1. Charlotte

    I am a children’s librarian. One of my main jobs is Story Hour. I have had the pleasure of watching many friendships form over the years and last a life time. I am blessed with an amazing job.


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