Home Fires Friday—Leave a Comment and Win!

It’s Home Fires Friday!


You know how crazy we are about our husbands here at The Busy Mom—and on Home Fires Friday, we encourage you to keep the home fires burning!

Several years ago, I started encouraging moms to be “That Girl” for their husbands.  It might be as simple as watching football with your man—or it might be making a consistent effort to bring sexual intimacy back into your marriage.

Whatever it is, let’s encourage each other to love our husbands!  It’s always great to see what other moms are doing to nurture their marriages.

Leave a comment telling us what you do to keep the home fires burning and we will choose two winners to receive an eBook version of “The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Romance!”  You can also leave a prayer request.  I read every comment here—and we have a team of busy moms who pray for your requests.

For a chance to win a bundle of my books, save the image above and share it at your blog or on Facebook.  Be sure to link back in comments so that we see it.

One little reminder: keep your comments clean 🙂 There are children looking over the shoulders of their moms right now.

Love that husband of yours, busy mom! You’re “That Girl!”



Jennifer and Christine are our winners (chosen by random.org), and have been notified via e-mail! Thanks for all your fun comments. Sounds like you ladies do a great job keeping those fires burning!

Heidi St John Guide to Romance

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About Heidi St. John

Heidi has been married to her husband Jay since 1989. Together they have seven children and three grandchildren! The St. Johns homeschooled their kids all the way through high school. Heidi is the the author of seven books, host of the popular podcast "Off the Bench," and the founder of MomStrong International, an online community of women learning God's Word and how to apply it to every day life. She and her husband Jay are also the founders of Firmly Planted Family and the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, located in Vancouver, Washington.

108 thoughts on “Home Fires Friday—Leave a Comment and Win!

  1. Christie Brasser

    When we were dating I used to heat up the meat on his sandwiches and melt the cheese on top before making the sandwich so that mayo doesn’t touch unmelted cheese (just one of his THINGS). 3 kids later and I’m lucky if I get to eat lunch but as he works from home now, I’ve decided to start melting his cheese again :).

  2. Crystal

    I love my husband. I try really hard to make sure to have energy left over at the end of the day for him. It’s not always easy (and it doesn’t always happen) but I try to make an effort!

  3. Violy Topacio

    At 38 y/o and no dance background at all, I am now learning how to pole dance for my hubby. Being together for 19 years… I have to think of “special” ways to keep the fire burning.;)

  4. Alicia Weiers

    On Fridays I bring our daughter and a coffee to go visit my husband at work. Some days we bring lunch too. We plan our day around what we now call “family Fridays at the office”. Other guys in my husbands office have caught on and sometimes their wives and babies come visit too. I try to make him feel like he is the most important person to us. We love our Fridays!

  5. Lisa

    I iron his clothes and put them on a hanger with his socks and belt (matching of course) so he doesn’t have to match it up as he hates doing that. He hates spending money at the cleaner, so I try to honor that. I have gotten my 10 year old son to iron daddy’s clothes for $.25 an item (with no major wrinkles). He beams when it’s all done!

  6. Jennifer

    We’ve had this philosophy that if we kiss a lot, we won’t fight as much. And it works! We’ll be married for seventeen years this October fourth. We kiss all the time~just a peck sometimes, sometimes more~and we “let” our four boys catch us in the act. It’s good for them to see our stability as a married couple, and it grosses them out. Which is sometimes fun to do when you have teenagers. 😉 Secretly, though, I think they like it.

    We do have our occasional spat, like we did last night, but it’s awfully hard to fight with someone you kiss all the time. I shared this story with K-Love once, and they liked it so much that they read it on air.

    Thank you for this chance to win! God bless!

  7. Lindsey

    I’m trying to be more intentional about spending time with my Prince Charming. I’m usually in the bed as soon as the kids are but I’ve been staying up longer just to talk and watch tv or a movie with him.

  8. Christy Ball

    My husband loves Star Wars & Star Trek. I enjoy Star Wars in small portions, but Star Trek took some learning to adjust. I enjoy sitting ok snuggling up and watching his show. Never know what snuggling up next to my man leads to 🙂

    I also love cooking for my man. I love cooking things he likes & at the same time making it as healthy as I can. I want him to be around a long time!!!

  9. Heather

    I love having quiet time when our 2yo is not up yet. We talk about our goals and plans for the week ahead. Coffee is normally involved 🙂

  10. Bay

    I should do more for my husband because he loves his family so much and does so much for us. I love my husband.

  11. Rikki

    This is a place to be honest, and get encouragement from other busy moms, so here goes…I would like to win this book, not because I know how to keep the romance alive, but because I am struggling to keep not only the romance, but my marriage in general alive. I try my best every single day to make sure my husband knows that I love him, that I am proud of him, that I need him, that he is a great provider to our family, and a great daddy to our two boys. After almost 11 years of marriage though, he says he feels trapped, and that he no longer knows what he wants. I am at a loss, and I am struggling to figure out what I can do on my end to make it better for him. I would love to win this book, to give me new and fresh ideas, on how to put romance back in our lives. Maybe if the romance was rekindled, our marriage could start to heal and rebuild.

    1. Wanda

      Rikki, it sounds so trite, but please, make a concerted effort to pray for your husband. If you can get your hands on it, pray through the book The Power of a Praying Wife. It will change you, but it will also change your marriage. And when you’ve read through it, keep praying for your husband. Let him know you’re praying for him.

      My husband is feeling weighed down over the last few months. I’m praying for him more but I’m also telling him that I’m praying for him. I think it makes a huge difference. And I have faith that God will work in our lives in ways we can’t imagine.

    2. Tracie B.

      Rikki, I have been in your shoes. Unfortunately on both sides of it. My husband & I struggled in our first few years. We split up repeatedly over the course of 6 months. We were in a rut & we took each other for granted. We didn’t have God in our lives. We realized this & my Husband got saved a few years later. A few years later, he announced his call to preach. We fell back into the rut & I felt trapped. Feel free to read my story here: http://traciebauguess.blogspot.com/2010/08/my-deepest-valley.html
      He is now a pastor of a Baptist church. We have another child. Our faith & our marriage is stronger than it ever has been.

      God has a plan for you dear!! Keep the faith. Keep praying! Remember that even when we cannot see it, God has it all figured out. I will pray for you & your husband!

  12. Sara Alcantara

    We talk find, “us” time. It being really busy with him having two jobs and me a toddler and a 1MONTH baby at home!!!

  13. Linda

    Randomly kiss him passionately when he walks by. Excitedly meet him when he comes home and sit and listen when he is ready to talk about his day.

  14. candice

    We homeschool our 7 y/o, 5 y/o and 9 m/o girls. Right after our baby was born we found out our oldest has a tumor in her trachea. So the last 9 months have been consumed with finding the best treatment. While it is benign it continues to grow and occlude her airway. This next Friday the 19th she will have major surgery to remove it. It is a surgery that has not been done before. Needless to say the “home fires” have struggled. We would appreciate the prayer as this time grows closer.

    1. Lydia

      Candice, I will pray for you and your family.
      It is so important to draw closer to each other as we face a crises. That is what makes our marriage stronger.
      Sometimes, just sitting and holding hands, making a decision to not let a day go by without a really long hug. Reminding each other that you’ve each got the others back and you are covered with love.
      The enemy wants us to lose our love during trials. This is the time to be that cord bound together with Jesus at the centre.

  15. Christy

    It’s July so being “That Girl” right now means snuggling on the couch each night to watch the Tour dr France. 🙂

    Please pray that I have the endurance to wake up early before my children to battle burnout. I’m starting to get overwhelmed by having two “official” grade schoolers this year for record keeping, a military move and at least three months of geographical separation.

  16. Wanda

    I learned to understand and “talk” football. Football is his primary love language. From watching the draft with him to chatting pre-season work-outs and contracts to running a fantasy football league, I’m doing everything I can to be interested in his interests.

    I also plan our date nights, reminding him when it’s time to reconnect with each other without the kids. I line up the babysitter, buy the movie tickets and/or make the reservation.

    I also make a point of not letting too much time go by without physical intimacy. I know how important that is for him.

    I think the most important thing I do, though, is pray for him. I recently purchased a second copy of The power of a Praying Wife. I had given mine away a little while ago and really felt the need to be praying through that book again. As I’ve been reading it, I’m realizing how far I’ve come in my prayer life and in my interactions with my husband. The first time I read through that book, I was very convicted of how I need to change. Now, as I read through it for about the fifth time, I feel more of a need to cover my husband in prayer. That’s not to say that I shouldn’t change still, but I’m really feeling God’s pull for me to pray for the person who is most important to me. So, I am.

  17. Lisa

    I get up (before the sun) with him to make his coffee/breakfast/lunch and see him off to work for the day. Then I greet him out front, with a kiss and a helping hand, when he gets home (I TRY to be out of my jammies with a little bit of makeup on).

  18. Autumn

    With me being 31 weeks pregnant with baby #5, I’m usually so tired at the end of the day. I’m trying really hard to put forth the last of my energy to be intimate with him after the kids go to bed. I’ve found that a nice shower right after the kids go to bed helps to wake me up and re-energize me a little before crawling into bed with him. It’s really important to have our “mommy-daddy time” right now because he leaves for a 6 or 7 month deployment in a few short weeks.

  19. Vanessa Alter

    Even though he says I’m crazy to wake up so early (he says he would sleep in if it were him), I started doing it recently just so I can make him coffee before he leaves for work. He likes my coffee better than anyone else’s… except for Starbucks. 🙂 It is really nice to get to say “bye” to him in the morning and wish him a great day.

  20. Ashley

    I always have supper waiting on him when he gets off from work at 6. I also “serve” him his plate. I was always taught a way through a man’s heart is his stomach. He works hard all day to provide the food, so I am sure to cook it and serve him. If I will sometimes make homemade pound cakes (his favorite) to really excite him.. haha.

  21. Heather Van Galder

    I am so excited to have childcare this week! Planning a special date night for my hubby at his favorite restaurant, and we are kayaking on the river together this weekend! Fond memories of dating before we were married!

  22. Lesly

    My husband and I never really had the “us” time because we were away for basically half a year after we got married (2004) and by the time we got together I fell pregnant (2005) with our first son and since then, I had child #2, #3 and #4 all happened in 4 years time, so literally baby and chores. It’s only now that our 4 kids have grown a bit that we can have that “us” time now and again and we cherish every bit of that as it doesn’t happen all the time. 🙂

  23. Kelly

    I like to leave little notes and hershey kisses in my husband’s lunch box to remind him of how much a love him. Also when I get treats for the kids when I am shopping I always try to get him one too.

  24. Tara

    I periodically write love notes, messages in the steam on the mirror after I shower. When the steam goes away, so does the message UNTIL he takes a shower and then the message shows up again, just for him :). It will stay on there for a few days, or until I clean the mirror. It’s a fun, semi-secret way to flirt.

  25. Melissa

    This is an ironic post really, as just two days ago my Husband & I were talking about what we BOTH could do to spice up the marriage! He leaves the house @ 5am and doesn’t get home until 6pm, so he is bone tired when he gets home. I try my best to have dinner ready, a little makeup on and a cute outfit. I know I don’t HAVE to do it, but I feel when I DO it that his attitude is a little different. Along with having the house in order, I think having things done helps us to have more time together in the evening! When my 3 year old watches her “Angelina Ballerina”, we have our “Mommy & Daddy” time! This has helped immensely even if we just cuddle without a child bobbing up in our faces:) So yes, taking the time to MAKE the time is what will help the marriage!

  26. AngieE

    I’m working hard right now on having our three littles bathed and our house straight when my hubby gets home from work. When I’m successful, we are able to have dinner and a little family time (relatively chaos-free) before the kids go to bed. THEN mommy and daddy get some quiet time to talk and be just “us” for a bit! 🙂

  27. Pat in Tenn

    We have been married going on 27 years and 3 daughters later…. We are blessed to have so much “alone time” here and there. Our oldest is 24 and then there is the 19 yr old and the 14 yr old. At times, the girls will be house-sitting for others and we get time to be “empty-nesters” for the weekend. I try to spend time with him with whatever he is doing. Watching some “nature” show on TV or working with his leather-works…. he loves for me to just sit close by and “chat” here and there as he works. I usually have my laptop or iPad with me but he doesn’t mind.

    Once a year, in Oct, we try to always take a trip out of town together for a week of “us-time”. We talk about everything…

    But on a daily thing…. I try to have a hot meal for him at supper time, clean clothes and a clean bedroom for him to relax in. Clean sheets on the bed weekly can say so much to a tired a man….And I also try to go to bed at the same time with him, even if I am not tired yet.

    Just some of the little things that I do….. Oh, one more thing…. when he gives me a budget to stick to when shopping, it means so much to him when I respect him and stick to what he has asked…. it’s these little things that mean so much to him…

  28. Carrie

    I’ve been trying to make sure all my energy isn’t eaten up by the kids, homeschooling, projects, etc. That way, my husband gets a wife who has time for him, too. Some days are better than others. And, I try to go out with him for date nights or even just a little alone time going to the store together. Definitely could still improve a lot, though.

  29. Lisa

    After four kids, I’m trying to get some semblance of my body back ;). My husband has noticed and admired ;). Now I envision the look I want to see on his face when I fully get there. One of my gifts to him is “me!”

  30. Jamie E

    We go on dates every once in a while but we make it a point to escape to our favorite B&B every 6 months. It’s so nice to reconnect and have peace and quiet for a day or two. It also gives us something to look forward to twice a year. 🙂

  31. vickity907

    I’m also pregnant with our 5th baby. I must say by the end of the day I’m really tired. So on those nights that I sleep really well and my body is rested it’s always nice to wake up early and “dance”.He’s always been a fan of morning “dance time”. It starts our day off with a spring in our step and smile on our face.

  32. Martha

    I’ve loved being “That Girl” through 18 years & 4 kids. We have a close marriage because we take time daily to talk & connect. I LOVE being married to “That Guy”!!

  33. LeAnne

    My hubby works from home. I make sure to go up into his office several times a day and rub his neck & shoulders. He works hard to provide for our large family & I want him to know how much I love & appreciate him. We are blessed with a wnderful Godly man!

  34. Barbara

    My husband has a very stressful job. He works at home so sometimes it seems like it is 24/7 so the best way to keep the home fires burning is to get him out of the house with his guy friends on our boat fishing. A lot of times he needs encouragement because he doesn’t want to leave me home but he really needs to get out to relax. So push him out I do. We will be married 40 years this year.

  35. Christina

    My husband and I do three things that keep our fire burning strong!
    1 – we pray together at least once a day. It started out awkward and short, but has grown tremendously over the years. When we put God first as a couple, the rest follows easily.
    2 – we eat healthy and encourage each other to stay fit and exercise. When one or both of us feels out of shape, we lose confidence and intimacy. Making exercise a priority (time-wise) keeps us happy and healthy!
    3- we drop the kids at one of our parents’ house at least once a weekend. We spend the time just hanging out like we did when we were first dating. Even if the house is a wreck, even if we have other things to do, we just hang out and catch up, be intimate, have fun!
    Praying for all the moms who need encouragement. With God, all things are possible, stay positive!!!!

  36. Tonya

    I try to greet my man at the door every night when he gets home with a smile, a warm hug or kiss and I ask him how his day was and that I am so glad he is home.

  37. Claudine Arce

    About 3 months ago, I decided to be “That girl” I prayed and asked God to help me see my husband as He sees him and since then, we have had the best marriage ever! ( in all areas if you know what I mean)
    I make sure my kids see me being a loving,respectful and caring wife to my husband although this sometimes make them blush and say,” Oh Mom, that’s grose!” with a big smile on their faces! ha,ha

  38. Lauren

    Even if we’re heading to the cottage or camping, I try to pack a nice little somethin’ somethin’, in case the opportunity should arise ;0)

  39. Jennifer

    While my husband and I may not be what most would consider to be the “typical couple” (my husband is 29 years older than me and has 3 boys from his first marriage, when I look at my husband I don’t see an “old man”. I see my best friend, my lover, my protector, the father of my babies. He is what keeps me grounded when my mind tries to take off on its own. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s not unusual for the kids to see us holding hands (out in public and around the house) or see one of use stealing a smooch in the kitchen while doing dishes or making dinner. I hope that my kids can someday see past what society may think is the “perfect mate” and marry the one that they love!

  40. Lynn

    Have loved reading all of these comments!!!

    As we have both been married before, we were determined when we married 14 years ago that we would do this right!!! We have three grown/married daughters (from my marriage) and a son who is 10 years old (yes, we started over via adoption… on God’s prompting!)so I make sure that our little guy goes and spends a night or two with one of his sisters, which gives us some alone time!! I also got us season tickets to a local dinner theater, where we can have a date night 5 times a year, and since I plan them in advance, there are no excuses to not attend!

    My hubby also works four midnight shifts each week… so on his three days off I work hard to make sure that this time is spent together!!! So on the days that he sleeps, I try and get my errands ran!!!

    But one of the most important things…. being affectionate and thankful!!!! A quick kiss in passing, a hug, and a “thanks for mowing the yard, it looks wonderful!” can go a LONG way in making a husband feel truly appreciated!!!!

  41. andrea

    Fresh coffee, clean sheets, disciplined kids and early bedtime all make him happy. He works really hard, and these things make his days simpler. 🙂

  42. Amber

    I try to aim at Weds and Sun for our intimacy. I also send him texts with our “code words” asking him if we can connect that night. I know he likes those! 🙂

  43. Emily

    Shared! I make coffee for my hubby everyday and always offer to work a job if he needs a break from his 2nd job. Want him to know I appreciate his sacrifice. I also listen to him vent about his day at work and try my best to sympathize with him.

  44. Melissa

    We consistently have “dates”. It might be a quick lunch out on the weekend or a whole Saturday afternoon together – so important to keep those home fires burning. 🙂

  45. Victoria M

    We discovered an app for our i-phones called “Couple”. It allows us to send private messages to one another without anyone being able to access them without a password. It’s fun to flirt with him while he’s at work and know that it’s only for his eyes.

  46. Mary

    Hang out naked as much as possible. When we’re alone in the house, we pretty much never wear clothes, and we have a GREAT MARRIAGE! =)

  47. Tracie B.

    We text each other constantly during the day. Sometimes just saying “hi”, sometimes telling each other how awesome & sexy we think the other is. I have also started waking him up in the middle of the night just so I can love on him like we used to.

  48. Jessica A.

    My husband and I have date nights at home when our son goes to bed. One of the things we do is check out a movie from the library and cuddle while watching it. We like those times becasue we are able to connect and love upon each other 🙂 Also throughout the day we like to send each other love texts! 🙂

  49. renita t

    We try to go on dates often. Just the two of us. Even if it is just to the grocery store! We also read some of the same books so that we can talk about them and share another part of our lives. We watch movies together and have movie marathons! We try to do a variety of things just like when we were dating, but with five kids it means we have to get creative!!

  50. Amy

    One of my favorite things to do when things are stressful is to go on a “First Date” date. We pretend we are on our first date. I spend WAY more time getting ready. He comes to the door with flowers. We don’t talk about kids or finances. We ask each other deeper questions. I don’t backseat drive. (I would NEVER do that on a first date!!) It reminds us how to appreciate each other again. And the end of these dates are ALWAYS amazing because we are NOT on our first date!! We’ve been married almost 14 years now…so we enjoy all the benefits of that goodness. 😉

  51. Rosana

    With three kids 3 and under, I have found putting intimacy on my calendar helps me remember to make sure I am as rested as possible and makes me stop and think to put his needs before my kids. We also usually try to have a “date” night once per week (it is usually just doing something together at home after the kids are in bed because we can’t afford to go out much).

    1. Christine

      Rosana that is so great! Keep that up – the time will come when you will have a kid to babysit. But you are laying the ground work now. I wish I had done that earlier in my marriage.

  52. Vanessa

    I have been dying to read this book!! I absolutely adore my husband & I am so thankful God chose us for each other. We have been married almost 8 years and it has been a wild ride!

    6 years ago we picked a spot on the map & packed up all we had to move across the country. We wanted a different life for our family than we had growing up. We purchased a to-be-built home in February, found out we were pregnant in July, learned that it was twins in September & moved in October!

    Everything from there forward has been nothing but crazy; out of work for almost a year then two hour (each way) commuting for 2 1/2 years. 4 house moves, 3 home purchases, 2 home sales & another baby (for a total of 3 kids!) all in 5 years & we’re still madly in love 🙂

    While childcare & finances are often roadblocks to dates, we make time to connect as we can. I respect, support & encourage his decisions. I rest assured that he has my best interest at heart & he knows that I trust him completely. We leave love notes for each other often & I do my best to let him know each day that we were thinking of him and appreciate his time away at work.

    However, as a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to 3 kids under 5 1/2, I find myself exhausted & struggling. I am discovering how much my self-esteem ties into the bedroom and how I struggle with the balance of taking care of the kids, the house & the marriage. I know in my head & heart that the marriage has to come first, but I need some practical ideas, insight & encouragement.

    Sorry for the lengthy comment & thank you!

  53. Amy

    He does canning and preserving foods. It’s fun to him. Yesterday, I went with him to his mom’s, excitedly and as a family, to pick figs. It was NOT FUN. I could have accomplished a lot at home. BUT he has no idea how I felt about it. Not a negative word was spoken, I asked questions and talked to him, took care of any kid needs, so he didn’t have to stop. My goal? Regardless of the activity, it’s my duty to Love My Man. I was happy to be with him, so why make it negative? Thanks, Heidi! I kept picturing your big smile, helmet tucked under arm.

  54. Rebecca Emmons

    I make a point of always telling him what I appreciate and admire about him and what he does, even (or especially) when we’re having hard times and it seems like nothing is going right. We always touch each other in small ways: hugs, kisses, brush of a hand. I’ve spent a lot of time with my feet propped up because I’m pregnant, and whenever he walks by my chair, he tweaks my toes. 🙂 When we have money, I sometimes buy him a card, flowers, or a treat like sushi or his favorite treat; otherwise, it’s just trying to plan a warm meal for the end of the day. But I think the biggest thing may be how I boost his ego and always remind him of how I see him, because he tends to have a lower opinion of himself than I think he should. 🙂 We’re neither of us perfect, but we are perfect for each other, and that remains despite the hard times.

  55. Karen

    My husband and I met while we were professional ballroom dancers, so as often as we can we go out dancing together. That gets a little crazy with five little ones at home, but it really can mean so much more now that it takes so much more effort. We also teach a dance class for couples at our church every Sunday, which gives us time to reconnect, and just be “us”.

  56. Annette Lehmann

    Hope I got this right- I shared the picture on FB! My hubby and I try to keep dates in our site- he loves to fly amateur planes and I try to give him the time to do it- and if I can, be there with him! This week we laid around together and watched a movie two nights in a row!!! (That’s huge- we never have time to do that!!)

  57. Christine

    Some people have already mentioned something similiar but for us it’s a standard weekly date night. We are blessed that our oldest child is finally old enough to babysit so we don’t have to pay anyone. We go out to eat or do errands or just walk the mall. The way we used to do when we were dating. Sometimes we’ll even sneak out on a Saturday to do errands that we would normally do alone. It has helped our marriage so much. We both feel we are being heard and that helps in every area or our marriage. It’s great to have that feelig of carefree timelessness!

  58. KAS

    Shared on Facebook
    My husband was so happy to see the button/photo/public statement that -I love my husband!-
    Thank you!

  59. Lisa K

    I write love notes to my husband and put them in his lunchbox or leave them by our coffee maker or write them on our bathroom mirror.

  60. Cathy Duhm

    I find my hubby enjoys it when I go outside and either play with him and the kids or at least sit and watch. I usually “clock out” when daddy gets home and tend to other things while he plays with the kids. Being involved with them makes his heart sing!!

  61. Stacey P.

    We go for long drives to talk and we’ll stop for ice cream or go sit on the beach for our alone time. Sometimes we walk on the boardwalk holding hands and it feels as though there’s no one in the world but just us. I’ll look over at the ocean and still marvel at the never ending waters in awe of God’s creation. I find it comforting in that it reinforces that our marriage was meant to be by God. After writing,this I think I’m due for a date!

  62. Olivia

    I love writing my husband notes or texting him through the day that I’m thinking of him. Welcoming him home with a kiss and hug despite feeling like a spit-up on mommy is something else I try to do!

  63. Korri

    I’m afraid I (we)have been somewhat lax in keeping the fires burning. After 21 years and 4 kids, it’s easy to neglect what’s most important. This is a good reminder. And maybe winning that book would help!

  64. Bridget

    My husband means the world to me, he’s my best friend. I go above and beyond for him, b/c it’s what I am called to do. I want to make life at home for him fun and fulfilling. We love working on projects together, which he digs that I do that with him. I try to have a warm dinner ready when he gets home and the one of the biggest things is I initiate “time” with him!!

  65. Renee

    Although I work outside of the home and my husband stays home I still try to let him know I appreciate everything he does for us. And I let him drive instead of me taking charge in everything we do. I have been working really hard to move the kids out of our bed as over time they have moved in to our room.

  66. Ambee

    My husband and I just had twins, our sixth and seventh children. Our first four are school age, the oldest is 12, and we homeschool. Life has been very challenging as our twins have been difficult (but adorable) babies. I exclusively breastfeed and at 10 1/2 months they still do not sleep at night. Many nights I see every hour on the clock. We do not live near relatives and do not have money fir “help”, but it has forced us to be creative with our time and also to keep our sense of humor. My husband makes me laugh a lot, sometimes at things that really make me want to cry. Laughter is such a gift from God! We verbally encourage one another, and work well as a team. He loves me, warts and all. We pray together every day, have since dating, and always go to bed together. We also always sleep nude… Even with two cribs within arms reach. When we get back to full nights sleep again, I look forward to getting up early with him again and “seeing him off”. I know he appreciates that. I also know he appreciates knowing his children are well cared for all the time, so he can have peace while he works. I love him, and desperately want to be a blessing to him!

  67. Kassandra

    I love to give my husband foot and back rubs! It really turns him on and it shows him how much I love him. I’m 37 weeks along with baby number two and the home fires still get lit at least once a week. God is so good!


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