Encouragement for the Overwhelmed Mom – 590

It’s easy to become overwhelmed with our schedules, and we’d probably all be lying if we didn’t admit to being there at least once ourselves! In fact, I wrote a book about that! But there are some things you can do to keep from being beat!  Let’s talk about some practical and spiritual strategies today, busy mom!


Matthew 11:28-30


Heidi St John Homeschooling Guide to Daylight

Crazy Busy: A Mercifully Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem by Kevin DeYoung – I’M TOO BUSY!” We’ve all heard it. We’ve all said it. All too often, busyness gets the best of us.  Just one look at our jam-packed schedules tells us how hard it can be to strike a well-reasoned balance between doing nothing and doing it all.  That’s why award-winning author and pastor Kevin DeYoung addresses the busyness problem head on in his newest book, Crazy Busy — and not with the typical arsenal of time management tips, but rather with the biblical tools we need to get to the source of the issue and pull the problem out by the roots.  Highly practical and super short, Crazy Busy will help you put an end to “busyness as usual.”

More Like This From The Busy Mom

How Busy is Too Busy? -Life is busy and often there is no end in sight. Join Heidi and Durenda as they help sort out how busy really is just too busy.

Busy Seasons and Weary Souls – God doesn’t clearly tell us in his Word what is too much or too little when it comes to busyness. That’s something we each have to walk out with him. What He does tell us though, is that He wants us to be about HIS business…His agenda. In other words, to be led by the Holy Spirit. Being too busy is only okay if it’s what He wants us to do.

Balance for Busy Moms – So what does this have to do with balance?  First, we need to work to please God, not others.  Second, and it may not seem obvious at first, but if you read from verse 17  back down to that parallel verse, verse 23, you will see something that stood out to me:  I noticed that all of the verses in between 17 and 23 talk about the importance of relationships. Those verses are all about healthy family relationships: wives and husbands are supposed to be in loving relationships with each other; we read that fathers are not to exasperate their children.  God’s Word is telling us that good works situations and healthy family situations go hand in hand.  This takes prioritizing and balancing.  Sometimes, good things rob us of the best things.

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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.