Do Moms Need Girlfriend Time?

Girlfriend Time 1000

We wear many hats. We are wife, mother, sister, daughter, daughter of God, homemaker, maybe homeschooler, maybe even business woman, too. Of course we need to spend intentional time with our husband, our kids, on our house, for our business, and most definitely with God. We’re cutting up that Time Pie pretty quickly aren’t we?

But do moms need Girlfriend Time, too?

I’m going to give a big, honkin’, YES!

Remember when you were young, a gaggle of girls getting together giggling and guffawing the time away? Sleepovers were the best–staying up way too late having the best fun.  Laughter is good medicine, and sharing laughter is where friendships are born, and sharing hearts after the laughter is spent is where friendships are cemented.

We need that.

I’m not saying we need that every day, and I’m certainly not saying it’s more important than Family Time or God Time. But we definitely need Friend Time, too.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)

More than that, we need good friendships with with women we can call sisters in Christ – women who are older and wiser than us, women who are younger and looking up to us, women who above all else seek to honor God with their lives.

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 <– (Or in our case, “woman.”)

Thanks to technology, our great big world is also amazingly small. I can have and make friends all over the world. I can write them, call them, text with them, chat or video chat with them, email them, comment on their blogs, connect with them through Facebook or Twitter, and all sorts of wonderful things.

I have friends who I used to know well but who now live far away and I have really good friends who I have never even met.

I have friends who homeschool and those who don’t, friends from all walks of faith, friends who are single and married, friends from varying backgrounds and political stances – so much diversity.

Friendship is a good thing. But while we “stay connected” to our large circle of friends, let’s make sure that we make time to intentionally connect with that smaller circle of Christian sisters on a regular basis.

Yes, we can text and online chat, visit at church and talk on the phone – that all counts. But it isn’t nearly as good as the real thing, right? Hang out for an afternoon while the kids play in the backyard, sneak out once a month to go for coffee – something. It will vary depending on your circumstances. And while you’re together, share, love, laugh, encourage, and enjoy. A good time with a good friend is a refreshing boost wrapped up in a smile.

And let’s face it… while we’re in the trenches of motherhood, we need a refreshing boost every now and then, don’t we? We need moms who have gone before or who are in the trenches with us to say, “Yes! I get you!! Hang in there, we can do this!”

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a conference with a friend. The conference was wonderful. The fellowship we had on the drive down and overnight was just as wonderful. That’s not something we can do very often, but we can seek little ways to get fellowship with our friends in smaller doses more frequently. We should.

Because friend, I know motherhood is hard. It’s hard and wonderful and challenging and amazing and exhausting in more ways that one. But you know what? I get you! Hang in there. You can do this!

So what do you think?
Do you think moms need Girlfriend Time, too?

 Background Image Source: Teacup Coffee Flower by Elizabeth Lindhag

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About Amber Oliver

Amber writes about homemaking and eclectic homeschooling from deep in the heart of Texas at her blog, Classic Housewife. A daughter of God, wife, and mother of three very different children, Amber loves to write, encourage, and help others. Blogging and social media have become tools through which she can use her talents for the glory of God. As a busy homeschool blogging mom, Amber depends on God daily (and also coffee and chocolate.) Amber’s main goal is to help her children find God’s fingerprints through all of creation, learning and life.

2 thoughts on “Do Moms Need Girlfriend Time?

  1. Lataya Simpson

    I absolutely agree! Girlfriend time motivated me to gert counseling when I needed it. It inspired me to write my first book. It encouraged me to be a better mom, wife, daughter, friend and believer. Thanks for writing this!

  2. Noelle

    I think girlfriend time is important too, however I would like to know how you squeeze time in for that after getting all your roles done being a homeschooling mom. I have 8 kids (9 if you count my beautiful daughter-in-law)from 19-1, one that is married. I am married to a military Chaplain who is very busy and gone at least 2 weekends a month either at drill or teaching marriage/family conferences. We are in a new area, have never had babysitters and our closest family members are over 4 hours away. After meeting the needs of the family and home I have a hard time figuring out how to have enough time to even find and build relationships with like minded women? Any tips??? It is sad to say but I really don’t have anyone in our area beyond my immediate (husband and kids) family! I feel the pressure to build relationships but just can’t seem to find the time! I would love to hear others thoughts! Thank you!


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